If I only found out after, then how am I supposed to answer this question?
Okay... I'll give you that one.
Let's say you find out right before. The mood is set... you're about to commence... and she/he says, "before we start, there's something I have to tell you..."
Yes.If "he" can turn into the hottest woman ever,and is compatible,then I would.Though its more out of the fantasy of boning the hottest being ever.Unless he was with the hottest woman ever.Then I'd do her instead
I doubt I'd get a disease-J'onn's race has been dead for a long,long time.Its not like he's had an STD for the whole time
Besides, is J'onn a "he" in the traditional sense? He's a Martian. Who's to say that they have exactly two genders, and that those are comparable to our two genders?