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15 Minutes with The Kid Lantern

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
    I have a friend who apparently did that multiple times and also didn't get arrested (but once only because she outran the cops). Sadly, I missed these events (she was hot).
    Ouch, it would have been cool to have seen that. Oh well maybe one day if you get lucky.

    1) Okay, how about an Alan Scott GL film, how would you make that?
    2) What are your favourite microheroes made by you?
    3) What's the weirdest situation you've gotten into while in a café, restaurant, pub, diner, or any other food place?
    4) Would you ever jump into the sea when it's ice cold in the middle of winter with nothing on? Not even for money?
    5) Most embarrassing situation you've ever been in?
    6) Favourite Star Trek series?
    7) Favourite Star Wars movie?
    8) Opinions on Fish & Chips?
    9) Opinions on vinegar?
    10) What would you if DC removed Kyle Rayner from the continuity?
    11) Favourite actor/actress?
    12) Dream Job?
    13) Favourite day of the week?
    14) Chess or Snakes & Ladders?
    15) Dominos or Scrabble?
    16) Silver or Black TV?
    17) Favourite Operating system? (Windows, Mac OS and so on)
    18) Most anticipated upcoming film?
    19) Least anticipated upcoming film?
    20) Waist coats or cardigans?
    21) Freddy or Jason?
    22) Blade films or Punisher films?
    23) Favourite number?
    24) Family Guy or American Dad?
    25) Favourite 21st century horror film?
    26) Favourite 20th century horror film?
    27) Favourite horror film in general?
    28) Name one of the most underrated film in your opinion.
    29) Are you looking forward to the Shazam film much?
    Originally posted by IonFan
    (even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
    Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
    If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
    Originally posted by Quaker
    I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.


    • #47
      1.) Period piece set in the 40's with some kinda lense on the cameras to make the film itself look older as well. Solomon Grundy is the obvious choice for a villain and there would either be a mention or two of JSA characters or a cameo from one of them.
      2.) Some of my original characters probably like Fire Ant, Plex, and the stuff from my RP's.
      3.) After my oldest sister [she's like 53 now I think] told my older nephew [who's just 9 months older than me...] he was stupid in a McDonalds. He shoved a fry up each nostril and rolled around in circles in from of the counter asking for chicken nuggets like he was retarded.
      4.) Done that twice on dare's. Only got sick the first time...
      5.) I was drunk on moonshine in the 10th grade in the mall and after a chick flirted with me at the local pizza place I walked around erect for God knows how long before noticing.
      6.) Classic Star Trek with Shatner.
      7.) Probably the first film from the original trilogy. Need to watch those three with my son soon at some point...
      8.) Can't say I have an opinion cause I don't really eat fish. The one exception is Long John Silver's but I think it's probably the batter itself that gets me.
      9.) I like pickled sausages and it's one of the main ingredients, so I guess it's not bad?
      10.) I'd give up on DC completely.
      11.) Jeff Bridges... mostly for Tron, Star Man, and the Big Lebowski.
      12.) Writing comics and character design
      13.) Payday
      14.) Chess
      15.) I like both, but probably scrabble more...
      16.) Black
      17.) Windows 7
      18.) B v S: DoJ
      19.) If I'm not looking forward to it then its whatever shit they're putting out now for chicks and/or children.
      20.) Real men wear neither...
      21.) Freddy
      22.) Blade, but that's just cause a true Punisher movie has yet to be made incorporating all the right elements. I'd LOVE to see Punisher show up in the Disney owned MCU.
      23.) 6669, was gonna be the title of a homemade movie I was gonna make with a goth girl who was a freak in the sack.
      24.) Family Guy, but IDK about these newer seasons. A little too graphic just for the sake of being graphic. Old FG, new AD...
      25.) The Ring
      26.) My Bloody Valentine [classic]
      27.) Wolf with Jack Nicholsen
      28.) Bong Water with Luke Wilson, Andy Dick, Jack Black, among others...
      29.) Only if the Rock plays Teth Adam...



      • #48
        Y u no like cardigans and waistcoats?

        1) Pointy shoes or round shoes?
        2) Suits or Blazers?
        3) Necktie or bowtie?
        4) Neckwear or open collar?
        5) Opinions on top button swag?
        6) Most boring film?
        7) You sure have a weird life, what's the weirdest situation you've seen or gotten into with water?
        8) Biscuits or cake?
        9) Is there a member of your family you dislike?
        10) Best superhero films of the 20th century?
        11) Best superhero of the 2000s?
        12) Best superhero of the 2010s?
        Originally posted by IonFan
        (even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
        Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
        If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
        Originally posted by Quaker
        I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.


        • #49
          1.) Round
          2.) Suit
          3.) Necktie
          4.) Open collar
          5.) Huh? Unless I'm wearing a tie I don't button like the top 2 or 3 buttons...
          6.) George of the Jungle or Battlefield Earth... only two movies I've ever walked out on.
          7.) Took my son down to the docks to try and teach him to swim and such. There's like a little faux beach area where several families do this, however that day there were only three kids in the water and only one my son's age. Since there wasn't any girls for my son to look tough in front of he didn't wanna do much in the water... until the kid his age started talking about his brother being a good swimmer and going out to the buoy. Knowing I've swam with dolphins and rays my son pulls a Regular Show and just goes "Hmm Hmm... Daddy swim to that buoy." At first I didn't want to, thing was about a quarter mile out and marked the spot swimmers can't go past since there are boats and such out there as well. My son Sampson finally bargained he'd get out deeper in the water if I proved to him that I'm the best swimmer around and went to the buoy and back to show this kid his brother ain't got shit on me. I said to hell with it, cause you can't lose face in front of your boy when you're a dad, and I swam out to that thing like I was 20 years old again [last time I went to the beach] and a champ. I immediately regretted that decision once I got to the buoy. It wasn't anchored, there was no resting, and I had to tread water for a bit to get my breath back before backstroking back most of the way. To beat all, the wife didn't even take a pic while I was out that far so half the people I tell this to in person don't believe me. My son now thinks I'm the illegitimate son of Aquaman.
          8.) Cake
          9.) Everybody hates my oldest sister.
          10.) Superman
          11.) Kyle Rayner
          12.) Aquaman

          Ωmega Man
          Guardian of the Universe
          Last edited by Ωmega Man; 08-26-2014, 07:26 AM.


          • #50
            1) What's the weirdest or funniest situation you've gotten into or seen others get into involving doors?
            2) Best superhero movie of the 2000s?
            3) Best superhero movie of the 2010s?
            4) What do you think will happen in the world of superhero movies in the 2020s?
            5) What's the meanest thing you've done to somebody?
            6) Favourite thing about your house?
            7) Least favourite thing about your house?
            8) Do you like Rick Astley?
            9) Favourite portrayal of Batman in live action?
            10) Favourite Green Lantern story arc?
            11) Alien or Predator?
            Originally posted by IonFan
            (even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
            Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
            If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
            Originally posted by Quaker
            I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.


            • #51
              1.) Got stuck in a revolving door with like three people my first trip to NYC back in '03.
              2.) Watchmen or V for Vendetta
              3.) Justice League DOOM
              4.) Miles Morales will eventually become Spiderman and in response, while DC may be behind on introducing familiar concepts first [like a super speedster, demi-god, etc...] they'll introduce viewers to the Multiverse concept. Then we'll see one of the black Supermen and possibly other awesome storylines featuring multiple versions of our favorite heroes. It may be confusing for new fans but imagine the merchandise that could spawn from a DC movie based on stuff from the Multiverse...
              5.) I'd rather not say anything in too much detail, cause I don't want anybody to think less of me because of shit I did as a kid... but at some point in the 7th grade I beat a kid with a fire extinguisher after he called me mom a toothless bitch. In the 6th grade I almost caught a simple assault charge for beating up a 7th grader who beat up some of my friends. I was seen as a badass cause I had to go to court LOL
              6.) My family inside of it.
              7.) I never lived in a trailer until after I got married. Over time shit just keeps messing up or burning out in the one we're currently in [like our central heat and air, half our electrical outlets in the kitchen, floors getting weak, etc...] and we're within spitting distance from a woman who admitted to breaking into our home over a year and a half ago.
              8.) You asked me that before. I vaguely remember him but only remember like a song or two. He isn't bad, but there was better stuff in the 80's.
              9.) I liked Tim Burton's Batman as a kid, as an adultI've picked the movie apart but it's still the most enjoyable. The Dark Knight was good also, but it was a lot of the same thing that made Burton's first Batman so successful: the Joker.
              10.) The Out of Control story just before Ron Marz left the Kyle GL title that had him being manipulated by the Controllers. Next would be the Hand of God arc where Winick came up with the idea of Ion.
              11.) Predator.

              ...anybody else? I feel like I'm on some twisted talkshow with it just being Deadpool.



              • #52
                Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
                ...anybody else? I feel like I'm on some twisted talkshow with it just being Deadpool.

                How many comics do you purchase monthly? How often do you go to your LCS?
                Do you think the comics industry is better, worse, or the same (as far as quality, story telling etc) as ten years ago? Twenty?

                If you could have any of the power rings beside green, which would best suit you?

                Should parents pick unusual names (Apple, Freedom, etc) for their children?


                • #53
                  Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
                  ...anybody else? I feel like I'm on some twisted talkshow with it just being Deadpool.
                  I thought we were connecting! I'm running out of questions anyway, I'll wait a while to do more.
                  Originally posted by IonFan
                  (even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
                  Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
                  If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
                  Originally posted by Quaker
                  I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Space Cop View Post

                    How many comics do you purchase monthly?

                    How often do you go to your LCS?

                    Do you think the comics industry is better, worse, or the same (as far as quality, story telling etc) as ten years ago? Twenty?

                    If you could have any of the power rings beside green, which would best suit you?

                    Should parents pick unusual names (Apple, Freedom, etc) for their children?
                    Currently none. When there's not a comic featuring Kyle I enjoy enough to go out of my way for I just don't bother.

                    I used to go at least once a month, now it's maybe 3 or 4 times a year.

                    I think the industry as a whole is doing better with DC relaunching everything, Dynamite gaining more and more fans, more quality titles being published by Image, and Marvel doing the whole NOW thing. Back in '94 it was still the gimmick of the week with DC's top tier characters and nothing but X Men made the top 10 comics per month otherwise. I think they've come quite a long way.

                    A ring other than green? IDK probably red or blue. More than likely blue cause I have a lot of faith...

                    I think naming your kid Apple is a bit much, but when we decided on our son's name we wanted it to be something more original and not taken by every other dozen kids. My son was originally going to be named after the two kids from Neverending Story, Sebastian Atreyu, but my mother in law responded strange to the phone call. When we finally decided on Sampson Josiah I made the wife call the nurses in to get it on the information we had to fill out before calling her mother. Sampson didn't have a name for 3 days cause we couldn't agree on anything...



                    • #55
                      If you had the power to grant a live-action TV series or movie franchise to an obscure Marvel, DC, or indy comics character, who would it be? Who would you select to play him or her?
                      Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1


                      • #56
                        If Dan Didio said you can write for DC Comics but your first shot has to be a character you absolutely despise, who would that character be and outline a story idea for that character.


                        • #57
                          Screw it, I'm gonna ask more questions!

                          1) Ever been to a dirty party?
                          2) Flip-Flops or Crocs?
                          3) Which villain/s would you use in a Spider-Man sequel?
                          4) Which villain/s would you use in a Superman sequel?
                          5) Which villain/s would you use in a Batman sequel/reboot?
                          6) Favourite live action portrayal of Batman?
                          Originally posted by IonFan
                          (even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
                          Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
                          If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
                          Originally posted by Quaker
                          I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.


                          • #58
                            I saw a guest viewing this and noticed there were some questions I left unanswered. With it being a few years now some of these questions might have changed in context [the Spiderman film in question] but we'll stick with current stuff. If anybody's got anymore questions though feel free.

                            Originally posted by Big Blue Lantern View Post
                            If you had the power to grant a live-action TV series or movie franchise to an obscure Marvel, DC, or indy comics character, who would it be? Who would you select to play him or her?
                            IDK about actors but...

                            DC: Hitman or Starman
                            Marvel: Darkhawk or Thunderstrike
                            Indy: Shadowhawk or Prime

                            Originally posted by W.West View Post
                            If Dan Didio said you can write for DC Comics but your first shot has to be a character you absolutely despise, who would that character be and outline a story idea for that character.
                            Damian Wayne is about the only character I truly HATE. Right now the only story somebody really needs to tell featuring the kid is him putting together a team of Teen Titans that doesn't suck. The same old same old isn't working and I doubt the new squad will be any different.

                            I'd make the team something like Robin, Lightning, Miss Martian, Damage, Superboy [Jon], and use another time-displaced Legionnaire with Tyroc. The idea here is to go for something different that isn't based off the Wolfman era or what's to be considered the 'big guns' of the classic Teen Titans and adult Titans.

                            Originally posted by Deadpool View Post
                            Screw it, I'm gonna ask more questions!

                            1) Ever been to a dirty party?
                            2) Flip-Flops or Crocs?
                            3) Which villain/s would you use in a Spider-Man sequel?
                            4) Which villain/s would you use in a Superman sequel?
                            5) Which villain/s would you use in a Batman sequel/reboot?
                            6) Favourite live action portrayal of Batman?
                            1.) Not exactly, but I've seen people start to get down right in front of everybody numerous times at parties in my 20's.
                            2.) Flip flops
                            3.) Gonna assume you mean Homecoming, so if I was following that flick up I'd use somebody big like the Scorpion as well as a more street level baddie like Tombstone.
                            4.) I've always wanted to see Parasite face off against Superman, and maybe another go with a classic like Toy Man.
                            5.) I'd wanna use Clayface and then introduce Kirk Langstrom so that in the following film Man Bat could be used.
                            6.) Most of the live action Batmen have been good for one reason or another, but none of them have really got the character down like some of the Marvel movie stars have. Adam West probably gets this because the cheese was just that good...

                            - Ω

