I used to think in "Spiderwebs" by No Doubt that the line "I have to screen my phone calls" was "I have to scream my balls off." Oddly enough, online I found a couple others who said the same thing.
Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen IView Post
Blinded by the li-ight!
Reved up like a douche in the something something something!
Yeah, well Manfred Mann purposely slurred it so it sounded like that. Springstein's original is quite clearly "deuce" though. He even was recorded to say that the song didn't become popular until Mann made it about feminine hygiene.
I used to think in "Spiderwebs" by No Doubt that the line "I have to screen my phone calls" was "I have to scream my balls off." Oddly enough, online I found a couple others who said the same thing.
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In Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA," I used to think he was saying "got into a hotel jam" for "got into a hometown jam." Actually, it didn't matter, though since I still knew he was enlisting to avoid jail.
It's ironic that Reagan tried to get this song for campaigning (thinking the chorus was partiotic) but was denied by the Boss. Apparently, neither Reagan (who quoted it in a speech) nor his people listened to the rest of the song.