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The Television Draft!

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  • The Television Draft!

    The rules are as follows:

    1. When it's your turn (and not earlier, there's no calling dibs), you pick one character from any given television series; live-action or animated, American or otherwise. Made-for-TV-movies, talk shows, awards shows and reality shows are off-limits. We have to draw the line somewhere. Wrestling "characters" (i.e. Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, etc) count.

    2. This is a snaking draft, which means that the first player picks one character, then the second, third, fourth, whatever each pick one character. The last one on the list (fearless in this case) picks two characters, then it's the second-to-last's turn, and it goes back all the way to player one (West in this case), who picks two, and then it's forward again. If you have no idea what I'm saying, look at one of the older drafts from a while back.

    3. We draft until everyone has five characters. There can be a theme that connects all of your characters, but it's not mandatory. Once every player has five characters, we have a Knockout Round, which means that we'll have little polls that determine whose team is the greatest. This doesn't mean "Team A would defeat Team B in a fight". If you think that Team B is more awesome than Team A, then vote for Team B.

    4. Every character can only be drafted once, even if he was in different TV series within the same continuity. If, however, the franchise was rebooted at some point, all different versions are fair game, as are different characters within the same continuity.
    Notice that different actors don't necessarily mean different versions. However, in a case such as The Doctor in Doctor Who, he counts.

    5. If there is any doubt if the character exists (or was in the show mentioned), the player drafting said character can refer to or to prove that everything is alright. If your film isn't listed there (or if it's listed as a different medium like movie or video game), it's not valid.

    6. Every player can enter only once, and vote only once. Creating duplicate forum accounts to rig the ballot is strictly forbidden.

    7. Once it's your turn, you have 8 (eight) hours to make your pick (or picks, if you're at the beginning or end of the list). Your time starts with the post of the player preceding you (or in West's first round, NOW). If your time is up, you can still draft a character, but you risk that the player after you snatches that character away from you. Suggestion: If you already know that you won't be able to make it in time, send your pick (a backup or two would not be unwise) to a forum member you trust, so that they can pick for you. This forum member can be another player of this game, but you risk that they will steal your pick (or that they had the same character in mind even before you sent them your list).

    8. The winner gets bragging rights and the satisfaction of having beaten the other players.

    9. If enough people want it, we will have a lightning round after round 5 where you can switch any ONE of your characters for another one. Trades can be made and re-drafts can be done... I'll have to work out the logistics, but yeah...

    1. W.West's Troubled Teens
    • Pacey Whitter (Dawson's Creek)
    • Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
    • Daniel Desario (Freaks and Geeks)
    • Namond Brice (The Wire)
    • Gary Oak (Pokémon)

    2. Dr. Naysay
    • Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly)
    • James "Sawyer" Ford (Lost)
    • Colonel Saul Tigh (Battlestar Galactica)
    • Roxy (Dead Like Me)
    • Templeton "Faceman" Peck (The A-Team)

    3. Shingo Wol's Doctors
    • Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
    • Dr. Daniel Jackson (Stargate)
    • Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy (Star Trek)
    • Dr. Juliet Burke (Lost)
    • Dr. Perry Cox (Scrubs)

    4. Kuhan's Men in Suits
    • Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who)
    • Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother)
    • Jerry Belvedere (Reaper)
    • Don Draper (Mad Men)
    • George Oscar "GOB" Bluth, Jr. (Arrested Development)

    5. lokeinlyesmith
    • Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
    • Lindsey McDonald (Angel)
    • Horatio Caine (CSI: Miami)
    • Joshua (Dark Angel)
    • Caleb (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

    6. Darth_Primus' Darth Avengers
    • TOK715 aka Cameron (Sarah Connor Chronicles)
    • Gabriel "Sylar" Gray (Heroes)
    • Jack Bauer (24)
    • Zatanna Zatara (Smallville)
    • Max Guevera (Dark Angel)

    7. Caleb Lancaster's Dudes From Gundam
    • Char Aznable (A Gundam Show)
    • Zechs Marquise (Probably Some Gundam Show)
    • Carozzo Ronah (I'm Guessing Gundam)
    • Anavel Gato (Survey Says...)
    • Full Frontal (GUNDAM!)

    7. Xium's Team Epic Jesus Sex
    • Coop (Megas XLR)
    • Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom)
    • Freakazoid (Freakazoid!)
    • Brain (Pinky and the Brain
    • Moredicai (Regular Show)

    8. kazzar
    • Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory)
    • Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist)
    • Gil Grissom (CSI)
    • Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)
    • Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)

    9. GL888
    • Alfred Pennyworth (1960s Batman)
    • Niles Brightman (The Nanny)
    • Geoffrey Butler (The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)
    • Lurch (The Addams Family)
    • Benson (Benson)

    10. Michael Heide
    • Number Six (The Prisoner)
    • Batman (1960s Batman)
    • Spock (Star Trek)
    • Rollin Hand (Mission Impossible)
    • Emma Peel (The Avengers)

    11. Razorgod's Damage Inc.
    • Michael Weston (Burn Notice)
    • Jayne Cobb (Firefly)
    • Victor "Vic" Samuel Mackey(The Shield, The Best Show Ever)
    • Fiona Glenanne (Burn Notice)
    • Clay Morrow (Sons of Anarchy)

    12. Lantern A-Train's Sex and Violence
    • Nancy Botwin (Weeds)
    • Brian Kinney (Queer as Folk)
    • Brock Samson (The Venture Bros.)
    • Faith (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
    • Dr. Christian Troy (Nip/Tuck)

    13. Mrt1000son's Neo-Torchwood
    • Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who/Torchwood)
    • Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who)
    • Dalek Sec (Doctor Who)
    • The Toclafane (Doctor Who)
    • Ianto Jones (Torchwood/Doctor Who)

    14. GL King Michael
    • Patrick Jane (The Mentalist)
    • Neal Caffrey (White Collar)
    • Tony Soprano (The Sopranos)
    • Stringer Bell (The Wire)
    • Abby Scuito (NCIS)

    15. irongreen2814
    • Admiral Bill Adama (Battle Star Galactica)
    • Gregory House (House, MD)
    • John Casey (Chuck)
    • Sam Axe (Burn Notice)
    • Joe Lupo (Eureka)

    16. fearless2814.1
    • Jax Teller (Sons of Anarchy)
    • Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
    • Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
    • Dexter Morgan (Dexter)
    • Christopher Chance (Human Target)
    Last edited by Kuhan; 09-19-2010, 10:38 PM.

    Originally posted by W.West

  • #2
    With the first pick in the first Television Draft, W.West selects....

    Joshua Jackson as PACEY WHITTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    + YouTube Video
    ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.

    + YouTube Video
    ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.

    Last edited by W.West; 09-03-2010, 09:38 PM.


    • #3
      How did a girl get to pick first?

      Oh well...

      My pick is...




      • #4
        Nice. Solid first pick.

        So Shingo has until 6 am

        Originally posted by W.West


        • #5
          Nice. Solid first pick.

          So Shingo has 8 hours.

          Originally posted by W.West


          • #6
            Originally posted by Kuhan View Post
            Nice. Solid first pick.

            So Shingo has until 6 am
            I was gonna go with Hitler but it seemed too obvious.


            • #7
              Um I'll take the 9th spot if no one else has already called it as long as I am informed about it.
              No Sir, I punched the viceroy in the stomach, then I headbutted him in the face. Sir.-Hal Jordan

              Villain Draft (Best Team Winner)/Proud Supporter of the DCnU


              • #8
                My First Pick.....

                Dr.Who (The Tenth Doctor) [David Tennant] From (Dr.Who)


                • #9
                  Oh fuck you. Now I have to rethink my pick...

                  Originally posted by W.West
                  DID ANYONE READ THE ARTICLE?!!!!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Caleb Lancaster
                    Just go with a Different Doctor.
                    I know, but the 10th is my favorite and the general fan-favorite... Oh well, I'll just go with:

                    The Eleventh Doctor - Matt Smith (Doctor Who)


                    Originally posted by W.West
                    DID ANYONE READ THE ARTICLE?!!!!!!


                    • #11
                      loke has 8 hours to draft. so 11:28 eastern time.

                      Originally posted by W.West
                      DID ANYONE READ THE ARTICLE?!!!!!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Shingo Wol View Post
                        My First Pick.....

                        Dr.Who (The Tenth Doctor) [David Tennant] From (Dr.Who)

                        YOU MOTHER FUDGER

                        Originally posted by Avatar Aang
                        When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.


                        • #13
                          Shit! I had no idea we even STARTED this yet. Yeesh.

                          My first pick...


                          But only 'cause Naysay stole my first choice. Asshole.


                          • #14
                            What is it with everyone and the Tenth Doctor? Geezus...


                            • #15
                              Darth_Primus has until 7:28 eastern

                              Originally posted by W.West
                              DID ANYONE READ THE ARTICLE?!!!!!!

