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R1 - Heide's PREACHER vs. JohnnyV's JOKER: Cast a DC Movie or TV Series DRAFT

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  • R1 - Heide's PREACHER vs. JohnnyV's JOKER: Cast a DC Movie or TV Series DRAFT

    Michael Heide - TV SERIES

    --- Story Arc: Preacher
    --- Protagonist: James Franco as Jesse Custer
    --- Antagonist: Christopher Walken as The Saint of Killers
    --- Love Interest: Scarlett Johansson as Tulip O'Hare
    --- Supporting Character: Norman Reedus as Proinsias Cassidy
    --- Wild Card: Jeff Bridges as God
    --- Wild Card: Aaron Paul as Arseface
    --- Wild Card: Chris Cooper as Sheriff Hugo Root
    --- Director: Coen Brothers


    JohnnyV - MOVIE

    --- Story Arc: Joker
    --- Protagonist: Mads Mikkelsen as Joker
    --- Antagonist: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Batman
    --- Love Interest: Blake Lively as Harley Quinn
    --- Supporting Character: Ryan Gosling as Jonny Frost
    --- Wild Card: Powers Boothe as Two-Face
    --- Director: Lars Von Trier
    Michael Heide's PREACHER
    JohnnyV's JOKER

    The poll is expired.

    You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!

  • #2
    I've decided I'm not voting on anything this time until both parties give a pitch. If only one person posts to tell about their project, that's likely who I'll vote for. If neither does, then I'll either not vote, or pick based solely on my personal preferences (if I have any strong ones).


    • #3

      Norman Reedus brings this cast down a notch...or two


      Questionable Batman choice.
      Two-Face choice could have been far better.
      I've only seen one film from Lars Von Trier and that was "Melancholia". Not the best of examples for his favor.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
        I've decided I'm not voting on anything this time until both parties give a pitch. If only one person posts to tell about their project, that's likely who I'll vote for. If neither does, then I'll either not vote, or pick based solely on my personal preferences (if I have any strong ones).
        Shouldn't the stories be the pitch...?


        • #5
          Originally posted by W.West View Post
          Shouldn't the stories be the pitch...?
          I suppose, if you assume they just cut and pasted the comic onto the screen. I know my shows are going to have SOME changes at least.

          Plus, I'm less familiar with some of these stories that others, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I don't want to vote simply based on which story I know better. I could look everything up (and will before voting, absent a pitch) but I'd rather the person making the proposal distilled it down for us in the way THEY envision it.

          And yes, I'm a hypocrite because I specifically avoided doing that myself in the last draft. But there everybody was drafting a Justice League. Here, we've got some seriously disparate proposals going on...


          • #6
            Instead of picking a story arc and cast I thought "would win", I decided to pick something close to me personally, and picking a cast/director who would fit the project, instead of choosing who I thought would win.

            Joker is the graphic novel that got me back into comics after a long hiatus during college. I wouldn't be doing this draft right now if it weren't for Joker.

            The story doesn't fit the typical blockbuster comic book movie mold, but it's a wonderful psychological thriller pitting Joker against other villains in the Batman stable. However, it's his relationship with Jonny Frost and Harley Quinn that would really make the movie. The movie is told sort of through Jonny Frost's experience, but it's really about Joker.

            Mads Mikkelsen is a perfect cast for this portrayal as Joker, as he has a great range which could provide those scenes where Joker goes from cool, calculating, and unassuming, to absolutely tearing shit apart.

            Jonny Frost is kind of a straight man, but as the story wears on, he becomes enveloped in Joker's world, even starting to enjoy it. Gosling is someone who has the emotional range to show this growth as the movie would wear on. Also, he would play opposite of Mad's crazy range.

            Harley Quinn is more Joker's emotional crutch in this story, unlike her more side kick/protege role in typical Joker/Harley stories. She's silent throughout most of the story, and would be so in much of the movie. I picked Blake, because she has a strong face, which could present various emotional queues without actual dialogue.

            My Batman cast is interesting, because Batman is rarely seen in the story. In fact, throughout most of it he's an invisible antagonist (if you've seen Alfred Hitchcock's Rebecca, it's sort of the same idea). So the casting for Batman wasn't nearly as important here. I needed a strong jaw for the ending, as there's a reference to it. I thought Coster-Waldau had that strong jaw line, plus we know he can play an extremely cocky character really well (as evidenced by Jamie Lannister).

            My Powers Boothe Two-Face casting was made because I needed someone from Batman's stable to be the primary shown villain in the story, and Two-Face is the most prominent. As Joker goes up against him for territory in Gotham. Boothe plays a great asshole, and would bring a strong presence to Two-Face's bi-polar condition.

            Lars von Trier was a tough choice for me, because I dislike a lot of his movies. However, the ones I do like provide a wonderful style that would send a Joker movie adaptation into the stratosphere. Much of this movie would be about psychological thrilling moments, more so than direct action, and Lars von Trier provides that in spades. While I wasn't a huge fan of Anti-Christ, you couldn't deny the kind of psychological craziness that movie brought. Probably one of the more horrifying movies I've seen in awhile.
            Pictionary Master
            Last edited by JohnnyV; 06-12-2012, 08:23 PM.

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            • #7
              Both of you have picked near perfect directors for their movies I can't think of anyone better in terms of character interaction (Coen Brothers) or atmosphere (Von Trier) - (It'd be like getting Guillermo del Toro to direct Niel Gaimen's Sandman)
              So you both win on that score.

              On the other hand, the casting in both pitches is, if I'm staying polite, extremely ropey - Christopher Walken tends to play Christopher Walken and while I loved him in the Prophecy trilogy, I just see there being more of his Gabriel as Saint of Killers. It's a good choice as they go, just lacks originality.
              I'm going to leave voting for a while and maybe cast a vote if things look tight. If nothing else, the directors picked can do some good things with otherwise bland casting.
              Minimum space distance:
              a|<- ≥2mm ->|lot

              Stormageddon added by Kuhan


              • #8
                I like both ideas, but Preacher wins it for me even though I've never heard of it.
                Originally posted by IonFan
                (even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
                Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
                If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
                Originally posted by Quaker
                I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.


                • #9
                  Preacher #1 on Comixology

                  Preacher is an epic story about good and evil and everything in-between. It's a love story. It's a western. It's a road movie. It's supernatural horror. It's sexy. It's a comedy. It's a tragedy. It's a man looking for God - both figuratively and literally. This could easily be the next "Walking Dead", the next "Lost", the next "Supernatural", the next "Twin Peaks" all rolled into one. Yes, the show would need capable people as showrunners to prevent problems those other shows had, but the Coen Brothers are more than capable. They manage to get great performances out of everyone, from Nicolas Cage to Marlon Wayans. From Matt Damon to Tara Reid. They managed to make John Goodman (King Ralph, Roseanne, The Flintstones) frightening. Plus, they have proven that they can do great work in almost every genre (I personally didn't like Ladykillers, but that might just as well be the exception to the rule). I would kill to see them adapt Preacher.

                  And so should you.


                  • #10
                    PREACHER as a TV series with that cast is to ambitious... would work better as a Movie...still gets my vote
                    Bring on CHAOS, bring on MY HAPPINESS, bring on rage ..Rage ..RAGE!!!

                    facebook: d3v1lb0y888 ...twitter: d3v1lb0y_8 ..instagram: d3v1lb0y


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by d3v1lb0y View Post
                      PREACHER as a TV series with that cast is to ambitious... would work better as a Movie...still gets my vote

                      Casting-wise, perhaps, but story-wise... Preacher needs to be episodic just to try and encompass everything the series was.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
                        I picked Blake, because she has a strong face, which could present various emotional cues without actual dialogue.

                        Originally posted by Deadpool View Post
                        I like both ideas, but Preacher wins it for me even though I've never heard of it.
                        How have you never heard of Preacher!?

                        Originally posted by W.West
                        DID ANYONE READ THE ARTICLE?!!!!!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by d3v1lb0y View Post
                          PREACHER as a TV series with that cast is to ambitious... would work better as a Movie...still gets my vote
                          Originally posted by fearless2814.1 View Post
                          Casting-wise, perhaps, but story-wise... Preacher needs to be episodic just to try and encompass everything the series was.
                          The only problem i see with this cast on television is Scarlett Johansen. Norman Reedus would probably have scheduling conflicts with Walking Dead, but he could do it. Aaron Paul is on Breaking Bad, which is ending soon. James Franco was recently a lead character on a daytime soap opera, of all things, so I don't see any problems with him doing this. Plus, with the Coen Brothers attached, you could get some people you wouldn't be able to swing otherwise (Bridges, Cooper, Walken).

                          I haven't read Preacher, but I have to vote for Heide.

                          Originally posted by W.West
                          DID ANYONE READ THE ARTICLE?!!!!!!


                          • #14
                            Loved Preacher, wins hands down....



                            • #15
                              Neither of the subjects appeal to me in this one (just personal taste), but both seem to have decent casting, and very good director choices, and I really like how passionate both of you seem about the projects. Kind of hard to make a call here. I may sit this one out.

