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Idea for the next draft

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  • #91
    I'm actually really looking forward to that draft.


    • #92
      Me too. How do the "rules" sound:

      Must include at least one character from the 80's and 90's
      Must include one Anime character
      Must include one animal character

      ANy other ideas or things you think would be better?
      I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
        Me too. How do the "rules" sound:

        Must include at least one character from the 80's and 90's
        Must include one Anime character
        Must include one animal character

        ANy other ideas or things you think would be better?
        That totally works with my team, so it seems fine by me. Maybe throw in a transformer or vehicle based character requirement?


        • #94
          FUCK Transformers.


          • #95
            That vehicle one isn't bad. I was also possibly thinking including a one villain requirement and a one superhero requirement.
            I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


            • #96
              Have there been that many superhero shows? We'd all be drafting Batman.


              • #97
                LOL yea that's true.
                I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by W.West View Post
                  Have there been that many superhero shows? We'd all be drafting Batman.
                  There have been plenty. With Justice League Unlimited and Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes practically the entire DC and Marvel universes are in there.
                  Though, I think that's a detriment. I'd like to see a draft that isn't cut to be based on superheroes. (Though, one could argue all cartoons star some kind of superhero)


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by W.West View Post
                    Have there been that many superhero shows? We'd all be drafting Batman.
                    Seriously? If it isn't restricted to era, there have been quite a few. And if we are picking a single character, as opposed to the whole show, then there have been TONS. For cryin' out loud, how many different heroes have appeared on the Superfriends alone? To say nothing of Justice League Unlimited.

                    Even if you limit the era, I still think there'd be a bunch.


                    • Yeah, for whatever I was assuming that you couldn't just pick Captain Atom or anyone who wasn't a main character.


                      • Originally posted by W.West View Post
                        Yeah, for whatever I was assuming that you couldn't just pick Captain Atom or anyone who wasn't a main character.
                        I dunno, I think in the realm of JLU Captain Atom was a main character. He was certainly as important as Superman or Batman were in that first season.


                        • Originally posted by W.West View Post
                          Yeah, for whatever I was assuming that you couldn't just pick Captain Atom or anyone who wasn't a main character.
                          Even that would leave you with a lot of choices. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, GL. The Wonder Twins.

                          Plastic Man had his own show.

                          To say nothing of options like Mighty Mouse or Underdog.

                          Caleb might be right that there are too MANY options.


                          • I think a few stipulations are good, but too many make it hard to construct a team.

                            Stick with what we have I say:
                            Must include at least one character from the 80's and 90's
                            Must include one Anime character
                            Must include one animal character
                            Must include one Automatous character (So we can have robots and transformers and such. Even Turbo Teen)
                            Caleb Lancaster
                            The Time Traveler
                            Last edited by Caleb Lancaster; 08-16-2012, 05:21 PM.


                            • Do you mean "automaton" rather than "autonomous"?


                              • My spell check apparently wanted me to say that we wanted characters who governed themselves freely. Not a bad stipulation considering the amount of drifters in cartoons though.

