Well, I wasn't expecting that! But at least it (temporarily) answers the question of how to solve the problem of life after the 13th Doctor.
I'm not sure I want to post more for fear of spoilers.
Oddly enough I was watching 'The Death of the Doctor) (tSJA) the other day and going back to the discussion about how many lives he has, he tells Clyde 507 (I got it wrong in my previous post).
Add up all the numbers in 507 and you get 12 (clever aren't I ).
Actually one of the Doctor Who producers last year I believe it was said they are retconing the number of times he can regenerate from a fixed number to making it infinite.
Actually one of the Doctor Who producers last year I believe it was said they are retconing the number of times he can regenerate from a fixed number to making it infinite.
Yeah, I remember the same thing. It's not really a a ret-con as the history remains unchanged, rather it's developing the concept in the wake of the destruction of the time-lord race: something about conservation of regeneration energy now that the other Timelords have been killed off (the history remains the same).
Other sources have said to take this with a pinch of salt until it's been confirmed on-screen
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fantastic episode. i am becoming more and more intrigued with River as i'm sure are all of you. the silents were fantastic and insanely creepy (great fashion sense tho) nixon was great, i was glued to the set and had some great laughs, like when river blew off his stetson
The Daleks you have the ability to instill great Fear welcome to the Sinestro Corps.
Response--- Wel---come? No We must Ex--ter---min---ate Sinestro
Schrodinger's pregnancy huh? It's better than a 'time head'
I wonder if the conflicting readings are due to some odd cross-link from her dream pregnancy in the last series, the crack in the universe and the Doctor? If the little girl really is Amy's, then her regeneration could be something to do with the Doctor's presence in the dream.
There's also the woman with the metallic eye-patch? She does say "No, I think she's just dreaming"
Or it could be nothing to do with Amy and the little girl is Jenny('s)
How much the Silence have been engineering though? Was it the Silence or the crack in the universe that made the world forget the Dalek invasion?
It was interesting the way that you could forget seeing a recording of them, in that there's already been a race, the Weeping Angels, who's recordings would also take on the properties of the recorded subjects.
A thought occurs that the Silence created the prototype TARDIS (seen here and in 'The Lodger') they may have also created the space suit to keep the little girl safe: Are they rebooting the Timelord race? Did they set in motion the events which would produce the girl? Did they leave the telepathic pollen in the TARDIS?
I think most of Wales heard my incandescent ranting when I watched Neil Gaiman's hatchet job of an adaptation of Beowulf. The disappointment was such that I didn't react with the same OMG fanboy/girl squeees that seemed to burst from the rest of the fandom heard that he was writing an episode I was wondering how he was going to muck it up this time.
That didn't change when I saw the promotional stills and the trailer after last week's episode, all I saw was what was probably going to be a weak Tim Burton rip off, much as last week's had been just a gratuitous excuse to have some pirates on the show.
Bloody hell! How wrong how wrong could I be?!*
To erase the smelly, brown stain that was Beowulf, Gaiman needed to do something doubly exceptional, frankly This episode was (exceptional)^((exceptional)^((exceptional)))** (it's a pain that this forum format doesn't support super-script)
It was crazy and bonkers and so beautiful and heart-wrenching. A tragedy of the Doctor and his longest love and most loyal companion. What seemed like a quirky and slow start only amplified the power of the story once it got into its stride I really don't have the words to praise this episode enough.
As for key plot stuff and the musings:
It's canon! Timelords can regenerate into the opposite gender! (Could River Song be the Master? )
So much new background for the Doctor.
Glimpses of the TARDIS's interior
A brilliant episode for Amy and Rory.
Another addition to the little girl plot: The girl could potentially be the daughter of the TARDIS... it(/she) just needed a surrogate (Amy) in which to grow it in and the contradicting readings are as they are because the pregnancy is effectively happening at all points in time***.
*well, actually there are numerous documented and undocumented accounts of just how much of numpty I can be but they pale in comparison.
**Urgh, There's a more efficient way of noting a^(a^(a))
***Like the exploding TARDIS was exploding at all points in time at the end of last season
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I saw the episode and thought it was absolutely fantastic. And as you said, It was crazy and bonkers and so beautiful and heart-wrenching. Matt Smith's best episode, hands down. I loved the Pandorica 2 parter too, but that was brilliant. And again as you said, it amplified the power of the story. I really, really loved this episode.
About your plot stuff an musings:
I doubt River is the Master, it will be just awful. And if the Master was to be brought back, I doubt it would be for a while, because the way he left in The End Of Time was just epic. I would maybe like to see them bring him back for the 50th Anniversary in 2013, but not ATM, I think it's a bit too soon.
I loved the fact they explored a bit of the Doctor's background, it shows his more emotional side. Also, I think the exploration of the TARDIS corridors and was good, they should show more of the TARDIS a bit more often. I loved Amy and Rory's roles in this episode. I believe Rory was more powerful in this episode than Amy.
And the Little girl:
It would be kinda good it she was the daughter of the TARDIS, it would make things interesting if it turned out like that.
All in all, it was a brilliant episode. I am gonna watch it again at least twice over the next few days
Originally posted by Avatar Aang
When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.