Originally posted by Tazer
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But the observation leads to a [possibly] common occurrence or linking theme - that of the Doctor's victims.
Second episode he launches the hunter off into the path of several homing missiles; last week we saw him nearly kill the alien doctor and set in motion the events which led to the alien doctor's suicide. This week we saw the Doctor's innocent victims, those people who inevitably die during events which the Doctor is involved in (sometimes by the method which saves the rest of humanity).
While I cannot know for sure, I suspect that the Oswin we met in the first episode is from later down the Doctor's timeline and got herself captured by the Daleks because of the Doctor influencing/inspiring her.
I know SM said there'd be no overarching plot this season but I'll respond to that with a) Rule 1, and b) nothing said about no common themes - this could be a 'Bad Wolf', 'Torchwood' or 'Saxon X' easter egg hunt.
We've just been reminded in these last four episodes how the Doctor is as much responsible for deaths as he is for saving lives.
Another thought occurs, All of the 11th Doctors finalé enemies have had one thing in common, they all see themselves as saving the universe from the Doctor and we're getting hints in these episodes as to why they think of the Doctor as an enemy of the universe (rather than a spanner in the works of their plans for universal dominion) and why they might be right.