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The Doctor Who Thread

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  • Originally posted by Tazer View Post
    any1 notice that Amy & Rory left a few victims on that ship??
    Eventually, I was a bit slow off the mark this week.

    But the observation leads to a [possibly] common occurrence or linking theme - that of the Doctor's victims.
    Second episode he launches the hunter off into the path of several homing missiles; last week we saw him nearly kill the alien doctor and set in motion the events which led to the alien doctor's suicide. This week we saw the Doctor's innocent victims, those people who inevitably die during events which the Doctor is involved in (sometimes by the method which saves the rest of humanity).
    While I cannot know for sure, I suspect that the Oswin we met in the first episode is from later down the Doctor's timeline and got herself captured by the Daleks because of the Doctor influencing/inspiring her.

    I know SM said there'd be no overarching plot this season but I'll respond to that with a) Rule 1, and b) nothing said about no common themes - this could be a 'Bad Wolf', 'Torchwood' or 'Saxon X' easter egg hunt.

    We've just been reminded in these last four episodes how the Doctor is as much responsible for deaths as he is for saving lives.
    Another thought occurs, All of the 11th Doctors finalé enemies have had one thing in common, they all see themselves as saving the universe from the Doctor and we're getting hints in these episodes as to why they think of the Doctor as an enemy of the universe (rather than a spanner in the works of their plans for universal dominion) and why they might be right.
    Minimum space distance:
    a|<- ≥2mm ->|lot

    Stormageddon added by Kuhan


    • Originally posted by chivalrous View Post
      While I cannot know for sure, I suspect that the Oswin we met in the first episode is from later down the Doctor's timeline and got herself captured by the Daleks because of the Doctor influencing/inspiring her.
      I was thinking that because of whatever happens to Amy and Rory he choses a new companion who's fate is already planned out. That way he doesn't have to feel guilty or at least not as guilty about what happens to them since he is not directly responsible.
      Time,Space and Will Power


      • Originally posted by Zander Yurami View Post
        I have a felling one or both are gonna be sent back in time by the angels.

        BTW: IMHO RTD's eps were...ok. Some were great, but others were just ok. I for one like the new stuff coming from DW a lot. But my heart is still with the old stuff. My fav time was spent watching Tom Baker as the Doctor
        My heart is with RTDs who (Eccleston and Tennant), but I do have a very soft spot for clasic who, not so keen on moffats stuff at all though.
        Originally posted by IonFan
        (even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
        Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
        If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
        Originally posted by Quaker
        I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.


        • Originally posted by Lantern of Gallifrey View Post
          I was thinking that because of whatever happens to Amy and Rory he choses a new companion who's fate is already planned out. That way he doesn't have to feel guilty or at least not as guilty about what happens to them since he is not directly responsible.
          (Assuming we're right in our guess, otherwise this is moot):
          But he will be directly responsible because it's his interaction in her earlier life which will lead to her putting herself in that position in the 'first' place.
          What's sad is that he's going to do exactly to Oswin what he's doing to River, knowing exactly what their fate is going to be, but keeping it to himself. That's go to be killing him inside, making the situation so much more tragic.
          I'll grant that this might be one of those fixed points which can't be changed and the Doctor is doomed to take her as a companion, but I doubt he'd be comforted by being a helpless bystander in Oswin's fate. We've seen that time can be rewritten, but only when the universe is collapsing (all of season 11.1) but in a healthy universe fixed points must be preserved* or else time will fracture (The Wedding of River Song)

          *Doctor shaped tesseract ships notwithstanding
          Minimum space distance:
          a|<- ≥2mm ->|lot

          Stormageddon added by Kuhan


          • In “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship,” Amy is asked if she’s a queen, she basically says “kind of”
            In “A Town Called Mercy,” The Doctor mentions that Rory left his cell phone on Henry VIII’s nightstand
            In “The Power of Three,” Amy marries Henry VIII.

            Conclusion: This season has going backwards from the Ponds’ point of view.

            Originally posted by W.West
            DID ANYONE READ THE ARTICLE?!!!!!!


            • Originally posted by Kuhan View Post
              In “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship,” Amy is asked if she’s a queen, she basically says “kind of”
              In “A Town Called Mercy,” The Doctor mentions that Rory left his cell phone on Henry VIII’s nightstand
              In “The Power of Three,” Amy marries Henry VIII.

              Conclusion: This season has going backwards from the Ponds’ point of view.
              I took the "kind of" queen statement as a joke that she rules at home (i.e., another way of saying she wears the pants in the relationship, which has been well established).


              • Originally posted by Kuhan View Post
                In “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship,” Amy is asked if she’s a queen, she basically says “kind of”
                In “A Town Called Mercy,” The Doctor mentions that Rory left his cell phone on Henry VIII’s nightstand
                In “The Power of Three,” Amy marries Henry VIII.

                Conclusion: This season has going backwards from the Ponds’ point of view.
                That would be pretty cool but there's the issue of Brian appearing first in DoS. So unless the Ponds are also travelling backwards in time relative to Brian, it's probable that they've visited Henry VIII a few times.

                Of course The Angels are up next weekend and they are able to send people back in time. It might be that Amy and Rory are sent back in time and the Doctor is trying to rescue them and is intercepting them at various points as they travel back to see how far the angels are sending them.
                The problem with that theory is that the Angels would be sending Amy and Rory directly back down their own timeline but that wasn't how it worked in 'Blink'. There the victims just got zapped from point A to point B but stayed in the same position on the Earth*, in which case, there'd be two pairs of Ponds on Earth at the same time.

                Still, it would make for a fantastic Primer-esque time travel episode, which I'd love to see, but I expect lots of people will complain about it being far too complicated to understand
                Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                I took the "kind of" queen statement as a joke that she rules at home (i.e., another way of saying she wears the pants in the relationship, which has been well established).
                Which is how I was interpreting it, but Kuhan makes a good point.

                *was about to say same point in space but I could guarantee some smart arse would correct me on that
                Minimum space distance:
                a|<- ≥2mm ->|lot

                Stormageddon added by Kuhan


                • I would like to see Brian and Donna's grandpa travel with the Doctor. Even just like 3 episodes. I can see it being a blast.
                  Time,Space and Will Power


                  • I can't wait for the new episode tomorrow. We finnaly get to say goodbye to the Ponds.

                    On a side note I was thinking about the episode where the Doctor burns the remains of the Master. Who the heck is it that picked up his ring. I think it was the Rani.
                    Time,Space and Will Power


                    • It was revealed in "The End of Time," remember? From the wiki:

                      "In part one of The End of Time, the hand is revealed to be that of Miss Trefusis, a disciple of Harold Saxon."


                      • YES!!! Less than a day until we get to say get lost to the Ponds! Plus the WAs are in it! Always hated the Ponds.
                        Originally posted by IonFan
                        (even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
                        Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
                        If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
                        Originally posted by Quaker
                        I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.


                        • Yo.

                          that was stupid. WORST. SENDOFF. EVER.


                          Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                          Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


                          • Originally posted by Tazer View Post

                            that was stupid. WORST. SENDOFF. EVER.

                            Agreed. Rory's sacrifice on the ledge struck all the right notes but sadly, anything after that could only be an anti-climax so much so that it didn't even seem like there was any effort put into anything afterwards. Up to that point though, I quite enjoyed the episode. It certainly wasn't great: some of the exposition seemed forced - we get that the Doctor doesn't like endings, be a bit more subtle with the foreshadowing please - and until Rory's stand against the paradox, it just trundled along on rails. Something to switch your brain off to.

                            Massive loophole left open, in that so long as Amy and Rory are buried in that location and that gravestone is left there, there's nothing to stop the Doctor going back in time, picking them up and having more adventures - or taking them back to their house to live out their lives.
                            He just has to remember to take the bodies back to the right point to be buried.
                            I would have said that they don't know for certain that Rory and Amy are buried there but Amy's name appearing after she gets zapped does imply that she was.
                            Still, All we do know for certain is that there is a gravestone with their names on it. So long as that is put in place, anything could happen to the Ponds and their bodies.

                            If people couldn't travel through time after being touched by an Angel then the Doctor and Martha would still be stranded back in Blink.

                            But maybe the loophole was intended, afterall, Rose returned.

                            Also, River did change time - she broke her wrist, not the Doctor
                            Corps Honor Guard
                            Last edited by chivalrous; 09-30-2012, 09:09 PM.
                            Minimum space distance:
                            a|<- ≥2mm ->|lot

                            Stormageddon added by Kuhan


                            • Yo.

                              Q: wat did River do to the Angel, after she broke her wrist, to keep it from following her??

                              Q: how did that angel get to be right behind Rory.............when Amy was facing in his direction??

                              Q: if that private investigator was to be sent back FURTHER in time when he entered that apt, how was he there @ the estate when Rory showed up?!??

                              Q: when will the Doc go ginger?


                              Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                              Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


                              • Originally posted by Tazer View Post
                                Q: wat did River do to the Angel, after she broke her wrist, to keep it from following her??
                                It was still chained.

                                Originally posted by Tazer View Post
                                Q: how did that angel get to be right behind Rory.............when Amy was facing in his direction??
                                Yes. I think that was a goof. I think you're supposed to believe she didn't see him because it was completely behind Rory, but that's ridiculous.

                                Originally posted by Tazer View Post
                                Q: if that private investigator was to be sent back FURTHER in time when he entered that apt, how was he there @ the estate when Rory showed up?!??
                                He was? I remember old Rory. Where was the private dick?

                                Originally posted by chivalrous View Post
                                ...Massive loophole left open, in that so long as Amy and Rory are buried in that location and that gravestone is left there, there's nothing to stop the Doctor going back in time, picking them up and having more adventures - or taking them back to their house to live out their lives.
                                He just has to remember to take the bodies back to the right point to be buried.
                                I would have said that they don't know for certain that Rory and Amy are buried there but Amy's name appearing after she gets zapped does imply that she was.
                                Still, All we do know for certain is that there is a gravestone with their names on it. So long as that is put in place, anything could happen to the Ponds and their bodies...
                                I thought this was a major hole in the plot and I discussed this with my mother afterward, neither of us finding a reason for this. First off, the episode implied that the known endings would happen anyway, so theoretically even if he saved them they would still somehow end up dead and buried in pre-2012 NYC. Second, the main reason given was specifically that the Doctor couldn't land the TARDIS in 1938 NYC without worsening the distortions and creating a paradox. Okay, so why not jump to 1939 NJ, take the ferry, and pick up the Ponds, who only lived a year out of time, and take them home? Then, if he needed to cover the bases, he could have them buried in the right time and place.

                                The only thing I can think of preventing this is perhaps the Afterword. The Afterword being read screwed it all up?

