What do you think?
Personally, I love classic DW way more than NuWho, so if I were making a list of the top 10, 11, or even 12 stories over all, they'd probably all come from 2005 and on. (I don't even think there is a bad 2nd doctor episode.) I find that when classic Who was bad (and I don't necessarily agree on which are bad (e.g., I love Web Planet), it still has tremendous camp value (Timelash is entertaining!). However, the article is obviously doing one per doctor (poor McCann). I have to agree with the author that these are pretty weak stories, though a couple I haven't seen.
What do you think?
Personally, I love classic DW way more than NuWho, so if I were making a list of the top 10, 11, or even 12 stories over all, they'd probably all come from 2005 and on. (I don't even think there is a bad 2nd doctor episode.) I find that when classic Who was bad (and I don't necessarily agree on which are bad (e.g., I love Web Planet), it still has tremendous camp value (Timelash is entertaining!). However, the article is obviously doing one per doctor (poor McCann). I have to agree with the author that these are pretty weak stories, though a couple I haven't seen.
11) Never seen this story. However, not being a big historical adventure or Hartnel fan plus the supposed fact it's a musical, it might have gotten on my 11 worst list.
10) I've never seen this one either. They say that the Krotons look bad, but I think that's all part of the charm of 50s and 60s sci-fi. Plus you could say the same about the Daleks really. Plus I think Troguhtan is a fantastic doctor.
9) Yet again, I've not seen this one. Ok, they say that the visual effects are terrible, but it's the early seventies. What do you expect?
8) Never seen that one either. I think I probably wouldn't have liked that one either, but I can name worse Baker stories. Meglos is considered to be terrible, although I admit I didn't hate it. The first serial of the E-Space trilogy is probably my least favourite Baker story.
7) Never seen that one either. But not being a Davidson fan, I doubt I'd have cared for this one much either. Black Orchid was pretty bad I seem to remember. Boring.
6) Ok, I've seen this one! Then again, I've seen all of Collin Bakers stories. Yeah, I think I might have to agree this being one of Bakers worst ever. Then again, the Raini one was pretty boring, then again I don't like the historic stories so much. Attack of the Cybermen sucked too, probably the worst cyber story ever. On the best of Baker thing, I'm surprised no one mentioned the Two Doctors. Bakers best in my opinion. Brilliant.
5) not seen this one. Maybe I wouldn't have been a fan.
4) FUCK YOU MAN! This is one of the best doctor who stories ever! A personal favourite. Why didn't they just pick two Matt Smith stories instead of this one, Matt's appeared in loads of those.
3) Yeah, I'd also have a hard time picking a bad Eccleston story, but I think they picked the least favourite there.
2) Yeah, I didn't like that one much. I think that Tennant's first year was his worst. I'd have picked Love & Monsters as his worst though. The Doctor's barley even in it. It sucks cock. Tennant's second episode or the first episode of series 2 was terrible too. The return of Cassandra, and cat nurses. Why on Earth was that not put on there? Ah, New Earth I think it is. Fucking appalling episode.
1) Pretty bad, but there have been so much worse ones made. Yes, I hate the rainbow toilets more than anyone, but there have been train wrecks of Smith episodes. His first two Christmas specials are officially his two worst in my opinion. That Ganger two parter was so fucking boring. I don't know why the doctors wife is noted as a best episode, I think it's one of his worst. Boring, just plain boring. More recently, the cowboy cyborg episode was awful, the curse of the black spot pirate thingy was terrible. You know what, every single episode in series 6 except the three silence ones and that one with Craig and the cybermen, although truth be told that one compared with other episodes is pretty grim. The main redeemer for that one is the return of the cyber mats.
Over all, I think they've chosen the wrong ones for a lot of them. I could have done a much better one.
Originally posted by IonFan
(even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
Originally posted by Quaker
I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.
Fight like a man: with your words, not your fists.
50th Anniversary Villain Revealed! (Warning: Spoiler Alert)
Yeap, that's right, the villain or at least one of the villains has been revealed for the upcoming 50th anniversary. An interesting choice, but I think it's actually a good choice. They managed to pick a classic villain as I hoped they would, yet not one of the overused big leagues. If you're ready to find out who the villain is, click here!
With Tennant and Piper to be confirmed for the 50th special already and now this villain(s) being announced, this may actually be a good episode after all! Now I just hope McGann and possibly Eccleston return now! Wouldn't mind seeing McCoy either as he's not aged that much compared to his last appearance in the 96 film. However, the other three survivors have gotten a bit too old for this now, and I don't want them recast. ut at the end of the day, I'm happy with the two doctor like set up with Smith and Tennant, but I'd be even happier with a Tennant, Smith, Eccleston, and McGann Four Doctors.
Fight like a man: with your words, not your fists.
I'm not sure how I feel about bringing back the old doctors. It would be nice to have them all. You could do a Time Crash scenario and explain why they're older/fatter than when they regenerated but it'd probably come off as corny. If they try to throw them all in (with digital clips and what not), it will be a mess. Eccleston is never going to agree to it.
Fight like a man: with your words, not your fists.
I wouldn't want all of them at all. Mainly because I hate the Timecrash explanation, it works, but I'm not a fan. Plus There would never be enough for a good story and eleven doctors, plus I found the five doctors (which only really had 4 doctors) to crouded for my liking, so how the hell would 11 of them work? I love the Two and Three Doctors however (if you think about it, the three doctors only really had two doctors and cameos from William Hartnel), I think Tennant and Smith together along with the Zygons would do just fine. Although I do have a craving to see Paul McGann back as the doctor. I think instead of this adventure in space and time documentary drama thingy, they should do a prequel to series 1 or a sequel to the 96 film whichever way you look at it about Paul McGann and the timewar.
Originally posted by IonFan
(even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
If they were going to do '11 Doctors' it would have to be animated. 3 Actors are dead, the Bakers and McCoy have ballooned (Davidson's looking a bit portly too) and Ecclestone won't come back for anything, then there's the assistants/companions to think about.
An animated film would allow the old doctors (3 through 8) to come back and voice their characters, with some good stand ins to play the rest (Craig Fergusson does a good Bill Pertwee for instance )
Minimum space distance: a|<- ≥2mm ->|lot
Stormageddon added by Kuhan
Fight like a man: with your words, not your fists.
Actually, that's not a bad idea. Although I still really wouldn't want to see an eleven doctors. Tennant and Smith are more than good enough for me, although I would like to see McGann again.
Originally posted by IonFan
(even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
So what did every one think about the newest episode? I liked it. I really love the new assistant. The one think that I found some what hard to swallow was the anti gravity bike but whatever. It seem like since the Ponds left the show has gotten better.
^I both enjoyed the episode and was rather let down by it. I like the interaction between Clara and the Doctor and the dialogue was great. The actual plot of the episode was rather lame though. The spoon heads weren't intimidating, they were just odd. An episode based around wifi seemed frankly stupid. So yeah, I enjoyed that it was a new episode of Dr. Who and I enjoyed the introduction of a new companion, but I hope the rest of the season is more compelling.
Fight like a man: with your words, not your fists.
Yeah, I liked the new episode, it definitely has improved since the Ponds left. The Ponds are officially the worst companions ever methinks. But yeah, I hated the anti-gravity bike too. To me it's like a cheep gimmick to impress children, and to save time on the episode, so instead of the Doctor figuring out a way to get into the building, he just hops on a motor bike, drives across the wall, and then smashes a window and jumps in. It's one of those awful gimmicks that make children and my 58 year old dad go "oh wow, look at that!"
Yeah, the plot summary does seem like a silly episode one introduction, but compared to a lot of previous Smith episodes, it was actually quite good.
Next episode tomorrow, just hope this isn't a let down.
Originally posted by IonFan
(even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
Originally posted by Lantern of GallifreyView Post
So what did every one think about the newest episode? I liked it. I really love the new assistant. The one think that I found some what hard to swallow was the anti gravity bike but whatever. It seem like since the Ponds left the show has gotten better.
I liked it. The antigravity bike was okay but the problem is it's a deus ex machina. And now every time they do a story where the Doctor has a hard time getting to the top of a place or whatever, you'll be thinking "why doesn't he just use the antigravity bike?"