My mom gave me $75 in all ones (no she's NOT A FUCKING STRIPPER), my dad gave me a crisp clean $100 bill, and my grandma gave me $25 but that's all I got.
My mom gave me $75 in all ones (no she's NOT A FUCKING STRIPPER), my dad gave me a crisp clean $100 bill, and my grandma gave me $25 but that's all I got.
I haven't been around to post because of Christmas, but it was pretty good for all of us. My wife got me the DC archive with all the Charlton heroes adventures, (Blue Beetle, Question and Captain Atom). My mom got me a 100 dollar gift certificate to my local comic shop. She also gave me a hundred bucks on top of THAT. My wife also got my son and me together on XBox both Bioshock games, Borderlands, Red Dead Redemption zombie edition, and Call Of Duty 4. She got me the Expendables on DVD. Got some shirts and a couple of pairs of pants.
Pretty good haul considering I really only wanted my two kids to be spoiled.
16GB MP3 Player
New hoodie
A couple drawing books
Need or Speed: Hot Pursuit for PS3
$20 Playstation Network Card(With it I bought the first Metal Gear Solid, an old fighting game called Bloody Roar 2, and I may get a DLC car for Hot Pursuit)
So far I've gotten all clothes but its fine because I needed them.I also use 90 dollars of my christmas presnt to buy my friends gifts and will continue to do so when my mom gives me the rest of it
"History is a mirror of the past and a lesson of the present." - Persian Proverb
Don't have time for pictures while the baby naps, so you get a qucik list:
Green Lantern: Secret Origin TPB
Green Lantern Chronicles Vol 2
The Kyle Rayner modern logo GL T-Shirt
Call of Duty: Black Ops for Wii
Green Lantern tri-fold wallet
Boston Red Sox Flag
Superman T-shirt and Pajama Pants set
Air Compressor kit with an Air Nailer
GLC Wave 1 figures
GL Logo Ball Cap
and most importantly the complete, unfiltered joy of my daughter's first christmas.
I got a Superman T-Shirt, Wolverine and The X-Men: The Complete series on DVD, The Spectacular Spider-Man: The Complete First Season on DVD, A cool kick ass Captain America figurine, and a cool kick ass Supergirl figurine.
Don't have time for pictures while the baby naps, so you get a qucik list:
Green Lantern: Secret Origin TPB
Green Lantern Chronicles Vol 2
The Kyle Rayner modern logo GL T-Shirt
Call of Duty: Black Ops for Wii
Green Lantern tri-fold wallet
Boston Red Sox Flag
Superman T-shirt and Pajama Pants set
Air Compressor kit with an Air Nailer
GLC Wave 1 figures
GL Logo Ball Cap
and most importantly the complete, unfiltered joy of my daughter's first christmas.