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Lawrence Kasdan and Richard Marquand should punch George Lucas in the face.

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  • Lawrence Kasdan and Richard Marquand should punch George Lucas in the face.

    Contrary to popular belief...

    Return of the Jedi and The Empire Strikes Back are actually NOT "George Lucas films" but rather "films that George Lucas owns".

    He can continue fucking around with his god awful prequel trilogy all he wants... Empire and Jedi were the creative endeavors of OTHER PEOPLE using characters and themes that Lucas helped create.

    He may have the legal right to continue monkeying with those two films... but from an artistic standpoint he's being a complete douche.

    EDIT : Turns out Marqaund is dead... so instead of punching Lucas in the face he should just haunt him. Forever.

  • #2

    Where did this come from?
    Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

    "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


    • #3
      he may be a douche, but he's a rich douche.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Maverick_GL View Post
        Where did this come from?
        The bluray boxset that is coming out has ever MORE tweaks.



        • #5

          + YouTube Video
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          Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

          "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


          • #6
            When you hear some of the directions Lucas wanted to go with the films, it's a good thing there were other people.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dr. Naysay View Post

              EDIT : Turns out Marqaund is dead... so instead of punching Lucas in the face he should just haunt him. Forever.
              They are both dead now, so Lucas is the only surviving director of the six movies.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dave Cormier View Post
                They are both dead now, so Lucas is the only surviving director of the six movies.
                Kasdans not dead.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dave Cormier View Post
                  They are both dead now, so Lucas is the only surviving director of the six movies.
                  didnt spielberg get involved with a new hope?

                  i thought i heard that somewhere
                  .................................................. ..........................

                  Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                  • #10
                    I can't help but find it funny (the display of total artistic ineptitude, not the dead people).
                    Goodbye Christopher Hitchins 1949 - 2011


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                      Kasdans not dead.
                      Irvin Kershner, not Kasdan. I was just referring to the directors.


                      • #12
                        i would rather have a animated trilogy with original cast for v/o and base it on the thrawn series.

                        hell id welcome a trilogy of dash rendar over these "" new tweeks"" for the blu ray

                        in fact if i had controll of the franchise id erase the clone wars cartoon and replace it with some new jedi order type cartoon
                        .................................................. ..........................

                        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                        • #13
                          the beauty of it all is if you dont like them then dont buy them.

                          Problem solved.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                            the beauty of it all is if you dont like them then dont buy them.

                            Problem solved.
                            Party pooper.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                              the beauty of it all is if you dont like them then dont buy them.

                              Problem solved.
                              :sigh: i know but it just kills me as a die hard fan knowing lucas is doing this.

                              what bugs me about him is he's always ok with new ideas and new charachters and all that mumbo jumbo... ok fine do something with it instead of destroying the classic trilogy.

                              i mean shit if it bombs hey its not like he couldnt afford it.

                              and i want him to quit with the whole clone wars toon. its not horrible but its like ok seriously episode 3 came out 5 years ago and your still focusing on what takes place after episode 2 and before episode 3

                              i dont know if you or doc have read expanded universe stuff but alot of great stuff can be done with that tv wise and animated film wise.
                              .................................................. ..........................

                              Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense

