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The Gamer Thread Vol. 3

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  • "Tekken will never do paid DLC characters"

    Plus some Tekken Tag Tournament 2 shots (though Heihachi having jet-black hair is befuddling).
    Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

    September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


    • Resistance 2 & Brutal Legend arrived in the mail, and my brother got me Kingdoms of Amalur for my birthday (21 since the 13th). And on chapter 4 - 1 of Resident Evil 4.

      Albert Wesker has too much stuff going on involving his shades. I mean come on, Ada Wong drops her sunglasses and they go off like a flash grenade? And didn't she die in RE2? (Better yet, didn't Wesker die at the end of 1? Kinda hard to walk off several stabs through the chest)
      As the seventh seal is broken, the four shall ride once more. Bringing the wrath of War

      But what starts with War, ends with Death


      • Yo.

        Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
        "Tekken will never do paid DLC characters"

        Plus some Tekken Tag Tournament 2 shots (though Heihachi having jet-black hair is befuddling).
        wat, the man cant show a little *vanity* every now and again??

        wtf is wrong w/dat?!?? Im sure some women still find him sexxxy.........


        Originally posted by Andrew NDB
        Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


        • Yo.

          Valve Console Controller Patent Surfaces

          I'll admit, this is something Id like to try *just once*:

          Kamehameha Your TV With ‘Dragon Ball Z Kinect’
          the geek in me is just grinning like a retard about the above for some reason.......... ;P


          + YouTube Video
          ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.

          That Evil, Yellow Bastiche
          Last edited by Tazer; 04-18-2012, 02:27 PM.

          Originally posted by Andrew NDB
          Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


          • A friend of mine picked up The Witcher 2...OK, I'm sold. Getting it later this week.
            Now you'd never call Erwin a "Wussy"
            Nor label his working day "cushy"
            But you might have to question
            His endless obsession
            With superpositional pussy.


            • Originally posted by Mr.Dragon01 View Post
              Resistance 2 & Brutal Legend arrived in the mail, and my brother got me Kingdoms of Amalur for my birthday (21 since the 13th). And on chapter 4 - 1 of Resident Evil 4.

              Albert Wesker has too much stuff going on involving his shades. I mean come on, Ada Wong drops her sunglasses and they go off like a flash grenade? And didn't she die in RE2? (Better yet, didn't Wesker die at the end of 1? Kinda hard to walk off several stabs through the chest)
              In a video game with zombies and zombie like creatures, you are worrying about which characters have died before? lol

              Sig made by Zander Yurami


              • This Albert Wesker we are talking about the man never dies. It was implied that Ada died but like in comics no death. Im sure we will be seeing Wesker in some capacity in RE6 too seeing as the new character is his son <--- not sure if a spoiler as it is said in one of the trailers.
                I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


                • Dead Space 3 Outed by Retailer?
                  Pre-order listing appears online.

                  New evidence of Dead Space 3 has appeared. The existence of the game was first revealed by an Israeli news show and reports claimed to provide the first details last fall. Now, South African retailer BT Games has begun to accept pre-orders for the game.

                  EA has never officially announced Dead Space 3, though job listings that surfaced last year seemed to suggest that the project is in development. Previously, the publisher discussed expanding Dead Space into a trilogy and EA president Frank Gibeau commented that the company is hoping to reach a broader audience with the sequel.

                  In the past, BT Games revealed the Jak and Daxter HD Collection in addition to Mass Effect 3's multiplayer component. More recently, the retailer also provided more evidence of God of War IV by placing pre-order boxes in stores. The Dead Space 3 pre-order listing may just be a placeholder, but we've reached out to EA for comment and will update with any additional info we receive.

                  Are you looking forward to Dead Space 3? Let us know in the comments below.

                  Thanks to IGN reader BouncerZA for the tip.

                  Guardian of the Universe
                  Last edited by TazzMission; 04-18-2012, 07:41 PM.
                  .................................................. ..........................

                  Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                  • I think they just need to bring it out already. I love the series. Hopefully we'll get info at E3

                    Originally posted by Avatar Aang
                    When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.


                    • Originally posted by kazzar View Post
                      I think they just need to bring it out already. I love the series. Hopefully we'll get info at E3
                      rumors surfaced last year itll be an ice planet and based on john carpenters the thing
                      .................................................. ..........................

                      Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                      • Black Ops 2 Info Coming in May?
                        Poster hints at upcoming reveal.

                        A leaked retail poster suggests that our first look at the next Call of Duty game is coming next month.

                        A picture of a poster obtained by Kotaku says to "return for debriefing" on May 2, 2012. Is this when we'll see the game revealed?

                        - Kotaku

                        Previously, Activision announced that a new Call of Duty game is coming in 2012. While it hasn't been confirmed as Black Ops 2, Activision purchased earlier this year, and Amazon posted a listing for the game in France.

                        We've reached out to Activision about the poster and will update this story with any comment we receive.

                        .................................................. ..........................

                        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                        • Originally posted by TazzMission View Post
                          Black Ops 2 Info Coming in May?
                          Poster hints at upcoming reveal.

                          A leaked retail poster suggests that our first look at the next Call of Duty game is coming next month.

                          A picture of a poster obtained by Kotaku says to "return for debriefing" on May 2, 2012. Is this when we'll see the game revealed?

                          - Kotaku

                          Previously, Activision announced that a new Call of Duty game is coming in 2012. While it hasn't been confirmed as Black Ops 2, Activision purchased earlier this year, and Amazon posted a listing for the game in France.

                          We've reached out to Activision about the poster and will update this story with any comment we receive.

                          Sooooo... Does anyone really give a shit about Call of Duty anymore? I could just play MW2 (If I felt like setting up the 360) and get the same entertainment online
                          As the seventh seal is broken, the four shall ride once more. Bringing the wrath of War

                          But what starts with War, ends with Death


                          • Originally posted by Mr.Dragon01 View Post
                            Sooooo... Does anyone really give a shit about Call of Duty anymore? I could just play MW2 (If I felt like setting up the 360) and get the same entertainment online
                            i sure as hell dont but there are people who do so thats why i posted it
                            .................................................. ..........................

                            Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                            • Author Sues Ubisoft Over ‘Assassin’s Creed’ Story Similarities

                              One novel writer is preparing to take-on publisher Ubisoft over similarities between his writings and the blockbuster ‘Assassin’s Creed’ franchise. But is his claim justified or just an opportunistic PR move?

                              Assassin’s Creed is easily one of the most story-driven game series in the current market. Second only to decision-heavy franchises like Mass Effect or especially character-driven experiences like Heavy Rain, Assassin’s Creed – with its Lost-like overarching narrative (full of mystery and veiled moral gray areas) – has delivered some genuinely shocking twists and turns as well as captivating moment to moment historical drama.

                              Of course, the success of that core storytelling is due largely to the game’s basic, albeit brilliant, premise – a modern assassin who is able to glean information (training, experiences, secret locations) from ancestral memories trapped in his DNA. It’s a smart set-up but what if Ubisoft ripped-off the idea from someone else?

                              Even at the time of the original Assassin’s Creed, which many players and reviewers alike criticized for being more of a proof of concept than a fully-formed game experience, the story of Desmond Miles (as well as the larger assassin versus templar conflict) was easily one of the most intriguing aspects of the title. As a result, despite plenty of uninspired side-missions and lousy fast-travel mechanics, it was crystal clear that Ubisoft was on to something really exciting with the fledgling series.
                              Now one man is claiming that many of the elements in the blockbuster franchise were lifted from his work – which predates the first Assassin’s Creed title.

                              Back in 2003, author John Beiswenger, published the novel Link – which features, among other similarities (such as historical and religious references), an Animus-like device as well as Abstergo-like lab.

                              From the official complaint (which you can read in full – HERE):

                              23. In Link, the Plaintiff’s plot includes the conception and creation of a device and process whereby ancestral memories can be accessed, recalled, relived, and re-experienced by the user.

                              In addition, the lawsuit also highlights the following description of the Animus-like invention itself, here called the Link device:

                              Allen picked up an assembly from the small table behind the revised dentist chair now used during the Link experiments. The video monitor was now on gimbals, hanging from the ceiling so that it could be comfortably positioned in front of the test subject and yet viewed easily by those monitoring the test. “We place this device around Anna’s biceps, just above the joint. As you can see, it looks very much like a blood-pressure cuff, except that facing the meaty part of her arm is this one-inch diameter, donut-shaped ring,” Allen continued. “In the ring we have incorporated all of the sensors we had in the hand-gripped Link.” Allen picked up a bundled cable, with an overall diameter of about three-fourths of an inch, including a high- pressure hose, two twisted pairs of wires and a thin, white, coaxial cable.

                              Beiswenger’s lawsuit also makes mention of “assassins and assassinations” in Link; though, the selected quotes in the complaint are presented as potential uses of the Link device – not central to the overarching plot:

                              “If John Wilkes Booth fathered a child after he assassinated Lincoln, and we found a descendant alive today, we could place Booth at the scene and perhaps smell the gunpowder.” “Ancestral memories?” “As far back as you want.”

                              Some of the complaints come across as a bit of a stretch, though the similarities in the central concepts – about machines that allow people to relive ancestral memories – are hard to entirely dismiss. As a result, will the courts stick it to Ubisoft?

                              Anything is possible but, despite having the same basic sci-fi concept, there aren’t a lot of direct correlations between the Assassin’s Creed series and Beiswenger’s novel (at least judging by the court documents provided). While the Animus/Link technology offers a smart storytelling/gameplay concept (and a compelling foundation for a lawsuit), it’s not an entirely unique idea, meaning it’s very possible that the two creators actually came up with the same idea separately. That said, it’s up to the legal system, not us, to make a decision about whether these similarities are extensive enough to say Ubisoft infringed on Beiswenger’s copyrights.

                              The next installment in Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed series, Assassin’s Creed 3 releases on October 30, 2012, for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.


                              Follow me on Twitter @benkendrick for further updates on the Assassin’s Creed series as well as other movie, TV, and gaming news.

                              .................................................. ..........................

                              Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                              • I bought COD 2 years ago but rarely play it. Then I got Black Ops and got very into it. I assumed I'd feel the same about MW3, but it turned out I hated it, so I returned it. I'm looking forward to BO2, though assuming the game play will be more like BO. I don't think I've burned out on COD yet, but again, I've only really played the one title for any serious amount of time. Plus, I'm still kind-of new to FPS. I used to avoid them because they gave me motion sickness but for some reason that doesn't seem to happen with this gen of gaming.

