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So tell me if what I did is wrong....

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    Guardian of the Universe

  • Jeff

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  • Evergreen City
    Corps Den Mother

  • Evergreen City
    If the team leader was costing the ownership/management money, reputation, and brownie points with clients, suppliers, and the Better Business Bureau, you bet your sweet bippy you did the right thing. This was always the question I got wrong on civil service exams. Do you serve the public, or do you serve your immediate supervisor? If the supervisor tells the customer something wrong, do you stand by the customer or by the supervisor? I always stood by the customer, and sometimes I had to pay for it, but I never was untrue to my own self at the end of the show.

    And if you did all the necessary corrections off-stage, e.g. not in view of the customers themselves but in a private office, you not only did the right thing but you did it the right way.

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  • Kuhan

  • Kuhan
    Originally posted by Fetus View Post
    no i was named fetus a long time ago by someone else
    you mean scientists... back when you were a fetus?

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    Manhunter Repairman

    His superiors should've known he was a shithouse team leader in the first place and not appointed him. It shouldn't have taken his subordinates to point that out. I think firing him is harsh. But a demotion and probationary period would suffice.

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  • Fetus
    Sinestro's Sparring Partner

  • Fetus
    no i was named fetus a long time ago by someone else

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  • Kuhan

  • Kuhan
    I'll tell you what you DID do wrong.

    You named yourself "Fetus."

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  • Cid Jacobs
    Doctor Spectrum

  • Cid Jacobs
    You did the right thing. This guy sounds like he would have killed the business in the long run anyway. Word of mouth for an auto shop is a big deal, it would not have taken long until everyone thought you guys were just a bunch of crooks.

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  • Razorgod

  • Razorgod
    Fuck it man, in business everyone you work with- like it or not- reflects back on you and your work. The business world takes no fucking prisoners, and neither should you.

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  • Scarecrow
    Senior Corps Member

  • Scarecrow
    Yeah you guys are in the clear. The only way you would be doing the wrong thing is if you two had convinced him to do what he did and then ratted on him for it. Since you didn't his mistake needed to be pointed out. Besides if he was a good "team leader" he would take responsibility for his mistakes and even the mistakes of his team. since he is the one that needs to make sure things are done correctly.

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  • Kuhan

  • Kuhan
    I say you did the right thing. He was an idiot, did his job wrong, and may have cost the shop 3 grand. He deserved to be fired.

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  • The_Mad_Dragon
    Captain Pervert

  • The_Mad_Dragon
    Sometimes, you have to amputate the limb to save the body, no matter how much you'll miss it.

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  • Fetus
    Sinestro's Sparring Partner

  • Fetus
    started a topic So tell me if what I did is wrong....

    So tell me if what I did is wrong....

    Alright first off I am a mechanic, for 4 years now, and I work on a "team" system at work. Basically we have a guy who is the "team" leader and then me, lead tech and then my buddy who is also a lead tech but do to lack of certifications he is the low guy kinda. Any how my team leader who I am friends with kinda basically steals from my buddy and I who are on his team, he gets paid for work that he doesn't do, that I or Ricky does, and he is ignorant and shouldn't be a team leader in the first place. This guy has no diagnostic skills of any kinda and he can barely make it through the day with out freaking out and yelling at someone over something that is his own fault. He breaks more things than any other person in the shop, and he has more re-checks(comeback cars that weren't fixed the first time) than anyone in the shop.

    Anyway my so called team leader diagnose a 2001 ls for a no start condition, well when you would try to start it it would just clink like a locked up starter. This car had previously had a junk yard engine put in it and with out going into any further diagnosis he decided the ls needed a motor. Well after waiting for approval for a few days he pushed the car back outside and attempted to start it. The ls started up and ran, he then shut it off and said "fuck it, it needs a motor". The junkyard that the original motor had come from ended up warrantying the previous motor and labor time. He then removed the previous motor and took the starter off to find that the motor spins freely without the locked up starter on it. He could have bite the bullet and just put a starter on it and eat the labor from taking the motor out but no, he didn't. He preceded to put the new motor in.

    Now when this motor is sent back to the junkyard, they will inspect it to see what is wrong since they are having to pay for the labor and the part. Once they realize the motor spins freely they will undoubtedly charge our dealership back for the labor and part, and quite possibly refuse to sell to us anymore after lying to them.

    When anything goes wrong on our "team", my team leader likes to use this word that I hate, and that word is "we". As is " We took the motor out", no dipshit you took the motor out. Anyway, my buddy Ricky and I decided that we had to tell someone in management to cover our asses. So we did, now it is very possible that our team leader will be fired over this.

    So is it wrong to have ratted him out over the situation, as to not let him try to include Ricky or myself in his downfall, when management realizes they are going to have to eat 3 grand, or did I/we do the right thing here, inform management of the situation and let him lie in the bed he made?