If I ask myself which of them gave me the most enjoyment from their Batman portrayal, I'd have to say West, since I watched the heck out that show when I was a kid, and thought it was a lot of fun. But that's not really a fair comparison, that gives him the advantage mainly on total hours of enjoyment.
If I ask myself who I thought did the best job portraying Batman, it becomes a bit tougher. I guess Bale's Batman was more like I envision Batman being these days.
If I ask myself which is my favorite actor, who happened to play Batman (meaning rating the actor independent of the role), I've no earthly idea. Probably Keaton, I guess. I'm more partial to comedy.
Yeah, it is hard to say. I'd also have to say I've gotten the most enjoyment from Adam West. Conroy is probably the best, but it's not a physical performance. Keaton was a surprise in how well he hit the mark.