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  • Well if it hasn't killed you yet...
    I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


    • Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
      If it was anybody else I probably wouldn't have to ask this question but I have to know. You think the burgers are made with real human flesh don't you?


      • Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
        Well if it hasn't killed you yet...
        well i dont need to know whats in it. as long as i dont know im fine and wont wig out
        .................................................. ..........................

        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


        • Masturbating Man Grounds Flight in Omaha

          (NEWSER) – A masturbating man may be responsible for grounding an airplane in Nebraska Monday, though reports about what exactly took place on the Virgin America flight from Boston to Los Angeles are sketchy. The Federal Aviation Administration calls the incident a medical emergency, reports KNBC, but accounts from police in Omaha—where the flight made its emergency landing—indicate a 26-year-old named Doug Adams was on drugs and may have been pleasuring himself mid-flight.

          Two LA film producers sitting near Adams claim he wore a medical bracelet and "had been mumbling about not trying to be violent, and how I don’t want to be a violent person," CBS reports.


          • Of course it HAD to happen on a Virgin America flight.


            • Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
              Of course it HAD to happen on a Virgin America flight.
              I must not have had enough caffeine when I posted. I hadn't even noticed that.


              • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                well now the next passenger will know why the seat is sticky
                .................................................. ..........................

                Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                • Well, psychologists have confirmed what we all knew already.

                  "I don't have pet peeves; I have major psychotic %u@$# hatreds, okay. And it makes the world a lot easier to sort out."-George Carlin

                  "If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow." -John Wayne


                  • ok then......................

                    Couple Who Allegedly Had Sex On Murdered Bodies 'Couldn't Get Off'

                    Two people accused of murdering two Illinois men, then having sex on top of the bodies were unable to orgasm during the corpse-side intercourse, according to a newly released police interview.

                    Alisa Massaro and Joshua Miner were accused in the strangulation deaths of Eric Glover and Terrence Rankins, both 22, in Joliet, Illinois, back in January. Two others, Adam Landerman and Bethany McKee, were also accused in the murder.

                    Police said Glover and Rankins were lured to Massaro’s apartment, where they were robbed and strangled to death. Police also said Miner, 24, asked the 18-year-old Massaro to have sex with him atop the freshly deceased bodies.
                    In a videotaped police interview played in court Thursday, Miner — whose trial began Tuesday — claimed that Massaro was the one to suggest the sex, the Chicago Sun Times reports.

                    “She’s like, ‘Let’s have sex,’” Miner said. “And I was like, ‘Let’s have sex on the bodies.’”

                    Miner continued that they ultimately ended up having sex next to the bodies, not on them, but “We both couldn’t get off, plus it was weird.”

                    The two victims were “friends” with their killers, officials said. Miner said in the taped police interview that the four always planned on robbing the victims, but not killing them. Before the planned robbery ever took place, he said they were all “hanging out” and playing video games with Glover and Rankins, but that things turned violent after one of the men tried to sexually assault McKee.

                    Massaro and McKee, however, testified that the attack was planned, and that Miner and Landerman signaled to them to leave the room before they strangled Glover and Rankins to death. McKee admitted in court to trying to help cover up the crime, and said both women took part in beating the bodies with a liquor bottle and shouting racial slurs.

                    Cops said Massaro confessed to having sex on the bodies, but she later denied it in court.

                    Massaro, Miner, Landerman and McKee were all charged with first-degree murder in the incident. In August, Massaro pleaded guilty to robbery and concealing a homicidal death in a plea deal that landed her a 10-year prison sentence, according to ABC 7. The same month, McKee was convicted of murder.

                    Landerman’s pre-trial hearing took place on Thursday, WJOL reports, while Miner’s trial is ongoing.


                    .................................................. ..........................

                    Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                    • Yo.


                      45 Dogs Dead In House Fire Owned By City Councilman: Cops
                      so......weiner roast, any1??

                      Capt. Inappropriate..........AWAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!


                      Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                      Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


                      • Woman Held in Jail for Weeks Over SpaghettiOs

                        When Ashley Gabrielle Huff was pulled over by a police officer in Gainesville, Ga., on July 2 for a tag light violation, the officer immediately became suspicious of her appearance and demeanor. After finding a spoon in her car with residue on it (and supposedly field-testing it), the officer was convinced it was methamphetamine and arrested Huff, 23, hauling her off to Hall County Jail. She was released at one point, then reincarcerated. Unable to pay her bail, she languished there until Sept. 18—when lab tests came back and proved it was SpaghettiOs sauce, not meth, on the spoon, the Gainesville Times reports.

                        A police report cited by the Times noted that Huff, 23, seemed "nervous" to the officer who made the traffic stop and that her body was covered in sores. After reportedly getting permission from Huff to search her car, the officer found a bag with a spoon inside, coated with a "clear, crystal-like substance"; he says he also did a field test that showed a "positive indication" for meth. Huff told the officer that it was just SpaghettiOs sauce, but he wasn't buying it. She explains to the Times that she ate straight out of the can and then tossed the can but "threw the spoon in my purse because I had borrowed it from a friend." Now Huff, who says she lost her Waffle House job and missed her kids' birthdays while incarcerated, says she's seeking legal counsel. The police say they were simply "acting in good faith," KRON4 reports.


                        • oh so that's why i liked SpaghettiOs so much as a kid, it was made out of meth

                          IonFan says

                          MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                          • CDC confirms first case of Ebola in US

                            ......................... well we're f@cked (with our open borders and all who here didn't seen this coming )

                            IonFan says

                            MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                            • Oh well. We had a good run. Even Rome fell.


                              • but i'm not ready though *Lord just give me til 2016 then you can kill me*

                                IonFan says

                                MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER

