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What Comicbooks Do You Want to See Adapted Into A Movie?

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  • What Comicbooks Do You Want to See Adapted Into A Movie?

    Well what the title says really. Does not have to just be the same old Marvel DC superheroes, can be anything based on a comicbook.

    Here's what I want adapted!

    *Hawkman - Anything's possible really. Maybe have a very loose adaptation and is just him on his homeworld as a sort of soldier fighting a war. Or just the classic superhero tale with a dark twist. Ooh, Ancient Egypt? Hell, maybe base the whole film there?
    *Green Lantern 2 or reboot - Based on Sinestro Corps War. GL3 can be Emerald Twilight.
    *Wonder Woman - Just an origin story please.
    *The Flash - Also just an origin story
    *Aquaman - And yet another Origin
    *Man of Steel 2 - With Lex Luthor, this time in a battle suit so the two can have a proper fight at the end! Or maybe have Bizzaro as a secondary villain for the fight scenes.
    * Dark Knight sequel or Batman reboot - If sequel, I'd like to see JGL as batman as the end of TDKR suggested he may become the new one. Have the penguin or riddler as villain. If reboot, have a grey suit batman more in line with the comicbook version. Maybe almost identical the new 52 outfit. Riddler as villain, then penguin in second film. Black mask even? Burtons film went the gothic route, Schumacher went the camp route, and Nolan went the gritty and realistic route. So maybe this new one could have a sciency route akin to the amazing spider-man. or maybe a more urban feel like Punisher Warzone. Or combining the two would be fun. That'd actually be similar to the arkham games though.
    *Martian Manhunter - Origin story.
    Justice League - Maybe go for the Staro storyline, although right now, the outer space invasion thing has been overdone to death. Either way, definitely have that at some point. Have Batman, Superman, Green Lantern (either Hal or John), Flash (Wally), Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, and possibly Green Arrow from the Arrow TV Show
    *Arrow the Film: Maybe do what BBC's Luthor are doing and have a film to tie into the TV series?

    *Deadpool - No particular storyline. A comedy could work, maybe have guest appearances from Hugh Jackman and other superheroes actors. hell, maybe even have a comparison with Andrew Garfield and Toby Maguire both as Spider-man, maybe a joke that DC is copying Marvel by doing Justice League? Break the fourth wall!
    *Daredevil reboot - DD needs another chance! Personally I loved the '03 movie, but others didn't, so in their eyes, he needs to reform himself. If Punisher gets three movies each rebooting each other (and talks of a fourth reboot), then giving DD a second movie can't hurt, right? Besides, no one I know even bloody knows about Punisher Warzone or the 89 film, but a lot know DD. I'd do an origin story as he didn't get one in the first film. Then do Born Again for a second movie. Be patient!
    *Venom - Could Actually work! Either Flash or Eddie, either way, just get it done!
    *More X-Universe Films - Because they all rock! Maybe have a Mogo film, ooh, Mr Sinister! Mr Sinister must be done soon! Why should Magneto and the brotherhood get like three or four films and no Sinister or Mogo? And a proper Deathstrike and Deadpool! Maybe do what Hulk vs Wolverine did and have the Weapon X team hunt down wolvie. And give him a bloody mask at long last! It would work!

    Spawn: Reboot needed now! I liked the '97 film myself, but others didn't. So, after like about a decade and a half, try again! Dark superhero flicks are popular now, so Spawn is perfect! Maybe do a trilogy. LOTR style trilogy anyone? One new film a year? The villains that deserve a go are clown and Redeemer. Can't think who could do the third film though.
    *The Walking Dead: Maybe a film to tie into the series? Have the Governor as the villain! And lost of zombies!

    2000 AD:
    More Dredd films!: I loved Dredd. Definitely want some more films! I am desperate for Judge Death to make an appearance! Maybe some more gothic elements in the film would be cool?

    Dark Horse:
    *Hellboy 3: I liked the first two films, not sure why a third film is not in the works.
    Fight like a man: with your words, not your fists.
    Last edited by Deadpool; 06-25-2013, 09:46 PM.
    Originally posted by IonFan
    (even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
    Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
    If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
    Originally posted by Quaker
    I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.

  • #2
    Hate to be that guy (not really) but you title is aksing us what comic book based films we would like to see as a movie. If it's already a comic book based film then I am pretty sure it is already adapted into a movie....
    I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


    • #3
      Ah shit I fucked up again!

      Anyway, another film I forgot to add was Captain Marvel, the most popular superhero of the 1940s. Would be interesting to see it done. But I wouldn't want it done childishly, have a serious, maybe dark or gothic tone too.
      Originally posted by IonFan
      (even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
      Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
      If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
      Originally posted by Quaker
      I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Deadpool View Post
        ... But I wouldn't want it done childishly, have a serious, maybe dark or gothic tone too.
        Is there anything you don't want "serious and dark"? Dude, you'd walk out of a National Lampoon movie and say "not gritty enough!"

        Anyway, out of the one you mention, I'd most like Hellboy 3, another Dredd flick and new shots at Punisher and GL.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
          Is there anything you don't want "serious and dark"? Dude, you'd walk out of a National Lampoon movie and say "not gritty enough!"

          That's the problem with kids today, they like the misery.

          Anyway, I wouldn't expect people of your age to know about Puninsher 80's, you haven't even watched Robocop. Punisher keeps coming back because theirs an interest for it. Far more than DD, although the recent reboot idea they had for it, sounded interesting.

          Anyway my picks would be;

          Punisher 4
          Dredd 2
          Justice League - not gritty, but more like Superman 1 and 2, or the first Ironman film.

          The only way I want to see another Batman film is if it's Batman Beyond, anything else would be a meh after the recent films.



          • #6
            There was a similar thread that Deadpool posted asking about what Marvel characters should be adapted into a movie, and I replied with X-23. I still think that would be a good character to turn into a movie with Hugh Jackman aging and there being a lack of female superheroes on the big screen.

            I would like to see Mark Millar's Super Crooks and Nemesis (I know this is in the works) on the silver screen.

            And speaking of Mark Millar and an aging Hugh Jackman, Old Man Logan would be an awesome film.

            I like Wonder Woman needs her own film and that's something I want to see.

            Seeing how World War Z turned out, I would like to see a Crossed movie based on Garth Ennis' original story.
            You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Deadpool View Post
              Anyway, another film I forgot to add was Captain Marvel, the most popular superhero of the 1940s. Would be interesting to see it done. But I wouldn't want it done childishly, have a serious, maybe dark or gothic tone too.

              oh, never mind.


              • #8
                For comic books I want to see adapted, I'd pick:

                The Spectre: A straight up horror revenge flick with an R rating, with a personal storyarc for Jim Corrigan as he gets a second chance to right wrongs and makes a bargain he may come to regret.

                Swamp Thing: Another horror movie, using the origin story for Alec Holland with a twist ending that he never was Alec in the first place.

                Deadman: The fugitive meets Ghost. May work well as a tv series.

                Hellblazer: Done right.

                Y The Last Man: The proposed trilogy I'm hearing about sounds like the right way to go.

                Preacher: Why hasn't this been done yet? An HBO series would be perfect, but a trilogy on the big screen would be great too.

                Locke & Key: The trilogy in the works better come to be!

                Doom Patrol: Nobody but me would see it and it'd be a miserable flop, but I'm selfish like that. They could make it just for me.

                JSA: See Doom Patrol. Set in the 1940s with the birth of the first team of mystery men.

                Suicide Squad: The John Ostrander version, featuring their formation and first few missions.

                The Atom: If WB ever got their shit together and pulled off a JLA film, the Atom would make a nice little feature film and member of the team. Sword Of The Atom is something that might come off well.

                Blackhawk: Blood And Iron, the Howard Chaykin mini series would make a great movie.

                The Flash: A Barry Allen origin story, to be part of a JLA series of films.

                Identity Crisis would make a good JLA film.

                The Metal Men: I think they'd make a great CG, Pixar-esque animated feature film.

                The Question: I've always been a sucker for Vic Sage and the Denny O'Neil version.


                • #9
                  I have mentioned this before, but...

                  Captain Marvel(Carol Danvers): The origin may need a tiny adjustment, but other then that I think that would do really well if done right.


                  • #10
                    Deadpool, his game is awesome.

                    Age of Apocalypse

                    Cable, set exclusively in his future

                    Bishop, set exclusively in his future

                    Batman Beyond, first is his origin, second is after Bruce's death

                    Marvel Zombies

                    Death of Superman, I mean literal death none of that crap where he is in some kind of regenerative state that made him appear to be dead

                    Red and Blue Superman
                    Originally posted by fearless2814.1
                    ...You're a chore, you know that? You are a chore.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave View Post
                      Identity Crisis would make a good JLA film.
                      You're joking right?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Deadpool View Post
                        Well what the title says really. Does not have to just be the same old Marvel DC superheroes, can be anything based on a comicbook.

                        Here's what I want adapted!

                        *Green Lantern 2 or reboot - Based on Sinestro Corps War. GL3 can be Emerald Twilight.
                        *Wonder Woman - Just an origin story please.
                        *The Flash - Also just an origin story
                        *Martian Manhunter - Origin story.
                        Justice League - Maybe go for the Staro storyline, although right now, the outer space invasion thing has been overdone to death. Either way, definitely have that at some point. Have Batman, Superman, Green Lantern (either Hal or John), Flash (Wally), Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, and possibly Green Arrow from the Arrow TV Show
                        *Arrow the Film: Maybe do what BBC's Luthor are doing and have a film to tie into the TV series?

                        *Deadpool - No particular storyline. A comedy could work, maybe have guest appearances from Hugh Jackman and other superheroes actors. hell, maybe even have a comparison with Andrew Garfield and Toby Maguire both as Spider-man, maybe a joke that DC is copying Marvel by doing Justice League? Break the fourth wall!
                        *Venom - Could Actually work! Either Flash or Eddie, either way, just get it done!

                        Spawn: Reboot needed now! I liked the '97 film myself, but others didn't. So, after like about a decade and a half, try again! Dark superhero flicks are popular now, so Spawn is perfect! Maybe do a trilogy. LOTR style trilogy anyone? One new film a year? The villains that deserve a go are clown and Redeemer. Can't think who could do the third film though.
                        *The Walking Dead: Maybe a film to tie into the series? Have the Governor as the villain! And lost of zombies!

                        [COLOR="DarkRed"]2000 AD:
                        I totally agree on all the DC adaptations and Deadpool. Most of those are long overdue. The only place I disagree is Venom: screw Flash T., Eddie is the only Venom. Venom vs. Carnage in a PG-13, borderline R ( ala Dark Knight) would be something to behold.

                        Originally posted by Hybrid Lantern View Post
                        Deadpool, his game is awesome.

                        Red and Blue Superman
                        I'd LOVE to see that. I thought I was the only reader who liked that story.
                        Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Big Blue Lantern View Post
                          Venom vs. Carnage in a PG-13, borderline R ( ala Dark Knight) would be something to behold.
                          I would prefer that to be R.

                          Originally posted by Big Blue Lantern View Post
                          I'd LOVE to see that. I thought I was the only reader who liked that story.
                          I haven't read the story. I haven't read a summary of the story.
                          Hybrid Lantern
                          Corps Honor Guard
                          Last edited by Hybrid Lantern; 06-26-2013, 11:13 AM.
                          Originally posted by fearless2814.1
                          ...You're a chore, you know that? You are a chore.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Hybrid Lantern View Post
                            I would prefer that to be R.

                            I haven't read the story. I haven't read a summary of the story.
                            I'd prefer an R-rated Venom flick, too, but Marvel would never go for it because Venom is associated with their kid-friendly cash cow.

                            Many hardcore Supes fans think the Red-Blue storyline is utter garbage. I've always been ambivalent to Superman, which might have something to do with why I liked that and Reign of the Supermen.
                            Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Big Blue Lantern View Post
                              Many hardcore Supes fans think the Red-Blue storyline is utter garbage. I've always been ambivalent to Superman, which might have something to do with why I liked that and Reign of the Supermen.
                              I decided to read up on it. To do Superman Red/Blue you would first have to do a movie about him becoming the original energy being he was that would eventually split.

                              As energy he seemed less godlike which is a good thing.
                              Originally posted by fearless2814.1
                              ...You're a chore, you know that? You are a chore.

