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leaked batman v superman trailer
leaked batman v superman trailer
Last edited by TazzMission; 07-27-2014, 02:29 AM................................................... ..........................
Cnn = constant nasuating nonsenseTags: None
Originally posted by TazzMission View Postthanks for that
At any rate, thanks for that. It's probably going to be gone soon.
I bet Snyder liked saying "I brought Wonder Woman with me." How often do you get to say that in life?
Originally posted by Space Cop View PostNo worries about that. People do it all the time here and Youtube does the secure link automatically if you have an account.
At any rate, thanks for that. It's probably going to be gone soon.
I bet Snyder liked saying "I brought Wonder Woman with me." How often do you get to say that in life?
i aint going to lie when they announced batman last year being in i really did lose interest and it was before the ben casting. i never had an issue with gal and ben did recently impress me a lot. but this 20 second teaser sold it for me because that gave me goosebumps wich is rare and im really starting to look forward to this movie.................................................. ..........................
Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense
Originally posted by W.West View PostUgh. Didn't Affleck have enough working against him and now they give him a clunky suit on top of it?
i read an article that he hated the regular costume.................................................. ..........................
Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense
Originally posted by IonFan View Post
*also it looks like someones about to have there/their/they're neck sniped*
Originally posted by Booster Beetle View PostPLEASE STOP
Also, I thought you were gone for a month?
Originally posted by Maverick_GL View PostYou realize it's technically worse to fuck up twice and be correct once, than it is to just take a shot in the dark and fuck up once? Or...learn how to speak proper English.
Also, I thought you were gone for a month?
2) no i was only taking 3 days off
sidenote: if i may who's being hurt by it?
IonFan says
can everyone just enjoy the fucking trailer?
if people want to bitch whine moan please dont do it in here.................................................. ..........................
Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense