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  • #91

    Originally posted by fearless2814.1 View Post
    I ain't affected by it, I mean it to affect you; it's a show of disrespect. So, if you really think I'm *that affected* by it, well then I've got some bad news for ya, brah:

    yur not affected.....but YOU'RE THE ONE who called out the war, ya Baby-Faced Finster! so clearly theres a good enuff dosage of the following coursing thru yur system atm:

    Originally posted by fearless2814.1 View Post
    You seem to have forgotten how many times we've done this. You can front all you want, but we both know this isn't a fight because I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED YET
    well then, I must say U've done a spectacular job of "not starting yet", so how about this: I'll go back to doing watever it was I was having fun doing, and U can make up yur mind on WHEN ya plan to start, hmmm?

    so then, in the meantime:

    and since yur going, take this w/ya:


    Originally posted by Andrew NDB
    Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Tazer View Post

      dude, U've been a member of these forums for almost FIVE YEARS; thats a pretty long time to go w/o knowing who owns or runs this place......SERIOUSLY.

      and really, if U dont want yur comments replied on, be they positive or negative......GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. this is a public forum. U made a PUBLIC POST. theres no expectation watsoever of hand-holdings or hugs or warm glasses of milk to soothe those i-net faux pas such as wat U revealed earlier, and ya should *also* realize that somebody MIGHT poke a bit of fun at ya for it.
      Oh, I am SO SORRY I don't meet your expectations. Good thing I don't live by them.

      And actually, yes, I do expect a certain amount of decency when people are replying to me, because in general, I give it to them automatically, but you have been a thorn in my side since day one.

      Since the day you posted this, I knew you were heartless. I even went along with trying to befriend you, playing along with your gif wars only for it to end up a mess because YOU complained I was posting too many gifs in the gif thread. I held out my hand in friendship, you slapped it away. For a while there, you were dogging every single post I made, especially those related to Doom. Why? Because you are cruel.

      I owe you no explanation as to who I thought owned this place. Therefore, you could have just kept on reading, but you just *had* to comment. It's your forte. And when people want to poke fun, they do it in a respectful manner. They aren't out and out rude like you.

      Sometimes, it's best to refer to Mom's old sayings: If you have nothing good to say, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT.

      I am staying right here. I'm not leaving just because you think I should, but I guarantee you- I won't put up with your bullshit any longer.



      • #93
        Originally posted by DOOM View Post
        Oh, I am SO SORRY I don't meet your expectations. Good thing I don't live by them.

        And actually, yes, I do expect a certain amount of decency when people are replying to me, because in general, I give it to them automatically, but you have been a thorn in my side since day one.

        Since the day you posted this, I knew you were heartless. I even went along with trying to befriend you, playing along with your gif wars only for it to end up a mess because YOU complained I was posting too many gifs in the gif thread. I held out my hand in friendship, you slapped it away. For a while there, you were dogging every single post I made, especially those related to Doom. Why? Because you are cruel.

        I owe you no explanation as to who I thought owned this place. Therefore, you could have just kept on reading, but you just *had* to comment. It's your forte. And when people want to poke fun, they do it in a respectful manner. They aren't out and out rude like you.

        Sometimes, it's best to refer to Mom's old sayings: If you have nothing good to say, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT.

        I am staying right here. I'm not leaving just because you think I should, but I guarantee you- I won't put up with your bullshit any longer.

        the irony is he says all that jazz to you but if someone were to say it to him hed be the guy to call the naacp and cry racist or whatever.
        .................................................. ..........................

        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


        • #94
          Originally posted by TazzMission View Post
          the irony is he says all that jazz to you but if someone were to say it to him hed be the guy to call the naacp and cry racist or whatever.
          I don't think this is about race; I've never known Tazer or anyone else to play the race card here unless it was in Qward, which I stay out of. After a while, I just get sick of the bullshit.

          Thanks for sticking up for me, dude, but let me handle this one. I wish my dad had the qualities you have about having one's back, especially family members.


          • #95
            Originally posted by DOOM View Post
            I don't think this is about race; I've never known Tazer or anyone else to play the race card here unless it was in Qward, which I stay out of. After a while, I just get sick of the bullshit.

            Thanks for sticking up for me, dude, but let me handle this one. I wish my dad had the qualities you have about having one's back, especially family members.
            no problem. i just found his argument pretty stupid really. i mean if you guys disagree on real world issues ok but for not knowing andrew is the owner is like being in 5th grade.
            .................................................. ..........................

            Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


            • #96

              Originally posted by DOOM View Post
              Oh, I am SO SORRY I don't meet your expectations. Good thing I don't live by them.

              wow, such an example of reading comprehension FAIL; I wasnt trying to make U do anything of the sort, but since yur panties get bunched up with the quickness when somebody isnt stroking yur back (and yur LRN2READ -ability being obviously a flawed & underused tool), Im guess I shouldnt have been surprised ya took it that way......*again.*

              Originally posted by DOOM View Post
              And actually, yes, I do expect a certain amount of decency when people are replying to me, because in general, I give it to them automatically, but you have been a thorn in my side since day one.

              whoa, arrogant much? and its funny how U talk of "expecting decency" makes it sound like Ive done nothing but disrespect U........but all I can do is laff (and heartily at that), since nothing of the sort actually happened (excluding the comment I just typed above this line, which is the FIRST disrespectful comment Ive ever made about ya.)

              Originally posted by DOOM View Post
              Since the day you posted this, I knew you were heartless. I even went along with trying to befriend you, playing along with your gif wars only for it to end up a mess because YOU complained I was posting too many gifs in the gif thread. I held out my hand in friendship, you slapped it away. For a while there, you were dogging every single post I made, especially those related to Doom. Why? Because you are cruel.

              1) U bring up that post, which U replied to here, and then Robin (who's eyes actually WORK) corrected ya when he replied right after U here, and then I confirmed his response HERE. so, wat does this tell me? easy: U lack the ability to read TONE.

              2) as for yur comments about me "slapping away yur friendship hands" & complaining about U "posting too many gifs"..........I dont remem saying the latter honestly , and on the former U started making a whole bunch of mealy-mouthed, touchy-feeling pleadings, along with mentioning WAY TO OFTEN how U wanted to hug , which left me feeling as if I was some sort of surrogate teddy bear; iow, U sounded needy and really REALLY creepy, so yea I did the smart thing & backed away, but I DIDNT do so in any kinda cruel manner (then again, U take issue w/damn near everything, but I lacked any inclination to delve further; I just considered the matter done.)


              3) and as for commenting on those Doom-pic posts, those were the ONLY thing I countered whenever I ran across; I didnt "follow U around about'em & yur problem was that Ive been reading long enuff to know how to actually counter them, and dislike the character enuff to make U run to *another board* to seek help supporting yur "Doom is awesome" -mantra.

              however, NONE OF THOSE THINGS have *anything* to do with wat went on here; this is just ONE MORE EXAMPLE of U misreading the intent of a post, and getting uppity over it. I swear, Matt Murdock wearing fur mittens & trying to read text on a video screen couldnt misinterpret that post as bad U can....

              but wateves man, U can think watever U & do watever U want cuz it doesnt matter to me either way; yur lack of comprehension is neither an issue NOR a concern to me, and its not gonna change how *I* respond to any given post (especially since Im not in the wrong here).

              now, as for the rest of that mess of a post U left...... yea, tl;dr. I'll just respond respond to it with the following & move on:


              Originally posted by Andrew NDB
              Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


              • #97

                Originally posted by Tazzmission View Post
                the irony is he says all that jazz to you but if someone were to say it to him hed be the guy to call the naacp and cry racist or whatever.
                I tell ya, I absolutely give A-NDB & the other admins here a ton of credit for their charity work by allowing needy, brain-addled misanthropic GL-fans the leeway to keep coming back after extended absenses of forced solitude, all so that the REST of the board can laff at them as they pound away on their keyboards and almost make sense a fraction of the time.....


                Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Tazer View Post

                  wow, such an example of reading comprehension FAIL; I wasnt trying to make U do anything of the sort, but since yur panties get bunched up with the quickness when somebody isnt stroking yur back (and yur LRN2READ -ability being obviously a flawed & underused tool), Im guess I shouldnt have been surprised ya took it that way......*again.*

                  whoa, arrogant much? and its funny how U talk of "expecting decency" makes it sound like Ive done nothing but disrespect U........but all I can do is laff (and heartily at that), since nothing of the sort actually happened (excluding the comment I just typed above this line, which is the FIRST disrespectful comment Ive ever made about ya.)

                  1) U bring up that post, which U replied to here, and then Robin (who's eyes actually WORK) corrected ya when he replied right after U here, and then I confirmed his response HERE. so, wat does this tell me? easy: U lack the ability to read TONE.

                  2) as for yur comments about me "slapping away yur friendship hands" & complaining about U "posting too many gifs"..........I dont remem saying the latter honestly , and on the former U started making a whole bunch of mealy-mouthed, touchy-feeling pleadings, along with mentioning WAY TO OFTEN how U wanted to hug , which left me feeling as if I was some sort of surrogate teddy bear; iow, U sounded needy and really REALLY creepy, so yea I did the smart thing & backed away, but I DIDNT do so in any kinda cruel manner (then again, U take issue w/damn near everything, but I lacked any inclination to delve further; I just considered the matter done.)


                  3) and as for commenting on those Doom-pic posts, those were the ONLY thing I countered whenever I ran across; I didnt "follow U around about'em & yur problem was that Ive been reading long enuff to know how to actually counter them, and dislike the character enuff to make U run to *another board* to seek help supporting yur "Doom is awesome" -mantra.

                  however, NONE OF THOSE THINGS have *anything* to do with wat went on here; this is just ONE MORE EXAMPLE of U misreading the intent of a post, and getting uppity over it. I swear, Matt Murdock wearing fur mittens & trying to read text on a video screen couldnt misinterpret that post as bad U can....

                  but wateves man, U can think watever U & do watever U want cuz it doesnt matter to me either way; yur lack of comprehension is neither an issue NOR a concern to me, and its not gonna change how *I* respond to any given post (especially since Im not in the wrong here).

                  now, as for the rest of that mess of a post U left...... yea, tl;dr. I'll just respond respond to it with the following & move on:


                  1. Arrogance? No, it's called decency and respect; something you know nothing about. YOU were the only one who made a big deal about the Andrew thing.

                  2. Those posts you provided hotlinks to? It only proves one thing to me: as soon as I stood up for my self, you backed into a corner and had to get some help fast. You aren't used to people calling you out for what you really are.

                  3. If I was so "creepy and needy," why didn't you call me out, either in PM or on the board? You certainly had the gall to constantly berate me all the time, so this *shouldn't* have been an issue for you. Why did you accept my friend request on FB? After you pulled your shit on fb, I dumped your ass. And I'm fairly certain I still have that conversation, although I might have deleted it later.

                  4. Run to another board? Which one? Yes, I took a break from this place because of the hypocrisy, but I came back. No reason I should let you or anyone else prohibit me from enjoying the actual good people here.

                  5. Here's the one thing that destroys everything you've ever said: IF you truly, honestly didn't care as your gif suggests, why do you keep spending so much energy on defending a position that has already been defeated? If one truly didn't care, they wouldn't put so much time and effort into their replies.

                  For the record, I was willing to abide by Dave's intervention, but again, you just had to take it further. I will stand up to your bullshit.

                  Edit: The FB conversation has been deleted on my end. Guess it wasn't that important enough to keep.
                  Guardian of the Universe
                  Last edited by Jeff; 02-05-2015, 03:55 PM.


                  • #99

                    not even bothering to read that, since Ive devoted too much time to yur mess anyways, I'll just respond w/the following:



                    Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                    Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


                    • I know how you feel; it's tough when people can't handle the truth.


                      • Yo.

                        ^^^ =


                        Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                        Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


                        • Nope, not even putting much time into this at all, are you?


                          • Wait, this thread is STILL going on? I thought it was about being glad the board was back up. Seems to have degenerated into a pointless fight. And, unfortunately, I seem to get on well with both "combatants", so I'm loath to take sides (plus that would just drag it out even more).

                            I will make a plea for peace, though, and just letting this thread die, since it has long since served its original purpose.


                            • This thread has lived far beyond it's usefulness. Especially if it only serves as a place for two members who are BOTH in very good standing to find reasons to fight with each other where there are none.

                              This is beyond pointless and borderline destructive. I'm shutting this one down. Agree to disagree like gentlemen and let it go.

