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Fantastic Four A Darth_Andrea Review Be Afraid ..

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  • #16
    If any of you Hollywood types are reading this, here's how to make yourself a billion dollars from the FF.

    -- Forget the origin. You've blown that out of your asses. Move on.

    -- The next FF movie should be The Coming of Galactus. Don't make him a vacuum cleaner this time. Or a cloud, as Parallax was in the Green Lantern movie. Depict him the way Jack Kirby drew him. Period. None of you are going to come up with a better idea than that. It's a pretty short story the way Stan Lee wrote it, but you can fill it up with stuff about the Watcher, the Silver Surfer, and Galactus himself.

    -- The following FF movie should be Doomsday, in which Dr. Doom steals the Silver Surfer's powers. Keep Doom out of the Galactus movie though because he'd clutter that one up.

    -- The next FF movie after Doomsday should be called The Inhumans. Don't worry about what's in it. After that first two, the title alone will sell it.

    -- Put the Silver Surfer in the Avengers. Yes, I know that Marvel has never done that, but that's where he belongs.

    -- PM me and I'll tell you where to send me the check for half of that billion dollars.


    • #17
      My guess with Marvel getting FF back, they'll introduce the team as supporting characters in another movie. Whole origin in a paragraph and they they can move on. With them established, they can spin off.

      In my opinion, Marvel stands to benefit more from getting Dr. Doom and Galactus back than the actual team. Marvel needs all the villains it can get.


      • #18
        since ff flopped 4 times the best way to utilize the property is in animation
        .................................................. ..........................

        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


        • #19
          ok D_A got to ask does this movie have anything to do with Jews, WW2, and/or the Holocaust?

          aslo being that this movie is getting so many bad reviews i'm now not going to go see it (saving my money, but i do wonder if i'll be called something now cause i wont go see it.....................)
          Forum Member
          Last edited by IonFan; 08-07-2015, 12:17 AM.

          IonFan says

          MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


          • #20
            Originally posted by IonFan View Post
            ok D_A got to ask does this movie have anything to do with Jews, WW2, and/or the Holocaust?
            dude let it go quit trying to be a dick and derailing shit for attention
            .................................................. ..........................

            Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


            • #21
              This entire situation gives me a lot to think about. I still haven't seen it yet, but I do plan on viewing it just to see if it is as disastrous as everyone thinks.

              Did Fox not get the memo that said DON'T FUCK THIS UP?

              They did good with the X-Men and Spider-Man, so why not apply the same philosophy to Marvel's first family? And one of (if not the) greatest third demensional villains in the entire history of comics? It's not even a fanboy thing any more, it's paying respect to ideals and characters that became pillars of the entire Marvel Universe.

              I am actually curious if it was legally worked into the agreement that this property automatically goes back to Marvel if Fox tanks it again.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Jefcon 5 View Post
                I am actually curious if it was legally worked into the agreement that this property automatically goes back to Marvel if Fox tanks it again.
                Extremely unlikely. If that was in ink, then Fox wouldn't be fucking up left and right with this franchise.
                Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                • #23
                  Another question I wonder about- will I still be alive by the time someone gets this movie right?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                    I would agree. But that would be okay with me. I like grey-templed, married Mr. Fantastic and adding the kids is even more fun.

                    I'm cool with that as long as the family bond between Victor and Valeria is established.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Jefcon 5 View Post
                      Another question I wonder about- will I still be alive by the time someone gets this movie right?
                      Adaptations are not hit-or-miss, they're hit-and-miss. Some things are done right and other things done horribly wrong. And even then the things done right can be handled in a less-than-competent manner.

                      So "right" being a relative term and defined broadly as "not a clusterfucked mish-mash of horseshit," then yeah, I'm sure you'll one day see a Fantastic Four that has learned its predecessors' lessons and manages not to be a total insult to the fandom.

                      Speaking frankly, even Fox has to be tired of spending a good deal of money on a film series that keeps tanking badly to the point where it's a financial black hole on their ledger.
                      Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                      September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                      • #26
                        According to Josh Trank, he had nothing to do with the newest Fantastic Four
                        Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                        September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                        • #27
                          Making the F4 work in the broader Avengers/Marvel U would be easy. Have a couple mentions and easter eggs hinting at their origin already happening in a couple films, maybe Reed on tv in the background of another movie or the Torch flying by in the background of a scene. Then when it's time to film another movie featuring the characters use a different villain than Doom, and no, I don't mean Galactus. Galactus is a universe level threat. Taking him down should be like the end of Avengers: EMH.

                          But Marvel getting rights back to the F4 has so much more potential than even that. We can get the Kree/Skrull War now, a Hulk/Thing beatdown, etc...



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
                            Making the F4 work in the broader Avengers/Marvel U would be easy. Have a couple mentions and easter eggs hinting at their origin already happening in a couple films, maybe Reed on tv in the background of another movie or the Torch flying by in the background of a scene. Then when it's time to film another movie featuring the characters use a different villain than Doom, and no, I don't mean Galactus. Galactus is a universe level threat. Taking him down should be like the end of Avengers: EMH.

                            But Marvel getting rights back to the F4 has so much more potential than even that. We can get the Kree/Skrull War now, a Hulk/Thing beatdown, etc...

                            If you're going to make Fantastic Four movies, you've got to tell the best stories Stan Lee wrote about them. That means Galactus. You can't hold him back to benefit another property. The concept of the FF doesn't, in and of itself, generate good stories. It's a poor concept. Stan just wrote some great stories about these characters, that's all. And that's why the comic has sucked for so long. There hasn't been another Stan writing it.

                            The Coming of Galactus is THE seminal story of the Fantastic Four. Period.

                            If you don't do it that way, then just forget the FF.
                            Trey Strain
                            Guardian of the Universe
                            Last edited by Trey Strain; 08-07-2015, 03:32 AM.


                            • #29
                              My Fantastic Four plot:

                              1) Blue uniforms, muted in color so as not to look dumb, unstable molecules and blah blah blah to address their clothes being intact despite powers (Thing wears shorts)

                              2) Doom is a horribly-scarred genius-level dictator in robes and armor, like the comics. He also is a top-grade sorcerer. Like in the fucking comics.

                              3) People ride dinosaurs to work, not taxis.

                              4) Sue is a three-time arm wrestling champion in Guam.

                              5) Doom has a laser pistol (he has a holster sometimes and I read a comic where he uses one on Thing).

                              6) Galactus's spaceship is a disco ball crewed by Daft Punk.

                              7) Johnny has a lengthy criminal record for nude swimming.

                              8) At least five Squirrel Girl references.

                              9) Have the end credits begin rolling in the middle of the film, during a dramatic dialog scene. They literally start appearing over the picture, not next to it or cutting back and forth, right the fuck on top of the actors' faces.

                              10) Reed gets into a boxing match with Evander Holyfield in an attempt to pay off his student debt.

                              11) Jeff Goldblum cameos as a scientist pitching the FF an idea for a teleporter pod.

                              12) Each FF member has to clearly state they are registered as independent voters in an attempt to make Fox/Republicans popular with the younger voting demographic of today.

                              13) Galactus must flip a switch totally copied from Spaceballs to suck the life force from Earth.

                              My ideas are always the best ideas. You people don't have to thank me all the time for how awesome my ideas are; just knowing that you love them more than your firstborn child is thanks enough.
                              Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                              September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
                                My Fantastic Four plot:

                                2) Doom is a horribly-scarred genius-level enforced monarchy in robes and armor, like the comics. He also is a top-grade sorcerer. Like in the fucking comics.

                                There, much better.

                                Luv ya, sweetums.

