Personally I don;t hate the man at all. I just believe him to get a little full of himself at times, and he beleives that he can do whatever he wants with any character he desires without reprocussions. Like we are supposed to enjoy it no matter how godawful an idea it is. Just because it came from him it has to be gold.
Sometimes he just needs to be reigned in, too much creative freedom is never a good idea no matter who you are.
Just for the record I have enjoyed most of what he has written in the past. BUt his run on X-men was just garbage.
I can't hate a man I don't know. But I can certainly hate his work. If I end up semmingly hating the man vicariously through his work. Fuck it, I hate him then. In my opinion, I do not like Final Crisis, nor does anything about Batman RIP appeal to me on any level. That's my choice, I'm entitled to my opinion, and I don't hold anything against anyone else for not agreeing with me.
I can also make jokes about not liking someone or there work, or someone because of there work, because it's the internet. What the fuck else do we all do besides praise the things we like and make fun of the shit we don't? I've been trying to avoid it all, but I figured I'd jump in on the fun with this one.
I don't dislike Grant Morrison. i don't dislike Morrison's work. However, I will say this. Grant Morrison is FUCKING INSANE. Like the man is batshit crazy.