I'm getting paid ten grand to house sit for a rich guy my grampa knew. (Why he asked me I'll never know, Grampa called him a giant pompous ass...)
Some of you may think I took this gig just for spendin' money. No. I'm saving up for a house.
Not a dinky little midget house, A REAL BLOODY HOUSE that me and my wife can live in, and MAYBE raise kids in.
I do NOT want to do a mortgage. I do NOT want to do ANY TYPE OF LOAN.
I want a home that is MINE... and the wife's.
And the old jackass will only let us use dial up here is because he hates change, AND WILL NOT GET ANYTHING HE DOES NOT UNDERSTAND.
Oh, and it takes a half hour to get to the nearest comic book store. So yay
Some of you may think I took this gig just for spendin' money. No. I'm saving up for a house.
Not a dinky little midget house, A REAL BLOODY HOUSE that me and my wife can live in, and MAYBE raise kids in.
I do NOT want to do a mortgage. I do NOT want to do ANY TYPE OF LOAN.
I want a home that is MINE... and the wife's.
And the old jackass will only let us use dial up here is because he hates change, AND WILL NOT GET ANYTHING HE DOES NOT UNDERSTAND.
Oh, and it takes a half hour to get to the nearest comic book store. So yay