I am, ashamed as I am to say it.
Kinda wanted to see the movie in theatres but didn't make it. The movie was considered a joke in the circles where I'm from, so no one wanted to go to it with me. When it came out on video I rented it, and still had no idea what Green Lantern was when I popped it in, even though I'm a bit of a comic collector I had stayed away from anything DC so I never knew GL.
Now, I didn't think the movie was super-awesome 10/10 stars but it had a neat charm to it. When Hal makes the race car track to save the helicopter, that really impressed me. Not because the construct was well done, but it was believable, like "that's all he could think of in the heat of the moment", and made me really like the concept of the GL ring.
Next, I picked up a GL trade paperback from the local comic store, the one where Hal turns into a blue lantern. The art and coloring were phenomenal, and I'm still at a loss to find anything as good. Next visit, I noticed a Brother Warth toy and had to have it. Every visit to the comic store had me picking up another Green Lantern toy and comic, until today, where I have a HUGE GL comic collection, including all of Vol4 and Vol5, about a third of Vol3, and over half of Vol2.
The idea of GL excites me. It seems like it really could happen, like there really could be alien races out there with advanced technology looking for recruits into their peacekeeping corps. And that the ring relies on the wearer's imagination instead of some genetic mutation. So it's more relatable.
So... while the movie might be reviled, it did draw in some fans to the GL fanchise, those smart enough to see the potential behind it.
Kinda wanted to see the movie in theatres but didn't make it. The movie was considered a joke in the circles where I'm from, so no one wanted to go to it with me. When it came out on video I rented it, and still had no idea what Green Lantern was when I popped it in, even though I'm a bit of a comic collector I had stayed away from anything DC so I never knew GL.
Now, I didn't think the movie was super-awesome 10/10 stars but it had a neat charm to it. When Hal makes the race car track to save the helicopter, that really impressed me. Not because the construct was well done, but it was believable, like "that's all he could think of in the heat of the moment", and made me really like the concept of the GL ring.
Next, I picked up a GL trade paperback from the local comic store, the one where Hal turns into a blue lantern. The art and coloring were phenomenal, and I'm still at a loss to find anything as good. Next visit, I noticed a Brother Warth toy and had to have it. Every visit to the comic store had me picking up another Green Lantern toy and comic, until today, where I have a HUGE GL comic collection, including all of Vol4 and Vol5, about a third of Vol3, and over half of Vol2.
The idea of GL excites me. It seems like it really could happen, like there really could be alien races out there with advanced technology looking for recruits into their peacekeeping corps. And that the ring relies on the wearer's imagination instead of some genetic mutation. So it's more relatable.
So... while the movie might be reviled, it did draw in some fans to the GL fanchise, those smart enough to see the potential behind it.
