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Every Time I Think I'm Out...

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  • Every Time I Think I'm Out...

    Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying About Continuity And Love The New 52

    Okay. "Love" might be a bit strong. I still personally feel it was a needless reboot, especially coming so soon on the heels of the reboot from Neverending Crisis or whatever it was called. But, well thanks to a Kindle Fire HDX tablet and Comixology I've been getting back into comics in digital format, and slowly been getting back into DC (they have Earth 2 to thank for that).

    So lately I've been picking up the back catalog and following the New Gods storyline. So here I am. *L* In Brightest Day and all that.

  • #2
    One of us! One of us! Gooble gobble, gooble gobble!

    Good. Comics are good for your health.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Toriach View Post
      So lately I've been picking up the back catalog and following the New Gods storyline. So here I am. *L* In Brightest Day and all that.
      So I take it you're reading the five GL titles and other Godhead related issues? Anything else you're trying out from DC? Which ones are you digging?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave View Post
        So I take it you're reading the five GL titles and other Godhead related issues? Anything else you're trying out from DC? Which ones are you digging?
        Right now the comic budget is blown so I'm stuck until after payday for more. But yeah I've been doing all the godhead issues as they've come out, also been doing Earth 2, World's Finest, and JLA 3000. When the money is available I'll do the color corps tie ins for Futures End. Also with the appearance of Power Ring I'll probably pick up the last few JLA's (although I can't say I don't hate their pricing). Also doing Multiversity because I am just all kinds of a sucker for parallel reality stuff, and Morrison does it like few others (even if I want to punch the back of his little bald head for taking part in the new 52 with his Superman reboot).


        • #5

          Welcome back
          Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

          "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


          • #6
            I meant to say I love that quote from Godfather III. I use that myself when appropriate.

            Space Cop
            The Dandy
            Last edited by Space Cop; 10-22-2014, 01:35 PM.


            • #7
              Welcome back and good luck.

