What counts as an active member? Is it just a single post in a certain amount of time (a month or something)? Because even some of those 50 are not exactly chatty.
I was actually going to send you a PM, Dave, about the forum....I know I've been largely absent for the last 3 years due to gaming addiction, and all of a sudden show up 4 days ago posting again (battling gaming addiction), but man, are people even aware this forum exists anymore? Aside from the tried and true posters that we usually see contributing to the forum.
Most of the posters have drifted away, but many of the old regulars at least pop their heads in once in a blue moon. Part of it is the decline of message boards with social media reigning supreme, and the other big factor is that Green Lantern is in the midst of another lull in popularity. We may never see the frenzy that we did leading up to the 2011 movie, but if you think about it, most of the fans that came in and out during that time were pretty much fair weather fans. It's like anything else that is a cozy little niche corner that loyal fanboys keep afloat; popularity is a double edged sword. Johnny Come Latelys are good for business, but aren't there when the party is over.
Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave SkywalkerView Post
Most of the posters have drifted away, but many of the old regulars at least pop their heads in once in a blue moon. Part of it is the decline of message boards with social media reigning supreme . . .
Huh. You and I both avoid social media. It would be interesting to see if a lot of the more frequent visitors are not very active on Facebook or Instagram.
Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave SkywalkerView Post
Most of the posters have drifted away, but many of the old regulars at least pop their heads in once in a blue moon. Part of it is the decline of message boards with social media reigning supreme, and the other big factor is that Green Lantern is in the midst of another lull in popularity.
Maybe DC should shit out another crappy movie based on this specific character like Fox does with the Fantastic Four. It will be the the dawn of the prequel haters all over again. Good times👍