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Green Lantern Corps #63 *Preview/Spoilers*

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  • #16
    It wasn't the most amazing issue but I'm glad they're showing the PTSD that the corps is going through and their irrational reactions to different situations, like Kyle being in the corps.

    It shows their desperation for change of some kind, and they know they can't have it in the guardians so they're lashing out against the humans. The ones they feel the next most responsible for this...somehow.

    Interesting stuff. Looking forward to the next issue!

    Green Lantern Initiate
    Last edited by LordAtrocitus; 08-19-2011, 05:48 PM.

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    • #17
      I'm pretty pumped for next issue, having Tomasi back on GLC where he belongs. I really enjoyed his run on the book and think he excelled doing all the pollitical intrigue aspects of the the Corps. He had a great handle for making how this whole organization works very interesting.


      • #18
        Whatever makes New Guardians come faster. I'm just glad Kyle is now Sector 2814's GL. He can be based off Earth for NG.


        • #19
          Was a decent issue. It felt like a Corps issue. The people saying it's a Kyle issue... strange. He's barely even in it, really, but I did like his story here.


          • #20
            Dude. Freakin Kyle Raynar and the New Guardians. I'm so excited man. Kyle needs to get some hype finally.

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            • #21
              Well, to say the least, the issue set everything up for the relaunch in a few weeks and it had great art but still the same old: "We hate humans even if they make the best Green Lanterns."


              • #22
                Disappointing, of the 7 Lanterns we see on the cover, only 3 show up? And nothing happens really. The whole "Humans suck" thing is very overplayed IMHO


                • #23
                  But I gotta's a pretty easy thought if you're an alien to be like "One of these things is not like the other...the humans are always involved when the sh*t hits the fan."

                  And thus, comes resentment.

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                  • #24
                    Yeah, I mean I get that its just (especially poor Kyle) the earth GL's are always the one to save everything when shit does inevitably hit the fan. I mean without Kyle there wouldnt be any guardians left, or any Corps for that matter.


                    • #25
                      That's true. They probably just think that if the earth lanterns weren't there then there wouldn't be any problems in the first place...which is pretty much just a flawed logic. Considering, you're right, the earth lanterns always save the day.

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                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Dave Cormier View Post
                        I saw that and chuckled. "Buy the last couple of months because you love comics!" is a hell of a sales pitch.
                        He actually did that? LOL. Really there was no point in buying the last couple of months. Everything is getting rebooted next month. I hope they took a huge loss the last couple of months so they no not to try this again.

