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Green Lantern Corps #9 *Preview/Spoilers*

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
    (1) I don't think so because the GotU said to themselves that the Alphas' actions just happen to play right into their hands.
    (2) Yeah, I think that got quietly retconned in the new 52. I also thought they were going to be rehabilitated.
    I was mostly wondering because of the harshness of the sentence. I mean it seems clear to me that Laira's crime was FAR more egregious than John's, and she just got kicked out. To punish him MORE severely seems...odd, if they are supposed to be operating strictly from an unemotional, justice-based viewpoint. If they were reacting emotionally, I can see them being more forgiving of murdering an unarmed captive than John's decision, but they don't SEEM to be portrayed as such. And it isn't like the Laira situation has been retconned out, since it's mentioned here.

    If there isn't any attempt made to justify their sentence, it is going to feel like a plot device that came out of nowhere just to set up later parts of the story, at least to me...


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
      I was mostly wondering because of the harshness of the sentence. I mean it seems clear to me that Laira's crime was FAR more egregious than John's, and she just got kicked out. To punish him MORE severely seems...odd, if they are supposed to be operating strictly from an unemotional, justice-based viewpoint. If they were reacting emotionally, I can see them being more forgiving of murdering an unarmed captive than John's decision, but they don't SEEM to be portrayed as such. And it isn't like the Laira situation has been retconned out, since it's mentioned here.

      If there isn't any attempt made to justify their sentence, it is going to feel like a plot device that came out of nowhere just to set up later parts of the story, at least to me...
      I agree. There's obviously been 0 character development on any of them. And there really could have been a debate here. We could have actually seen them arguing the merits of the decision. But the only argument anyone is making in the entire issue is "John killed one of our own." There's nothing else to it. They aren't bringing in Xanshi OR Mogo into it (which might make them see John as a potential threat), they don't see John having a charge in his ring (which is why I, personally, think he was wrong) ... if we dive into the history books, we could also point out that he killed Appa and worked for the Controllers. But this issue just shows the Alphas railroading John.

      And that's too bad. Because they could actually make a case for the harsh sentence just based on official material. But I really wasn't expecting anything better, given how they handled (or didn't handle) the ramifications of Mogo's death.


      • #18
        Blow up a sentient planet? No trial. Kill a humanoid alien? Death we say! Blatant racism against planets here.


        • #19

          And here's my review:
          Not a True Fan
          Last edited by SD80MAC; 05-18-2012, 02:08 PM.
          The last fan of 1990s comics
          Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


          • #20
            pretty messed up, though i kind of expected


            • #21
              Just read it. I really liked it. Not that they are doing anything too original here, but it was still entertaining and well done. Great art too!


              • #22
                Xanshi-kinda, John mopes for YEARS! Guardians nothing
                Mogo, John mopes for a few months, Guardians nothing
                Random dude aka Red Shirt, Guardians conduct a "trial" with Death Sentence.

                Hal kills a Guardian and they just take his ring?
                Originally posted by BatmanofSector2814
                I have yet to see Avatar, mainly because it is the plot of Pocahontas wrapped in a "Halo vs World of Warcraft" flavored, CGI heavy shell...and I've already seen Pocahontas and played all 5


                • #23
                  Finally I could read the issue, haven't got the time. But I liked the story. I liked it that Guy tried to keep the back of John. Until then I had the impression that they're just partners, but now I see them as Buddies (but maybe I just hadn't know that they are in the first place).
                  The Death Senetnce for John was something I've expected but I, too, think, that it's over the top especially when compared Laira's crime. I hope they'll come up with an explanation or a good reason. If they won't I'd found this a little disappointing. But so far im curious how the story will develop further and I'm satisfied with the GLC run so far.

                  Was Laira's crime also judged by Alpha Lanterns or the Guardians themself? Maybe that could explain the differences in judgement?


                  • #24
                    I am totally loving where this series is headed. Seems like its just going to get more and more exciting as the story developes. That being said I did think the cover of this issue was rather misleading. If John had put up a fight it would have made sense but he basically said yeah i'm guilty but I did it for a good reason and then let them drain his ring. Or did I miss a big chase scene where John fought for his life against the whole Alpha Corps?

