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Green Lantern Corps #22 *Preview/Spoilers*

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  • Green Lantern Corps #22 *Preview/Spoilers*

    Green Lantern Corps #22 PREVIEW
    Writer: Van Jensen & Robert Venditti
    Artist: Bernard Chang

  • #2
    Has anyone noticed that particularly with the last two GL Corps covers, the cover preview that is listed on the DC website is not the cover the ends up on the book? Last issue the preview cover I believe was the one with Guy in all red except for his green ring. The preview cover of this issue was a side view of John putting on his ring. It's a shame because I really thought that the two other covers were really well done.


    • #3
      Cool cover! Guess the Van Jensen needs to show Johns Sensitive person more often. Some out of this world constructs rather than military and building constructions.. No wonder fans are not keen to see him.
      Let Ther Be LIGHT! Evil Beware My Powers!!!


      • #4
        The plot thickens. Tomorrow, you say? Goody.

        The power of will is found at the deepest level of your being. It's more than mere rules. It's a duty that you must honor.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Emerald Sinner View Post
          Has anyone noticed that particularly with the last two GL Corps covers, the cover preview that is listed on the DC website is not the cover the ends up on the book? Last issue the preview cover I believe was the one with Guy in all red except for his green ring. The preview cover of this issue was a side view of John putting on his ring. It's a shame because I really thought that the two other covers were really well done.
          Not the first time they've teased us or changed solicits. Remember all that nonsense with the Superman titles a few years back? The production wizards always have some covers in reserve to substitute at the last minute. Geeks keep track of these things.

          The power of will is found at the deepest level of your being. It's more than mere rules. It's a duty that you must honor.


          • #6
            Enjoyable issue with an intriguing ending (to say more would be spoilery I fear with the book just out). Really enjoying the four main books at the moment (skipped Larfleeze). There's much more of a feeling of them all working together now, versus one book throwing out plots that the others need to work around.

            Loving John getting some focus here. He's perhaps a bit too rough with the rookies, although I find it interesting that we're seeing the same thing here as in GL, with a new batch of rookies that on the surface aren't that promising. As someone says above, its nice to see him being played as a more balanced character with the architect and marine takes both being used, rather than just heavily focusing on John as a marine.


            • #7
              Originally posted by reilly2040 View Post
              There's much more of a feeling of them all working together now, versus one book throwing out plots that the others need to work around.
              I agree.

              Wouldn't the Predator be the child of the Entity as opposed to a sibling? Just a thought.


              • #8
                I liked it. What's with John being surprised or leery of Hal's leadership? Are none of his friends faithful?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                  I liked it. What's with John being surprised or leery of Hal's leadership? Are none of his friends faithful?
                  I see it as, "really they chose the rebel to lead the corps? They know Hal and they know that this position just doesn't suite his personality.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Iggy View Post
                    I see it as, "really they chose the rebel to lead the corps? They know Hal and they know that this position just doesn't suite his personality.
                    That's a good point. You can be somebody's friend and still think they are unsuited to a position. I guess it depends on WHY they are leery of it.

                    Personally, I'm of the opinion that an organization like the GLC NEEDS to have the sort of semi-omniscient, benevolent (in some sense, at least, if not in every way), immortal beings that the Guardians USED to be before Geoff took the hatchet to them, in charge to work as a concept.

                    Such an organization NEEDS leadership that can take the EXTREMELY long view, and an extremely WIDE view as well. Hal can't really do the latter, given the limits of his knowledge, and won't likely do the former, due to both those same limits, and the limits of his temperment, which barely lets him plan what actions he will take TOMORROW (or even ten seconds from now, sometimes), much less charting the course of an organization that will outlive him by several orders of magnitude.

                    I eagerly await the day when the replacement Guardians can take over the role again, (and even more eagerly await the day when people will largely forget that they ARE "replacement Guardians" and the low point of Johns' character assasination on the "old Guardians" is no longer relevant going forward).


                    • #11
                      Pretty good issue, enjoyed it.


                      • #12
                        this book and the rest feel like there is alot more cohesion amongst them than there was before. Plus I like how John describes how to envision the construct as more than just what it is but also the detail down to the screws. Crazy stuff.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by TorchBearer2814 View Post
                          this book and the rest feel like there is alot more cohesion amongst them than there was before. Plus I like how John describes how to envision the construct as more than just what it is but also the detail down to the screws. Crazy stuff.

                          Actually reads like the writers sit down and "discuss" the books, probably with the exception of Larfleeze.

                          The issue also raises the old question question of how people like Kyle can create mechanical robot armor. Is it visual detail or structural detail?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by reilly2040 View Post
                            (skipped Larfleeze)
                            Good call, unless you like your satire thicker than molasses in the Grand Canyon in wintertime.

                            In response to spoiler above: In the time of the Predator in Malthusian mythology, there were three demigods, perhaps brothers, and the blood of the demons cried out for vengeance. Don't think these writers are afraid of continuity, so do believe we might see an amplification of the old myth; consult the "Trinity" miniseries which ran concurrent with GL vol 3 #42 or so. And I never was satisfied by how Neron disposed of the baby Predator had with Carol Ferris...see Extreme Justice.

                            PS. Four.

                            The power of will is found at the deepest level of your being. It's more than mere rules. It's a duty that you must honor.


                            • #15
                              I voted 4 stars. I'm really impressed with this series so far. Jensen, Chang, and Maiolo are breathing so much life into this title... it's surprising.

                              I wrote a full review and posted it on this website (it keeps me from making ultra-long forum posts):
                              Weaponer of Qward
                              Last edited by Star-Lantern; 07-11-2013, 08:17 AM.
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