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Green Lantern Corps #37 *Preview/Spoilers*
Read it, hated it. It's a John Stewart lead, but most of the issue was a stalemate. The Indigo Tribe leaves. Some GLs get changed into the White Army (I don't know what else to call it). John fights former GLs. He manages to find someone to turn against Highfather. John uses the Weaponeer's White Lantern shield. It isn't enough.
The artwork suffered. The plot stuttered from page to page. Even having Sinestro didn't help. 1/5 stars.
This issue is terrible. I look forward to this comic every month. To get an issue this bad is just... deflating. I read it more than once to try to appreciate it more, but... no such luck. It's just really bad.
Originally posted by Booster Beetle View PostDoes anyone know why he wasnt a Star Sapphire anymore?
I need to know!
I still hate the pace but this issue had some cool moments.Proud owner of a Justice League Europe number 1 issue.
Which currently is worth less than my Kick-Ass 2 issue 1.
The issue was average at best.Part of the problem was the change in artwork, and the fact that DC is trying so hard to make the New Gods so damn powerful.However, I loved the Stewart/Sinestro dynamic, which was at times hilarious.Hopefully, Sinestro can get his revenge at the Source Wall with Bekka.If she is married to Orion in this timeline, it would be the perfect killshot.
John is really starting to piss me off as a character. His holier-than-thou attitude and spruiking of 'God' in the last two issues is making him difficult to tolerate. Looking forward to this title coming to an end.