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Secret Origins #9

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  • Secret Origins #9

    Anyone pick this up? It had a John Stewart story.

  • #2
    I have it (I've gotten them all), but it's near the bottom of my pile, so I haven't gotten to it yet. Good to know.


    • #3
      Yep. I wrote a review about the John Stewart segment, with spoilers. It's a big deal to me and other John Stewart fans I know for multiple reasons:
      ZATSWAN.COM Zatswan: Multiversal Guardian, the brand new cosmic comic book, now available!


      • #4
        I have it in my pull file at the comic store, just haven't gone to pick up my comics yet this week. I'll just do it next week. Have to have this one though; John Stewart and Swampy? I'm all about that.


        • #5
          Pretty cool pickup. While I liked the story (includes him joining the marines!), I felt like it was too neat. He seemed a little too perfect to be entirely believable. Good to have this piece of the puzzle for John though.


          • #6
            I just read it after getting my books yesterday. These secret origin stories tend to feel rushed and without as much care as they used to do in the 80s incarnation of the title. This issue felt no different. Swamp Thing's origin was barely passable, but it's still hampered by being the nU52 version on top of the classic; it's not a simple classic origin story anymore.

            I didn't read the Earth 2 Powergirl one. It looked too crappy to waste my time on.

            John Stewart's was TERRIBLE. The art was rushed, the story was so choppy it was barely a story. I know there's only a few pages to tell the story but they figured out the pacing of 8 page strips decades ago. This origin just highlights why Hal's is the only one of the human GLs that is worth using (arguable the classic Alan Scott's too). They all hinge on staying on Hal's coat tails to succeed. This one they only tie john's to Hal's through the use of his tenure as a Ferris Aircraft architect, but it just doesn't hold up. I don't mean not hold up to the test of time, I felt like it didn't hold up to the end of the story. For better or worse, Guy and John's origins are best left tied to Hal's. Yes it makes them his supporting cast, but I've never seen them done well enough to stand on their own without him.

            I think if they had gone for saying he helped Hal out once and became a backup who thought he could go on with his life only to find that he was really needed full time it might have worked. He was trained by his future wife Katma Tui, only to have her taken from him. Nothing in his old origin doesn't work now. Same with Guy. They both had a brief taste, and then went back to their lives. But because they were naturally gifted with the ring they were recruited full time when the universe needed them most.

            This issue was pretty much a big fail though. I can see why DC is quickly cancelling it.


            • #7
              And to expand on what I was saying,

              I get the desire to eliminate the 70s aspect of the origin. If for nothing else the racial component of it. If you figure you want an origin that will hold up the O'Neil origin is steeped in the time it was written in. So then why bother include John going to protests with his mom? That undoes it right there.

              Also, John's time protesting with his mom, his time as a marine and time as an architect are NOT an origin. They are his past. When you tell an origin for Superman or Batman, where they went to school isn't part of their origin. As it stands, John's actual origin in the nU52 is:

              "John Stewart an architect working at Ferris Aircraft when a Manhunter attacks and threatens lives. He is mysteriously given a ring by the Guardians of Oa to combat the android that they secretly sent to test John's worthiness. After defeating the Manhunter John Stewart is then taken to Oa for training and induction into the Green Lantern Corps."

