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  • #31
    The only way Magneto should beat John is if magnetism can affect the GL ring. I'm assuming that is not the case, given Doctor Polaris's poor showings against GL.


    • #32
      I'm assuming we're talking about Sam Alexander as Nova, in which case I'd certainly pick John. A Nova Corps helmet is similar to a GL ring in many ways, but it doesn't make constructs (at least that I can remember) and John's tactical mind seems like it would easily best Sam's.
      Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1


      • #33

        Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
        The only way Magneto should beat John is if magnetism can affect the GL ring. I'm assuming that is not the case, given Doctor Polaris's poor showings against GL.
        to be fair, if we look at both Mags & Polaris' showings in-comic (and I say this as somebody who has seen alot of BOTH characters): Id side w/Mags every time, and I think he'd give most GLs a good run for their money.


        Originally posted by Andrew NDB
        Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Tazer View Post
          to be fair, if we look at both Mags & Polaris' showings in-comic (and I say this as somebody who has seen alot of BOTH characters): Id side w/Mags every time, and I think he'd give most GLs a good run for their money.
          Oh certainly, I would agree Magneto is FAR more competent than Doctor Polaris. My only point was that, if magnetism could actually effect the ring, Polaris would have done so. I don't recall him ever doing so, so unless my memory is faulty (a real possibility, so feel free to correct me if so) the ring is NOT effected by magnetism.

          That being the case, even though Magneto is far more competent than Doctor Polaris, he seems overmatched against a GL. The ability to yank the ring away would be the only real way I'd see him winning.


          • #35

            if U have the ish handy, I would point ya to v2 #133 when Polaris was able to set up a forcefield around Hals Ring which put a stranglehold on his effectiveness, eventually leading him to giving up during their fight in the Docs base.


            Originally posted by Andrew NDB
            Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Tazer View Post

              if U have the ish handy, I would point ya to v2 #133 when Polaris was able to set up a forcefield around Hals Ring which put a stranglehold on his effectiveness, eventually leading him to giving up during their fight in the Docs base.
              I might have that one, but it would be a hassle to dig it out. Since when has Doctor Polaris had the ability to create forcefields? And ones that are stronger than a GL ring? Wow. That doesn't make a lot of sense. Eh, who am I kidding? Villains, like heroes, often have powers whose strength and variety are dictated more by the plot than any internal logic.

              Which is why these X vs. Y comparisons all REALLY have an answer that is dependent on who is writing it, and in whose book it takes place.


              • #37

                just so any1 else can see for themselves: go take a peek

                That Evil, Yellow Bastiche
                Last edited by Tazer; 02-26-2015, 06:01 PM.

                Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.

