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Best John Stewart Moments

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    Big Blue Lantern
    Corps Honor Guard

  • Big Blue Lantern
    The moment when he relit the CPB on Justice League is still my favorite moment from that show.

    As for the comics, I still liked this Parallax-influenced moment from Rebirth since it showed how powerful John could be with his ring.

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  • Star-Lantern
    Weaponer of Qward

  • Star-Lantern
    Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Skywalker View Post
    My favorite John Stewart stories weren't ones that focused on him being black or did any kind of race baiting for attention.
    I wholeheartedly agree.

    It's like some people don't want to allow a black man character to just be a dude. Nope, he's gotta' be making some kind of socio-political statement in his adventures.

    Anyway, not necessarily feats, but here are some of my favorite John Stewart stories:

    I think I actually like that four parter better than the actual Mosaic ongoing, though I like the ongoing a lot, too.

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  • Mister Ed
    Horse of a Different Color

  • Mister Ed
    Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Skywalker View Post
    I liked when Katma was training John, and he came up with a solution to deal with the threat by Replikon that didn't involve physical conflict. He solved a problem that readers discover was behind it, Replikon gets a happy ending, and John excels in his training. It showed readers how different he was from Hal as a Green Lantern.
    That WAS a good one. I actually also liked the issue where he screwed up a Space Shuttle rescue a bit, and basically DEMANDED that the Guardians give him more training, though I doubt that was ever going to make a "greatest moments" list.

    That's always the first issue I point to when I make the case that John was wildly out of character in Cosmic Odyssey, too. The guy that was that aware of his own shortcomings, and that open with others about them in pursuit of improvement, was NOT the guy who was an arrogant, overconfident fool in Cosmic Odyssey, just to serve the plot.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    My favorite John Stewart stories weren't ones that focused on him being black or did any kind of race baiting for attention. They were ones that showed how he solved problems in a different way than I would have expected Hal to. I soon realized I was liking this guy and didn't want him to go away when I got Hal back.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    I liked when Katma was training John, and he came up with a solution to deal with the threat by Replikon that didn't involve physical conflict. He solved a problem that readers discover was behind it, Replikon gets a happy ending, and John excels in his training. It showed readers how different he was from Hal as a Green Lantern.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    ^Agreed. A John-Katma moment would've been nice, though I don't have a specific suggestion off the top of my head.

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  • Mister Ed
    Horse of a Different Color

  • Mister Ed
    I could have done without any mention of Xanshi on the list. At least they didn't put the actual travesty of Cosmic Odyssey on the list, and I can't deny that the GUILT from Xanshi was used to good effect developing his character over the years, but having anything to do with that horrible story count as one of his top 10 moments, much less number one, rubs me the wrong way.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
    I watched that mainly to make sure they mentioned ANYTHING from Mosiac. They did, so I guess I don't have to totally discount it!
    I literally thought of you at that moment!

    I'm not sure how different my list would be, but it would be different. It would include something from Mosaic and I would (like them) include his debut issue, which is a strong one. But I'd really have to pour over my collection to do such a list justice.

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  • Mister Ed
    Horse of a Different Color

  • Mister Ed
    I watched that mainly to make sure they mentioned ANYTHING from Mosiac. They did, so I guess I don't have to totally discount it!

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    started a topic Best John Stewart Moments

    Best John Stewart Moments

    DC Daily highlighted John for Black History Month. They picked fewer comic moments than I would have, but still interesting.

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