Kyle isn't a serial killer.His penis is.Think about it,everyone Kyle has slept with ended up dying.This is because his penis is sentient,and a serial killer.It has a crippling fear of being in a vagina,so it engineers the deaths of everyone its inserted into.It convinced Major Force to shove Alex in the fridge.It rebuilt a Superman robot to kill Donna Troy.It led Jade to her death.
Kyle's penis is evil,and must be stopped!Sadly for Kyle,the brief minutes he was dead meant he couldn't have a quickie with Jade,as his penis was in Penis Hell(where all evil penises go.)Of course,it would be very quick as heaven was falling apart in the Blackest Night.To fix this,Kyle must slice off his manhood and replace it with the penis of the Earth-3 Kyle.As that Kyle is evil,his penis is good.
Kyle isn't a serial killer.His penis is.Think about it,everyone Kyle has slept with ended up dying.This is because his penis is sentient,and a serial killer.It has a crippling fear of being in a vagina,so it engineers the deaths of everyone its inserted into.It convinced Major Force to shove Alex in the fridge.It rebuilt a Superman robot to kill Donna Troy.It led Jade to her death.
Kyle's penis is evil,and must be stopped!Sadly for Kyle,the brief minutes he was dead meant he couldn't have a quickie with Jade,as his penis was in Penis Hell(where all evil penises go.)Of course,it would be very quick as heaven was falling apart in the Blackest Night.To fix this,Kyle must slice off his manhood and replace it with the penis of the Earth-3 Kyle.As that Kyle is evil,his penis is good.
u r mean. kyle iz not a mean badguy. he iz kewl and u shud ffel bad 4 making funz of him.
I'm telling you guys, I'm smelling Identity Crisis II by Brad Meltzer and Rags Morales!
How awesome would it be if Kyle Rayner turned out to be the DCU's greatest serial killer? Working right under the noses of some of Earth's greatest detectives like the Batman?
Hunting the trail of the killer of Kyle's newest dead girlfriend (fill in the blank Titan or Outsider) brings the JLA right to the LAST person they ever suspected ! But in a HUGE twist, we find out in a totally unrelated event that Jay Garrick was ACTUALY the girl's father, which nobody knew because he molested her at a young age, was taken from Jay and Joan, and she grew up being raised by adoptive parents. The plot THEN turns to a Jay Garrick as central villan for a poorly resolved finish.
Kyle isn't a serial killer.His penis is.Think about it,everyone Kyle has slept with ended up dying.This is because his penis is sentient,and a serial killer.It has a crippling fear of being in a vagina,so it engineers the deaths of everyone its inserted into.It convinced Major Force to shove Alex in the fridge.It rebuilt a Superman robot to kill Donna Troy.It led Jade to her death.
Kyle's penis is evil,and must be stopped!Sadly for Kyle,the brief minutes he was dead meant he couldn't have a quickie with Jade,as his penis was in Penis Hell(where all evil penises go.)Of course,it would be very quick as heaven was falling apart in the Blackest Night.To fix this,Kyle must slice off his manhood and replace it with the penis of the Earth-3 Kyle.As that Kyle is evil,his penis is good.
So do you have an infatuation with Kyle's penis. Do you want it in your mouth you sick f@#k. I bet you long for it don't you?
I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.
Originally posted by The_Power_of_WillPrevailsView Post
So do you have an infatuation with Kyle's penis. Do you want it in your mouth you sick f@#k. I bet you long for it don't you?
I don't have an infatuation,serial killer organs aren't my style.And if Kyle's organ isn't sentient,then I have another theory-it is all Geoff Johns.He has a mancrush on Hal,and sees Kyle as a rival.Thus,he makes Kyle's life miserable by killing his GFs.All part of his master plan to make Hal his,via destroying Kyle's love life.And if it isn't a stalker with a crush syndrome,its Geoff only liking the pairing