And if Carol found out what happened with Kyle and Bueno Excellente, she would leave him.
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Could Kyle Hook Up With Carol?!? He does.
When was the last time Carol even showed up? Does she even exist in what passes for continuity now?
I don't think anyone cares. Anyone at DC, that is. The Green Lantern comic books don't touch Earth anyway.Last edited by Michael Heide; 06-15-2018, 05:34 PM.
Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Skywalker View PostWhen was the last time Carol even showed up? Does she even exist in what passes for continuity now?
Kyle said goodbye to her in the beginning of the Tom King written Omega Men series. Then there was that story in the DC new talent special that had the beginnings of an adventure with Kyle as the White Lantern again with Carol by his side as a Sapphire. I didn't pick up the Rebirth GLC title till they brought Kyle in, but since he's been there I don't think he's mentioned Carol.
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Carol disappeared before the Omega Men started, as detailed above.
I never agreed with Carol following Kyle. Carol Ferris as always been in love with Hal Jordan. The writers just wanted another human's opinion of Kyle as he became a White Lantern, that's all. Which they could have done much better with Jade, but oh, that's right, they killed off Jade to make her father Alan Scott a homosexual in the DCNew universe. Ooops!
Much like how John Stewart tried personally to bring Fatality back, and the writers made her violently reject John and the Star Sapphire ring.
Or the entire "all the Corps' children are going to be kidnapped by the Sinestro Corps" storyline that made being married in the GLC a doomsday prediction. Ugh. Name me one successful boyfriend/girlfriend or marriage in the DCU other than Superman/Lois Lane.
Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Skywalker View PostWhen was the last time Carol even showed up? Does she even exist in what passes for continuity now?
Venditti doesn't like writing females prominently in his stories, Venditti doesn't like writing romance prominently in his stories, or both. Thus, he had little need for Carol Ferris.
It really seemed to me that he was purposely avoiding those aspects. I mean, after 80 something issues, or whatever it was, you think you would have seen more of that.