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How many of you would have liked it if Kyle stayed as the "Super"-Lantern?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by threehgame View Post
    Hey there's an idea, why not have a storyline where the rest of the entities use Kyle's body as an apartment.
    all at once or one at a time

    IonFan says



    • #17
      How about writing a decent damn story instead of powering him up? All that shows is they don't know what else to do with him.


      • #18
        Originally posted by threehgame View Post
        Hey there's an idea, why not have a storyline where the rest of the entities use Kyle's body as an apartment.
        I'd actually read that sitcom.


        • #19
          By the looks of it, just having all the rings almost killed Kyle.

          Having more then one entity(nevermind seven) inside him at once certainly would.


          • #20
            I think it would be cool if he could call on it in times of need, but it be too much stress on his body to do it for long,,,that kinda thing.


            • #21
              I liked Kyle as Ion, at the time it made sense and showed Kyle as heads and shoulders above Guy & John (and maybe even Hal). The point being that he has become a great team player and leader as he has matured as a character is shown by his being entrusted with Ion.

              That said, the New Guardians angle is definitely a better direction for Kyle than "hollowed out shuttle for emotional entity".....and I'm so glad that Kyle was chosen rather than Guy or John. Nothing against them, but Kyle is a better fit.
              “You were electrocuted by a Giant Moth. That kind of thing will scramble your brain right good." -- Boxer (in Godzilla #6)


              • #22
                I'd rather Kyle go back to being Ion than some sort of super Lantern. The costume was way too busy, and the power level was down right ridiculous....



                • #23
                  They could always call Kyle SuperDuper General Mega Lantern and give him a bodysuit encrusted with multicolorored little gems, a crown of little lanterns, and lightning bolts shooting out of his ass.

                  Then he'd be the best.


                  • #24
                    Lightning bolts? Is that a Braveheart reference?


                    • #25
                      Indeed it IS! Good catch!


                      • #26
                        I liked the suit for the most part.

                        One thing I never understood about it, if black is the absences of all the colors & emotions and white is all the colors & emotions why was the suit black when he had the 7 rings from each corps/tribe?

                        Also where was the symbol for the OLC?
                        Originally posted by fearless2814.1
                        ...You're a chore, you know that? You are a chore.


                        • #27
                          The orange ring that eventually found Kyle was Glomulus in disguise. Long story short, Larfleeze had something to do with it all....

                          If Kyle was gonna be some sort of super Lantern, just giving him the white ring would've made more sense than giving him a ring from all 7 Corps'.


