I'm wanting to get this book monthly but I'm just unsure of the quality of the story and what they are doing with the characters. I read issue number one and then stopped. What I read of issue one was great but I was limited on funds at the time and now I am wanting to give it a shot. What do you think about it and is it worth going back and picking up the previous issues?
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Is The New Guardians book good?
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Originally posted by The_Power_of_WillPrevails View PostI'm wanting to get this book monthly but I'm just unsure of the quality of the story and what they are doing with the characters. I read issue number one and then stopped. What I read of issue one was great but I was limited on funds at the time and now I am wanting to give it a shot. What do you think about it and is it worth going back and picking up the previous issues?
Originally posted by SD80MAC View PostIf you don't like Kyle, you're going to hate this book. If you like a compelling story (especially in issue #7), then you'll enjoy it. I highly recommend it.
I like it. Ish 7 was one of the strongest issues of any GL title since the relaunch. I still prefer GL, but that's because I'm a Hal fan. NG is definitely better than RL or GLC.
I do like Kyle. He's the whole reason I even like Green Lantern. He was GL when I was growing up. I read a few of the Hal stories and I like him too. I just like Kyle better. I'm gonna wait for the trade because most of the comics stores around me don't have the issues so I'll just wait. I just wanted to make sure that it was something I would enjoy and not be let down. I do have to say that most of the New 52 I've read has been really good. I have yet to be let down but I was just limited in funds. So I only stuck to three books.
Well I am a Kyle fan but if the story sucks or the art is crappy then it takes away the enjoyment of the book. the only books I've been picking up since the New 52 are Nightwing, Batman (by capullo), and Red Hood and The Outlaws. I love the story of all three of them and the art on all three are superb in my opinion. I love Tyler's art style I just wasn't sure the way the story was going because it always seems like the story of Kyle slowly follows that of Hal. And I don't like that. Kyle is his own character and should be able to do his own thing with out being put in the shadow of Hal Jordan all the time. So I didn't know if that is what is going to happen or not. So far it hasn't been right?
He's definately not in Hal's shadow in New Guardians. It's a team book of reluctant heroes, and Kyle is the leader/main character.
If you want good, buy the main ongoing Green Lantern title.
Originally posted by The_Power_of_WillPrevails View PostKyle is his own character and should be able to do his own thing with out being put in the shadow of Hal Jordan all the time. So I didn't know if that is what is going to happen or not. So far it hasn't been right?
Kyle Rayner is leader of the most powerful team in the Universe.
John & Guy corrupt Green Lanterns officers.
And Hal a sidekick of his worst enemy.
Thought I have to say I prefer Kyle leading the GL Corps, they need a champion and Kyle is the closer one they have-- whos not a cold (John) hearted (Guy) asshole (Hal).
Ok. Awesome. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be let down. I stopped reading the GL main title after number one. I didn't like that Sinestro became GL and Hal lost his power ring to him. And I'm not a fan of John I think he's the lamest GL of them all. and Guy is a good plot device if it involves the Red Lanterns because of his infinite amount of rage. Kyle is the only one out of all of them that I feel a connection with and can actually relate to some of the things he has going on.
I think that's the way foward. I've only ben able to read #4 so far, but I enjoyed it. And the whole reason why Sinestro is now a GL again is because of the GL movie. They're trying to draw in new fans that saw the GL movie, but made Sinestro currupt and left his past intact otherwise it would piss alot of fans off. And as for GLC, i'd say that's suposed to be the standard GL title that don't go off fighting the rainbow lantern corps, but is still a bit boring. As for red lanterns, that's not realy a proper GL book. It's DCs failed attempt at doing a dark GL title. I still like it, but it's not dark. So GL: new guardians is a no brainer, especialy if you're a Kyle fan.Originally posted by IonFan(even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)Originally posted by Big Daddy CaesarIf I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.Originally posted by QuakerI am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.
Well I'm gonna pick up the issues at my local store tomorrow. I'm gonna start with #7 even though I won't know what's going on so much but I'm going to put in an order for the tpb or hardcover so when it comes out I can have it.
Originally posted by The_Power_of_WillPrevails View PostWell I'm gonna pick up the issues at my local store tomorrow. I'm gonna start with #7 even though I won't know what's going on so much but I'm going to put in an order for the tpb or hardcover so when it comes out I can have it.