I loved the sexual tension between Kyle and Bleez-- and BB lol.
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GL:NG/BB Crossover Part 1: Blue Beetle #9 Preview/Spoilers
Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave View Post...Another one is how people get off the phone in movies and TV...
Originally posted by Space Cop View PostOr how about when someone driving turns and talks to a person with their eyes off the road for minutes at a time? Or drives down a straight road but turns the steering wheel constantly left and right.
Originally posted by Deadpool View PostIs it just me or are these cross-overs getting everyone down? At the momment, I read GL:NG, red lanterns, and swamp-thing, but new guardians crossess over with blue betle, so I need to buy that issue, blue beetle readers need to the following issue of new guardians because blue beetle or something apears in it, in red lanterns, they cross over with stromwatch so I need to buy 1 issue of stormwatch and people who read stormwatch need an issue of red lanterns, and swamp-thing crossess over with animal man. It's just a way of DC getting more money off us. Granted that the storylines are good, but still, it costs!My pull list : Green lantern, Green lantern corps, Green lantern new guardians, Red lanterns, Demon knights, Stormwatch, Earth 2, World's finest, Batman incorporated, Batman, Detective comics, Suicide squad, The savage hawkman, Green arrow, Wonder woman, The ravagers, Justice league international, Justice league, Justice league dark, Supergirl, Superman, Incredible hulk, Fatale, Game of thrones.
Originally posted by Hypo View Post...Marvel does small crossovers too...My pull list : Green lantern, Green lantern corps, Green lantern new guardians, Red lanterns, Demon knights, Stormwatch, Earth 2, World's finest, Batman incorporated, Batman, Detective comics, Suicide squad, The savage hawkman, Green arrow, Wonder woman, The ravagers, Justice league international, Justice league, Justice league dark, Supergirl, Superman, Incredible hulk, Fatale, Game of thrones.