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GL:NG/BB Crossover Part 2: New Guardians #9 Preview/Spoilers

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  • #16
    Great issue, I love seeing my favorite Corps receive new members, they are all friendly and kind. Yes, Walker's eye-rolling was awesome, imagine how it could be done if he was his old self (without the tentacle and has dots for eyes). For a Corps with least amount of fighting power (when without green) it's obviously much more difficult to maintain a hopeful heart, makes me respect Blues all the more for keeping the faith alive in this incident.

    To Weaponer: Arkillo is not answering to Kyle, he's just going to help his buddy Walker.
    :Gray Lantern the True Neutral:

    Cyberium of Sector 614, you foresee great HOPE in our future.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Linterna Azul View Post
      Awesome , Now all have sense , In the defensive mode the ring enhanced the abilities but with the green ring they release their full power
      I hope Arkillo comes to help Walker in the next issue. I feel sorry for Shon , if a blue lantern loses the hopes their ring simply leaves him , just like in GL 42/43
      Overall very good number. Hope they can continue the good writing (and drawing). To bad that there's no Bleez' assshot, but maybe we'll get that in the next issues again. *lol*


      • #18
        Last issue's improvement was lost here. It felt like we went from the penthouse back to the shithouse. The art was passable (Why were there fillin pages in the middle of the issue?), but the story was a clusterfuck. "We interrupt your regularly scheduled Invictus story that was FINALLY going bring you this sloppily put together Blue Beetle crossover nobody asked for!"; they should have put that in a box on page one.

        As for the blues, Saint Walker is the only thing worth saving in that whole group. Kill them all off, dismantle the lame doppleganger organization and keep him. Make him a green lantern.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave View Post
          Last issue's improvement was lot here. It felt like we went from the penthouse back to the shithouse. The art was passable (Why were there fillin pages in the middle of the issue?), but the story was a clusterfuck. "We interrupt your regularly scheduled Invictus story that was FINALLY going bring you this sloppily put together Blue Beetle crossover nobody asked for!"; they should have put that in a box on page one.

          As for the blues, Saint Walker is the only thing worth saving in that whole group. Kill them all off, dismantle the lame doppleganger organization and keep him. Make him a green lantern.

          But I like respect your opinion or something.
          -His Divine Majesty King Groot the 23rd, Monarch of Planet X, custodian of the branch worlds, ruler of all he shades, flora colossus.


          • #20
            It was decent by new guardians standard.Not amazing though


            • #21
              Originally posted by Deadpool View Post
              So there is more than one blue beetle now? The next thing you know is we'll be getting red beetles, green beetles, and an entire beetle spectrum!
              This is not a new thing...the Scarabs not liking GLs was seeded way back in Infinite Crisis. And I'm 99% sure we've seen other Blue Beetles before...or maybe some other color.

              Originally posted by GLspotlight View Post
              I'm very happy that the Blue Lanterns continued to build after the Blackest Night and Gathlet and Sayd were both gone. I hope it really isn't the end of them next issue, we are losing corps left and right these days. Not that I'm not enjoy it, it just feels like a lot of decommissioning to make way for the 3rd Army story.
              Each of the Corps seem to be under attack.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Corwin View Post
                This is not a new thing...the Scarabs not liking GLs was seeded way back in Infinite Crisis. And I'm 99% sure we've seen other Blue Beetles before...or maybe some other color.
                There was a Black beetle in Booster Gold. And a red scarab is memory serves.

                Of course with the new 52 that entire plot is down the crapper.


                • #23
                  Enjoyable. But I am saddened that there is still no breakout issue of this series yet... it seems so tethered to "written for trade" and massive multi-issue arcs, exactly the thing DC promised wouldn't be the case upon the 52 launch.


                  • #24

                    Dammit, I missed this issue somehow. I was looking forward to this too.
                    Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

                    "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


                    • #25
                      One thing that really REALLY bothers me with this issue is that the Star Sapphires shouldn't be calling Yrra by the name of Fatality. I feel it just goes against what they believe in and it also just feels so impersonal.


                      • #26
                        Are we to assume that S.Walker & Arkillo are BFF's now??

                        Bring on CHAOS, bring on MY HAPPINESS, bring on rage ..Rage ..RAGE!!!

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