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Green Lantern: New Guardians #10 *Preview/Spoilers*

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  • #31
    I only had one book this week (not counting Alter Ego magazine which also came out) and I haven't been able to drum up the interest to drive to the comic store for one book that I'm not excited to read. Next week is a good week for me so I'll get it then.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave View Post
      I only had one book this week (not counting Alter Ego magazine which also came out) and I haven't been able to drum up the interest to drive to the comic store for one book that I'm not excited to read. Next week is a good week for me so I'll get it then.
      Really? It was a big week for me: 13 comics (usually it's more like 7).


      • #33
        I liked the issue and to some extend I like NG recently more then GLC because there seems to be more variety in the characters. GLC is IMO too focused on the story about John and this isn't been too good written (it's ok, but a little bit old fashioned and not surprising). Even though NG hasn't got the depth in every one of the characters, the variety comes with the different chars and their spectrum color. And the Line from Arkillo was great

        But, I don't believe somehow, that Larfleeze is behind all that.. hmm. To be honest, I had forgotton about him a little bit. Don't know if this is all his doing, but I wouldn't like it as an explanation because I don't concede him those powers somehow.


        • #34
          Originally posted by chosenone85 View Post
          Hammond doesnt have the Orange Battery anymore.
          Well, I guess I assumed Hammond has it, but I know Larfleeze doesn't. As far as I recall, Hammond ate it and Larfleeze has never gotten it back.


          • #35
            Larfleeze still has it.
            The last fan of 1990s comics
            Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


            • #36
              Originally posted by Gauntlet101010 View Post
              Well, I guess I assumed Hammond has it, but I know Larfleeze doesn't. As far as I recall, Hammond ate it and Larfleeze has never gotten it back.
              Larfleeze recovered it from the Book of Black. You may wanna go back at look at GL 64

