Sounds to me like something leading into an epilogue for a new Challengers from Beyond. DC isn't gonna waste a money-maker like Kyle for long. They'll make a new team, bring another one back, or start another war and stick him in a mini or maxi series. He was the draw for me in HJ&tGLC, Titans, the original Rann/Thanagar War, etc...
DC is likely gonna relaunch the Titans universe again. I doubt the current Teen Titans will run much longer and something more along the lines of the current Titans show will come out of the whole thing in the end now that Young Justice is being done by Bendis.
Kyle wasn't exactly indispensable in this arc, but it was decent overall. I'm guessing that DC will reboot their comics to have the Teen Titans characters mirror the live action TV show, so I'm guessing that Kyle is on his way into the GL book at some point.
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He'll be back when they have need of Guy John and the rest of the Corps. They aren't gone, just in the mothballs for a bit. A much needed cooling down period after years of misuse.
Johns is probably working on a script for the movie and a new GLC series pitch at the same time. I can't believe how similar the Shazam film was to his New52 reinterpretation of the character right down to the ending. Problem is now he's got Cruz and Baz to shoehorn in wherever he can, DC insisting on the only character trait in Kyle Rayner being that he's part Spanish, as well as Guy Gardner who's only character trait at a glance is red hair and a horrible haircut half the time.
If John Stewart wasn't a black guy he or one of the other Four Corpsmen might've been off'ed for good in the last decade or so and not in every GLC film description ever given since it was greenlit.
I still think Kyle could go to the future for an arc when the Legion returns. Why does it always have to be Superman, Supergirl, or some form of Superboy going to the future to spice things up?