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Kyle's Future... with Legion?!

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    Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    Why is it always Superman, Supergirl, or some form of Superboy going to the future to spice things up? In one of the last reboots DC attempted to use the missing GLC angle but the execution was poorly done and all we ever saw was a dumb looking Sodam Yat, Earth Man and Mon-El in horrible GL suits based on their Legion uniforms, and whatever the floating Guardian embryo Dyogene was supposed to be.

    Imagine for a second XS being a Legion member again. What if she were to go missing and somebody like say.... Bart Allen jumped to the future and became a new iteration of the Flash for one arc to find her and help the Legion? It sounds like a legit story that hasn't been played out over and over again like every other LoSH story ever to be note-worthy or mentioned in the cannon. Same thing would go for Kyle in the future. The GLC is missing. He would go to find out why, bring back the Corps proper, and help the Legion for like an arc or so.

    It's better than speaking Spanish in one panel of a comic in the last few months and being used as a background Lantern in larger shots of the GLC where's his costume always seems to be drawn incorrectly no matter the artist....

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  • Star-Lantern
    Weaponer of Qward

  • Star-Lantern
    The more GL's DC adds, the tougher and tougher it gets for the ones that are already there. Especially the ones that aren't Hal Jordan. What to do with Kyle Rayner? That's a good question. I don't think DC has ever really known since Hal Jordan came back. I don't think DC ever wanted to give him back his life in New York City because DC hasn't wanted to make him the Green Lantern of Earth or a member of the Justice League since Hal came back. As we've seen, DC would rather give that spot to Baz and Cruz than Kyle Rayner. Then again, I don't think Baz and Cruz were ever really meant to "compete" with Hal Jordan, so to speak, where as Kyle Rayner was made to usurp Hal, so giving them that spot was "safe".
    Weaponer of Qward
    Last edited by Star-Lantern; 03-08-2019, 01:57 AM.

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  • Andrew NDB
    Shot Caller

  • Andrew NDB
    Yeah, what a horrible idea. Every one of the last Legion reboots only lasts about a year before its inevitably cancelled. Kyle doesn't need another ship to go down on.

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  • Trey Strain
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Trey Strain
    I'm wondering how that would be "better" than Kyle appearing in Titans. If the objection to Titans was that it didn't give Kyle enough camera time, then Legion would be much worse for him, because it has a huge cast. He'd get lost in a Legion comic.

    Not to mention the fact that Titans is an established title, and Legion hasn't sold in a long time.

    Be careful what you wish for there. You might get it and not like it.
    Trey Strain
    Guardian of the Universe
    Last edited by Trey Strain; 02-18-2019, 04:55 PM.

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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
    That is accurate. I've read maybe five issues of the Legion outside of crossovers with books I was already reading.

    Ah, so Kyle would be like Bill and Ted and the LoSH would be like Rufus.
    Now I'm going to picture R.J. Brande as a younger George Carlin LMAO!

    But yeah, that's about as good a comparison as any.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    Originally posted by Ωmega Man View Post
    ...By the way you asked the question I'm going to assume you're not a Legion fan ...
    That is accurate. I've read maybe five issues of the Legion outside of crossovers with books I was already reading.

    Originally posted by Ωmega Man View Post
    ...Now what I'm proposing? The Legion members in the past finally come together to go back to the future to save it from this or that. Somewhere during a meeting of a few dozen heroes towards the end of Doomsday Clock one of the Legionaries could mention how there's no Corps in their future and Kyle could step in and get to the bottom of it, ultimately choosing to go to the future to bring back the GLC himself. . .
    Ah, so Kyle would be like Bill and Ted and the LoSH would be like Rufus.

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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    Originally posted by Michael Heide View Post
    Send Jessica to the Legionnaires. Send Simon to the 853rd Century (and don't give him a book).
    And keep Kyle on Earth, in the present.
    Asking for Kyle to be placed back on Earth is like asking for another book where Grayson stars as Batman. Both were good but their time is over and DC likely won't go for the same type of stories twice. I think a lot of what holds the second and third generation characters back is editorial is afraid of the classics being upstaged. The minute Grayson's super-spy comic became a hit under Tom King's pen the writer was moved to Batman proper. Nightwing will never outsell the primary Batman titles [Detective Comics and Batman] because DC won't have it. Any spin-off GL related titles will never be as good as the main title... again because DC won't have it. They probably lost their shit when HJ&tGLC started outselling GLs. That was more to do with the fact that HJ&tGLC was the more classic title and GLs was more like a spin-off featuring new characters.

    Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
    If the GotU and the GLC are wiped out again (which I wouldn't look forward to), why would they exist in the future? And if Kyle went for them there; (1) he doesn't really bring them back, he just moves them in time; (2) he'd be depriving the future of the GLC (kind of robbing Peter to pay Paul).
    By the way you asked the question I'm going to assume you're not a Legion fan and go into a bit more detail. I think you took something out of context...

    We have the Guardians and the GLC in the present, however in almost every Legion era I've read into the GLC is always wiped out. For whatever reason that's usually never touched on, the Corps was destroyed and that's part of why the Legion is so important to the 31st century.

    In the New52 series they actually try to go into it with Sodam Yat returning and looking a bit different, recreating what looks like a sentient not fully grown embryo of a Guardian called Dyogene, and trying to get the Corps off the ground recruiting.... Earth Man of all people as the newest GL. When he died the ring was passed on to Mon-El. And the series was cancelled before they could do anything cool with the story potential.

    Now what I'm proposing? The Legion members in the past finally come together to go back to the future to save it from this or that. Somewhere during a meeting of a few dozen heroes towards the end of Doomsday Clock one of the Legionaries could mention how there's no Corps in their future and Kyle could step in and get to the bottom of it, ultimately choosing to go to the future to bring back the GLC himself.

    I'm not saying make him a Legion member per se, but you COULD do that for a bit. I see it more or less like Kyle being the stranger in a strange land and an ongoing subplot in a new Legion series could be him taking steps to bring back the GLC in their future while also doing what he can to help the Legion and the United Planets.

    It has more meat to the story than say... Kyle's death being staged in a forbidden sector where its said he's an instrument in a 200 day war that's never going to be mentioned of again [despite being written by Tom King]. I'm not saying put Kyle in the Legion for keeps, but there's a good bit of story potential that could come from the GLC actually being reactivated during the same time as the Legion.

    Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe
    Last edited by Ωmega Man; 02-15-2019, 08:41 PM.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Skywalker View Post
    ...I'd prefer they stay vague about what has or will happen to the Corps in the next millenium, if only because later writers are going to jettison it from continuity anyway.
    Yeah, that's more my problem than Kyle just being in the legion, which could be fine.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    The GLC and Oans will probably be wiped out 147 times between now and the 31st century.

    I don't see why DC couldn't at least try Kyle as a Legion member in a relaunch. It could be interesting for a few years. When it gets stale, just bring him back. I'd prefer they stay vague about what has or will happen to the Corps in the next millenium, if only because later writers are going to jettison it from continuity anyway.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    If the GotU and the GLC are wiped out again (which I wouldn't look forward to), why would they exist in the future? And if Kyle went for them there; (1) he doesn't really bring them back, he just moves them in time; (2) he'd be depriving the future of the GLC (kind of robbing Peter to pay Paul).

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  • Michael Heide
    Heide Finition

  • Michael Heide
    Send Jessica to the Legionnaires. Send Simon to the 853rd Century (and don't give him a book).
    And keep Kyle on Earth, in the present.

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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    started a topic Kyle's Future... with Legion?!

    Kyle's Future... with Legion?!

    Kyle Rayner can sell a comic. Even when put with the left-over gimmicks TPTB tack onto Hal once in awhile Kyle can still sell a series. He's starred in several minis, ongoings, and one-shots. He's been everything from two versions of Ion, every colored Lantern in the spectrum, rewrote the book on White Lanterns, became an Omega Lantern for a brief stint, all before coming full circle and returning as a standardized GL with his most classic suit.

    But where could he go from here? What haven't the writers and editors done yet? I got to thinking... he's the 'Torchbearer'... if anything happens to the Guardians or the GLC he brings them back... why hasn't he been to the future to bring back the Corps? He's literally had this job for years and it never came across anybody's mind? It practically writes itself!

    I'm just saying, as a Legion fan and a Kyle fan I'd be interested. And most of the time we're never given a reason for why the Corps is no more. Kyle could quite literally go to the future and restart the Corps and resurrect some Guardians and face off against whatever put the last beating on the Corps in that time period. And since Sodam Yat is crucial in the future narrative make sure to reintroduce him, as well as Rond Vidar whenever Kyle is sent back to the past. Or be bold and pick another Legion member to be the Lantern of 2814, cause Earth Man and Mon El both just seemed to be a waste last time and both were boring with the ring. My pick would probably be Colossal Boy...

    Cosmic Boy: "Have you ever been to the 31st century, Lantern?"

    Kyle: "You ever been to the 853rd?"
