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Kyle is getting a new book.......

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    Big Blue Lantern
    Corps Honor Guard

  • Big Blue Lantern
    Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Skywalker View Post
    Yeah itll be suicide squad vs Robin's in the end.
    Which is exactly where we are now. I know that Batman has the largest amount of fans, but that Robin proposal looks like something that could be properly told as a backup story in 3 or 4 issues of Nightwing. Ugh.

    I just hope that this Kyle-Kilowog proposal sees the light of day somehow. Sina Grace really wants to give it a go.

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  • Tarmode
    Green Lantern Initiate

  • Tarmode
    Will Kyle and Princess Iolande hook up in the new book?

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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    Many of the books are still going to be developed, it's just the winner gets spotlight and first dibs at being completed. If nothing else I'd say it could be a backup in another GL title.

    I gave the writer a shot on Iceman even though I hated they made my ice guy gay. With all the angst and melodrama of being a recently open gay guy put to the side the rest of the book wasn't bad. IDK about Kyle sporting two different symbols now and 'Wog having white boots... and I'm not sold on the Effigy in a headband design.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Yeah itll be suicide squad vs Robin's in the end.

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  • Big Blue Lantern
    Corps Honor Guard

  • Big Blue Lantern
    Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Skywalker View Post
    That GL pitch will make it until it goes up against Robins. I would guess that one will win it all.

    If I was going to pick one it would be the Swamp Thing pitch done as a sequel to the House of Secrets #92 story.
    That's where we are now. I was convinced that GL lost to Zatanna because the Twitter votes were 60% in her favor, but Instagram and DCI put GL:UoF into the semis. I'm doing everything that I can to mobilize the troops on social media. This might be an impossible fight, but we're going to go down in a blaze of green light.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    That GL pitch will make it until it goes up against Robins. I would guess that one will win it all.

    If I was going to pick one it would be the Swamp Thing pitch done as a sequel to the House of Secrets #92 story.

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  • IonFan
    Forum Member

  • IonFan
    Originally posted by Big Blue Lantern View Post
    I'm doing everything that I can to rally the troops on Twitter. I'm worried about going up against Robins or JLQ. I've noticed that it has double the votes of any other contest. I don't know if that number is fans wanting to see an LGBTQ+ team (or homophobes not wanting it) or Batman fans trying to get another Bat title, but the winner of that might be the favorite to win the tourney.
    oh come on like JLQ is really gonna sell and do we really need ANOTHER Bat book

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  • Big Blue Lantern
    Corps Honor Guard

  • Big Blue Lantern
    I'm doing everything that I can to rally the troops on Twitter. I'm worried about going up against Robins or JLQ. I've noticed that it has double the votes of any other contest. I don't know if that number is fans wanting to see an LGBTQ+ team (or homophobes not wanting it) or Batman fans trying to get another Bat title, but the winner of that might be the favorite to win the tourney.

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  • IonFan
    Forum Member

  • IonFan
    Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
    Doesn't look like I can vote without an Instagram or Twitter account, but some of those ideas are ridiculous. I would've voted for Kyle from that list.
    yeah i don't have one ether........................

    Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
    Yeah, I'd vote if it was a simple internet poll, but I'm not creating a Twitter account just to do so.

    If the story weren't posted yesterday, I would assume this was an April Fools Day prank.
    wow i did not even think about that, to be sure some of them maybe jokes but i don't think the Kyle one is

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  • Mister Ed
    Horse of a Different Color

  • Mister Ed
    Yeah, I'd vote if it was a simple internet poll, but I'm not creating a Twitter account just to do so.

    If the story weren't posted yesterday, I would assume this was an April Fools Day prank.
    Mister Ed
    Horse of a Different Color
    Last edited by Mister Ed; 04-01-2021, 11:09 PM.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    Doesn't look like I can vote without an Instagram or Twitter account, but some of those ideas are ridiculous. I would've voted for Kyle from that list.

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  • IonFan
    Forum Member

  • IonFan
    started a topic Kyle is getting a new book.......

    Kyle is getting a new book.......

    but only if *we* support him

    DC is letting readers choose its next series

    Green Lanterns: Underworld On Fire

    A deadly outfit of space outlaws are razing the intergalactic underworld sector by sector under the command of a disruptive new kingpin, in search of an ancient payday worth becoming the target of every power player in the galaxy—including Sinestro! Green Lanterns Kyle Rayner and Kilowog are put on the case, but will Kyle be able to do this one by the book when he finds out who’s behind it all?
    some of these books don't sound worth a d@mn so i have hope, but still we should come out in force