Check out the March solicits. Blackest Night ends as a Green Lantern story, all in BN, GL and GLC! It's nice to see that the bloat of the past month or so will come back down to the core story.
The GLC solicit says:
Blackest Night comes to its epic and stunning conclusion in this over-sized issue as the Green Lantern Corps descends on Earth to make their final stand against Nekron and the Black Lanterns!
To me BN is clearly a GL/Hal Jordan event featuring the entire DCU and I love it finally after years of being in the sidelines or just forgotten about see COIE GL/Hal is at the forefront of DC biggest event in years good stuff.
If Blackest Night were exclusively a Green Lantern event, it wouldn't spill into any of the other books. So far, there have been multiple titles encompassing Blackest Night.
Which is exactly why they decided to change it from a Green Lantern story to a DCU story.
Not even a year ago they (DC) were still trying to decide if BN would have it's own mini or stay in the GL books. If it was "always" supposed to be a DCU event, why would they even consider keeping it in the two GL titles?
Since SCW, BN has not been talked about/foretold in any book except the GL books.....(until after they decided to make it DCU-wide to try and capitalize on all the crappy tie-ins they've put out).
If Blackest Night were exclusively a Green Lantern event, it wouldn't spill into any of the other books. So far, there have been multiple titles encompassing Blackest Night. While Green Lantern is at the core of the story with Nekron and the black rings, it is indeed a DCU event.
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Better than both the Salami and the Bologna combined
It's a DCU event, and I have no idea why anyone thought it was just going to be GL. Throughout the entirety of the previews and hype, all I kept hearing is how it's going to change death in the DCU forever. In order for that to happen, it needs to be DC wide, which it is.
Agree with this. DCU event, with roots from GL.
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Guest replied
Why did you think that? It hasn't been a secret that it would be a DC event. Even before the SCW they were saying that.
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