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The Ethan Van Sciver Talk Back thread

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  • Originally posted by Old School

    ethan, what are the chances of wally getting a new costume in flash rebirth? and will we see bart allen and max mercury as black lanterns?
    Originally posted by Ethan Van Sciver View Post
    Wally is getting a new costume, second question, no comment.

    Didio said at SDCC that Bart would be back in Legion of 3 Worlds. It seemed like a slip from the way it read but he still said it.

    Owned by Natu
    Last edited by Darth_Andrea; 08-01-2008, 05:14 PM.


    • Originally posted by Darth_Andrea View Post
      Ethan I was wondering, have you nad Geoff talked about Oa's resurection pre-Rebrth. I ask because of the Crypt Of The Corps, is it yours and Geoff's take that when Tom brought the planet back he recreated all the corpses that were in the Crypt as well or not? Also are Oa's sands still infused with power and a slight mix of the Rings AI as the were back in Vol 2?

      Andrea, I've never spoken with Geoff about any of that stuff...and the details about Oa are still kind of a mystery to me, having not read too many GL books myself. But I'm sure those things will be addressed to some degree by Geoff in the future.


      • EVS, it's been said a couple cons ago you literally said something to the effect of, "All confirmed dead DCU superheroes will come back to life in Blackest Night" at a panel. Can you confirm the "all" part of it?

        You've kind of acknowledged here that the Blue Lantern symbol may be at least somewhat based on Kyle's old ying-yang GL symbol, yeah? Without giving away the farm, can you give us at least a smidgeon of clues about the basis of the Indigo or Orange Lantern symbols -- even impossibly vague ones?


        • are you working on the art for blackest night now? if not when will you begin?


          • How did you ever pay for art school?

            ...Because I'm drowning here.......


            • Originally posted by Ethan Van Sciver View Post
              I would like them all to be called "(color) Lanterns." But Geoff is making those choices.
              I tend to think of the sinestro corps as yellow lanterns when I'm thinking about them, so I support you in that idea.


              • find it veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy interesting that ethan didn't comment on if max mercury and bart allen would be black lanterns....

                verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry interesting and exciting at the same time


                • ethan another question, setting aside that your working on the blackest night. In your opinion, which do you feel is the bigger project for DC FINAL CRISIS or BLACKEST NIGHT.

                  Now keep in mind, I didn't ask which would is better, but in dc eyes which is bigger


                  • Ethan I just want to give my congratulations for being named Wizard Fan Awards Favorite Artists Of The Year, And please pass along my Congrats to Geoff and Peter as well.

                    Big YAY!!!



                    • Originally posted by Darth_Andrea View Post
                      Ethan I just want to give my congratulations for being named Wizard Fan Awards Favorite Artists Of The Year, And please pass along my Congrats to Geoff and Peter as well.

                      Big YAY!!!


                      simply awesome
                      HUNDRED'S OF COMIC BOOKS FOR SALE!


                      • Congrats.


                        • ethan,
                          just wondering, how much collaboration is there b/t you, Geoff, and Moose regarding
                          the overall feel of the book. Do you sit down and discuss what mood/feeling/overall direction you're going for with regard to how your art and the colorist interact?
                          just wondering if you all had some agreed upon vibe you were working toward(other than making the coolest comics evah!!!)
                          p.s. congrats on the Wizard awards
                          also, i've never been that big a fan of the Flash( haven't read an issue in years) but i feel the $3 being ripped from my wallet as we speak for the FLash:rebirth-with you and Geoff on it this seems like a good time to jump onboard. Thanks for your time.


                          • Ethan, I don't think this would ever happen but what do you think of using the Firestorm Matrix as the source of some random Corps? I suppose it doesn't fit with the Emotional Corps - but his symbol could have also been converted into a Corps Symbol.

                            Also I would just like to see Firestorm & GL again - any chance of that ever happening again? Oh, and I just want to know what the hell the Firestorm Matrix is, but on that I'm sure you have no idea.

                            Last thing.

                            Ch'p & Bzzd = Major player Black Lanterns ?????? Please.
                            My Ketogenic Journey


                            • Ethan, something just struck me and I wanted to ask you about it. I have noticed that few of the GL's in the corps actually wear the mask's. was this a stylisitic decision to better help identify them in pannels or are did you all decide that the Masks should stay on Hal and Kyle for the whole secret Identity thing even when their out in space?



                              • Hey Ethan,

                                First off, I just want to say I think it's really great you take the time to come on here to talk to your fans. Shows you're a real class act.

                                I'm relatively new to "Green Lantern". It was "Sinestro Corps War" that made me a fan. So I'm only now going back to read "Rebirth" (after many months of trying to find it), and your art is just beautiful, dynamic stuff. From the big epic stuff like The Spectre battling Parallax, to the intimate character moments, you always strike the perfect tone. But my favourite single image has to be Hal Jordan's face being ripped in half, to reveal a leering Parallax underneath. Truly horrifying, right down to the details like the string of teeth (barely) holding the two shredded sides of Hal's face together. Brilliant stuff.

                                But enough butt-kissing! The question I had to ask you relates to a sketch you drew at a comic-con, that I stumbled across online:

                                I was very impressed with the picture, and it immediately made me think how absolutely TERRIFYING the prospect of The Joker with a power ring would be, the kind of things HIS twisted imagination could create. So my question is, do you think there's any chance we may see The Joker join the Sinestro Corps sometime down the line? After all, I doubt there are many beings in Sector 2814 who can instil fear quite like The Clown Prince of Crime!

