Originally posted by Ethan Van Sciver
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Originally posted by Andrew NDB View PostFor the record, I kinda like the Kilowog figure... but I agree it is a little off (my girlfriend was the first one to tell me that, even... and I was geeking out like, "No, it's Kilowog, he's fucking huge and massive, it's a badass figure!" and she'd simply tell me, "OK, well... but it doesn't look like him"). I would have certainly preferred either the standard leotard or the newer Hal GL suit for him, as it better accents his muscles and detail and all that, stuff that is lost when 90% of his body is just a black mass as it is with the Stewart costume.
Another question for you: Who designed the current Kyle costume, and what was the deal with the 3 shoulder bumps on each side? Were they there to begin with and you and Reis phased them out, or were they never there in the design, and it was just various Countdown/Challengers artists improperly drawing the 3 bumps on each side?
Personally I love the shoulder bumps (and I think some others do too). They're a piece of his Jim Lee suit, just a tiny piece, and it gives his costume a very necessary touch -- just a touch -- of his artsy side. Without them it appears somewhat plain, and a little too reminiscent of Hal's suit (and Kyle doesn't even get the dynamic lines on the gloves and boots that Hal's current suit gets).
Originally posted by Ethan Van Sciver View PostI had nothing to do with any of Kyle's costumes, I'm sorry to say. All of them have missed the mark for me, this one included. Jim Lee's version was nifty, but a little too busy. The Ion one was a mess...no one seemed to be able to keep it straight. People overthink Kyle. He should look like one of the Lanterns, like he belongs there, not like some eccentric sidekick for Hal.
And I really did love your polishing on Ion's costume in the Sinestro Corps War special -- badass.