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Larfleeze #5 Preview/Spoilers
Actually I really liked this one. The memory-reversal was great, I thought. Was the best since issue #1. The humor works for me, y'all sound like a bunch of cranky pants.
Nothing but squabbling among the OLC, Larfleeze's memories, and they are still talking about Wanderer and Stargrave in the background! Filler episode. Read it on the rack while the comic book store owner isn't looking. One star.
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This may be the first step to get rid of Larfleeze. His constructs regain life, they dispose of him, the series ends but the OLC is still intact.
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I'll admit that I'm somewhat intrigued by the notion of Larfleeze's "constructs" regaining life and turning the tables on him. However, I have zero faith that anything of interest will come of it in the long run, and I don't like Larfleeze enough to even BEGIN to root for him to escape or overcome them. It isn't a good sign when you find yourself thinking that you will be disappointed if the title's main character manages to overcome his current difficulties.
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Larfleeze #5 Preview/Spoilers
6*33.33%2**0.00%0***33.33%2****0.00%0*****33.33%2I suppose someone has to post a link for a preview to the GL book that nobody gives a crap about. edited by Mister.Weirdo; 11-26-2013, 02:13 AM.Tags: None
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