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Green Lantern Sales Numbers
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Originally posted by buffalorock View PostAre the numbers for the POTA/GL crossover fairly normal for a crossover like this? Seems comparable to the second Star Trek crossover but the first one I thought sold much better.
I don't know what the expectations are for something like this. Did they expect more or is this in the ballpark of acceptable?
Originally posted by "Chosen" View PostJust curious... have you two bothered to read the series or have you completely written it off because it features characters you don't want? Personally, I enjoy it more than I do Hal and the GLs.
As for GL, I really like both titles, especially the current story arc with Kyle and Soranik. However, I'm prepared for yet another GL reboot if each of the titles keep diminishing in readership.Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1
I agree that Venditti has been better on this volume, but both books do leave something to be desired.
For me, at least Green Lanterns is trying to expand the lore and history, even if it isn't the greatest read. I'm not the biggest fan of Simon and I kind of like Jessica but I don't despise them.
The pacing is too quick for Hal/GLC, I feel like the only way Venditti can have enough happen is with panels, panels everywhere, which would be jarring. He is good at squeaking an issue out with little impact or weight to it. This last issue was different with Soranik and Kyle, but even that won't last or will end in a predictable fashion.
That said, I get both titles and go to my store regularly. I can see why these books are falling in the charts but I think they could be much worse.
I was buying both of the current volumes up through November, which was what, #15 or so? Even after that I often flip through them on the racks to see what's going on.
I can't stand either of them for multiple reasons. Most importantly, neither of them were needed and there isn't enough room for more human GLs. They hog up an entire GL title, and are taking up the JLA spot. Hal now has to share a title with John, Guy and Kyle. AND all the other alien GLs. All four human GLs have their own fans who are getting shortchanged right now.
Second, I feel like they were both created as part of comics current diversity campaign. Johns wanted to get a muslim GL over with readers, and we got the story about how he was innocent of the terrorist crimes he was suspected of. Just ham fisted and eye rolling sh*t there. I never bought into his character after that. To me he will always be the character from an after school special where the audience is talked down to in order to educate them. Everyone knows all muslims aren't terrorists, but this one isn't an appealing character to me. Can't stand his costume either. Too busy. Too cluttered. The gun is stupid.
Jessica bothers me completely based on her character. The whole anxiety gimmick is eye rolling to me. I don't root for her to overcome her mental illness. In fact, I think its stupid to put the most powerful weapon in the universe on someone who is mentally ill.
In fact, both characters are kind of based on sterotypes. Muslim? Everyone thought was a terrorist. Women are crazy! And Jessica is very crazy. Hell, with her they didn't even say she was misjudged. That's not the readers playing with stereotype, but the publishers. same publishers who made Blue Beetle a mexican bug and the Atom a tiny asian.
I just want her to give her ring back and go hide in a closet for her final appearance. And Baz to lose his ring right before a black bag goes over his head and he is smuggled away to Guantanamo Bay where he is forgotten about. Cancel that title and make room for the four real Green Lanterns.
Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post...The gun is stupid...
Yeah, most of the baddies GLs face aren't going to be phased by a handgun, anyway. A spacesuit of some kind would be a much more practical life-saving backup.
Originally posted by Mister Ed View PostYeah, most of the baddies GLs face aren't going to be phased by a handgun, anyway. A spacesuit of some kind would be a much more practical life-saving backup.
They're never watched the sales of Green Lantern drop below 30K without doing something drastic.
It's time for them to admit defeat, tap out and reboot it. And without Geoff's oversight on the project, since it's entirely his concept of the property that's crashed and burned. There are many other things he can do besides that.
Originally posted by "Chosen" View PostWhat's easier to carry? A hand gun or a space suit? With him being a new guy I don't have an issue with him being ignorant to the fact that a gun wouldn't work, however I do remember an issue where the ring failed and the gun got him out of a jam. The recent development of him getting rid of the gun was nicely done in my eyes though.
I'm glad he got rid of the gun, but I'm not sure I think it was that well done (I don't remember thinking that when I read it, anyway. I recall thinking it was missing the point of why the gun wasn't necessary). I'd probably have to reread it to comment intelligently, though.
Originally posted by Trey Strain View PostThey're never watched the sales of Green Lantern drop below 30K without doing something drastic.
It's time for them to admit defeat, tap out and reboot it. And without Geoff's oversight on the project, since it's entirely his concept of the property that's crashed and burned. There are many other things he can do besides that.
They've completely botched using bigger threats in GLC currently, so TPTB are gonna think through either a reboot or adjusting the titles to what people would actually show up for month in and month out and not lose half it's readership in ten issues.
Hal and Kyle in the monthly on Earth and in JL / adult Titans books is a no-brainer. The two best selling GL's are suddenly in twice as many books? That's money in the bank.
John and Guy can be the Lethal Weapon team in space, Guy is more like Riggs anyway. TPTB need more structure in the GLC rather than trying to branch out and do a ton of shit we've already seen with the other Corps'. I'd make like a six page back-up tale in every issue of GLC showcasing a new alien Green Lantern.
Kill Baz.
Send Cruz to a team like Batman's Outsiders or let her be a background player in GLC.
Within three months, sales of HJ&GLC will drop below 30K. They WILL do something then. So what are they going to do?
First, they need to admit that even though Geoff sold a lot of comics for a while, his direction has failed decisively and that he needs to stay away from it.
Second, just do the obvious thing by putting Hal on Earth, Guy in space, John in JLA and Kyle in Titans or Teen Titans. Give non-Lantern roles to Baz and Cruz, maybe in the Bat books, which are big and popular enough to accommodate them. Flush the emotional spectrum, which petered out long ago. Bring back the Guardians but keep them off-camera most of the time. And don't make the property Hal-centric by connecting all the stories so that they revolve around whatever he does.
Third, reboot it when you do that, because of course the sales would explode as people would give it another chance. The property should never have been spared from a reboot in the New 52 anyway. If any fanboys throw a fit and threaten to leave because you reboot it, then good riddance to them. But they won't go anywhere.
There's nothing controversial about any of that. Not even remotely.
Both titles in the 31 and 32k range IS a sad sight. You would think DC would have gotten the hint long again and at least utilize to the go-to first step of creative team change. They haven't even done THAT yet, much less the next step of drastic change in the story itself. Lots of options still on the table to fix this mess.