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The Green Lantern News Discussion Thread

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  • What a creeper Sinestro is on that cover! He looks like he was just sniffing her shoes!


    • Looks like he's about to get some LOL



      • Comment

        • oh h@ll yeah awesome art is coming back to GL

          IonFan says

          MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


          • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post
            Hal Jordan wouldn't be caught DEAD wearing that jacket! Michael Jackson? Probably.
            I remember when I was a kid being able to walk into any Men's Clothing Dept and there were racks of Aviator Jackets for sale.


            • Yeah but THAT thing they were advertising wasn't an aviator jacket. Other than being brown (in one version of it), it didn't have much in common with Hal's jacket.


              • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post
                Yeah but THAT thing they were advertising wasn't an aviator jacket. Other than being brown (in one version of it), it didn't have much in common with Hal's jacket.
                That's probably part of the reason, though. Because if they tried to do a REAL Hal Jordan jacket, they couldn't charge any more for it than what people would pay for a basically identical bomber jacket that WASN'T a licensed product. (Well, they COULD, and probably SOME people would pay the extra just to have it be "official", but I bet a lot wouldn't bother.)


                • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post
                  Yeah but THAT thing they were advertising wasn't an aviator jacket. Other than being brown (in one version of it), it didn't have much in common with Hal's jacket.
                  What the Hell is that thing DC is trying to sell? It looks nothing like an Aviator jacket. Hal's jacket is just as iconic as his GL suit. Hell, its a major part of his backstory [It being his Father's jacket. And His Father giving it to him right before he died.] Assuming its still in continuity.


                  • Robert Venditti On the Rebirth of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps


                    • Supergirl and Red Lantern Supergirl are being added to Lego Dimensions.


                      • Originally posted by Hypo View Post
                        Supergirl and Red Lantern Supergirl are being added to Lego Dimensions.
                        I know some LEGO Dimensions fans that are kind of pissed about it, too, because they made it not only exclusive to PS4, but exclusive to the newest iteration of the PS4 starter set. So if you already have the game you are out of luck, even if you have it on PS4.


                        • Green Lantern November 2016 Solicits

                          GREEN LANTERNS #10
                          Written by SAM HUMPHRIES
                          Art by EDUARDO PANSICA and JULIO FERREIRA
                          Cover by ED BENES
                          Variant cover by EMANUELA LUPACCHINO
                          Retailers: This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.

                          “THE PHANTOM RING” part two! The Phantom Ring was never supposed to return from the place where the Guardians of the Universe hid it. Can Jessica and Baz control and contain its ancient power before it falls into the waiting hands of an unexpected new foe?

                          On sale NOVEMBER 2 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
                          GREEN LANTERNS #11
                          Written by SAM HUMPHRIES
                          Art by EDUARDO PANSICA and JULIO FERREIRA• #
                          Cover by ETHAN VAN SCIVER
                          Variant covers by EMANUELA LUPACCHINO
                          Retailers: This issues will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.

                          “THE PHANTOM RING” part three! The Phantom Ring has been claimed, but is its new bearer friend or foe of the Green Lantern Corps?

                          On sale NOVEMBER 16 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
                          HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #8
                          Written by ROBERT VENDITTI
                          Art and cover by ETHAN VAN SCIVER
                          Variant cover by KEVIN NOWLAN
                          Retailers: This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.

                          “BOTTLED LIGHT” part one! The Green Lantern Corps may be back up and running, but how will they protect the universe with the Sinestro Corps as partners? Plus, what happened to Hal Jordan—and who can bring him back from beyond?

                          On sale NOVEMBER 9 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
                          HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #9
                          Written by ROBERT VENDITTI
                          Art and cover by RAFA SANDOVAL and JORDI TARRAGONA
                          Variant cover by KEVIN NOWLAN
                          Retailers: This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.

                          “BOTTLED LIGHT” part two! The Corps is trapped in the Xudarian capital with a foe that suppresses willpower! And—Starro strikes!

                          On sale NOVEMBER 23 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
                          JUSTICE LEAGUE #8
                          Written by BRYAN HITCH
                          Art by NEIL EDWARDS and DANIEL HENRIQUES
                          Cover by FERNANDO PASARIN and MATT RYAN
                          Variant cover by YANICK PAQUETTE
                          Retailers: This issue will ship with two covers each. Please see the order form for details.

                          “OUTBREAK” part one! Someone is hacking into the Justice League’s computers, causing the Batcave’s weapons and security systems to turn against the Dark Knight and the Watchtower satellite to plummet to Earth—with Cyborg trapped on board.

                          On sale NOVEMBER 2 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
                          JUSTICE LEAGUE #9
                          Written by BRYAN HITCH
                          Art by NEIL EDWARDS and DANIEL HENRIQUES
                          Cover by FERNANDO PASARIN and MATT RYAN
                          Variant cover by YANICK PAQUETTE
                          Retailers: This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.

                          “OUTBREAK” part two! The Justice League is under attack from an unseen foe with a vendetta against Earth’s greatest heroes—someone with the power to reprogram Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz’s Green Lantern rings to kill any member of the Justice League.

                          On sale NOVEMBER 16 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
                          EARTH 2: SOCIETY #18
                          Written by DAN ABNETT
                          Art and cover by BRUNO REDONDO

                          Earth 2 as they knew it is gone, and a ghost world is all that remains. The surviving heroes have failed in their effort to save the world. As they struggle to accept the disaster they have caused, something in the phantom mist begins to hunt for them. In the Ghost World, no heroes can be allowed to exist.

                          On sale NOVEMBER 9 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
                          INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US YEAR FIVE ANNUAL #1
                          Written by BRIAN BUCCELLATO
                          Art by MIKE S. MILLER, MARCO SANTUCCI and XERMANICO
                          Cover by DAVID YARDIN

                          Catch up on three untold tales from the final year of INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US. Harley Quinn goes to The Joker’s oldest hideout only to find a band of ex-Joker lackeys have taken up residence there. Ares returns from his imprisonment on Apokolips to try and win the favor of Superman’s regime, but can anyone trust him? Black Lightning—not seen since Year One—switches sides and takes a leadership role in Superman’s plans to rebuild Metropolis.

                          On sale NOVEMBER 30 • 48 pg, FC, $4.99 US • RATED T • DIGITAL FIRST


                          • I really like that Green Lanterns cover


                            • Green Lanterns still suffering on the art. smh


                              • Originally posted by W.West View Post
                                Green Lanterns still suffering on the art. smh
                                Eduardo Pansica is pretty good though

