Hello ringslingers,
We've had a hard past three years (or longer) in Green Lantern from DCU. The collapse of multiple comics to just one The Green Lantern. Politically-correct plots and horrible, middle-school writing, hidden real-world agendas, tearing about the mythos of the Green Lantern Corps from the 1970s, let alone the 1980s, Lantern deaths, more Guardian deaths, rules changes, ring changes, and overall terrible art.
It doesn't look better for the next 12 months or so. The second issue of the third year of The Green Lantern has the Green Central Power Battery exploding, rendering 99% of GL rings unpowered (again). The "young", "new" Guardians of the Universe declaring "no more Torchbearers", or special GLs, or Honor Corps, etc. Magic saboteurs openly destroying a large section of the surface (and interior) of Oa in order to bring back a magical Chaos Age.
The recent "look into the future" by DC with one-shots in 2020 was also very insulting to Green Lanterns. Some hints that the other Color Corps may survive, from the Sinestro Corps and Jessica Cruz to a descendant of Superman being a Blue Lantern Corps member. We saw Red Lanterns on Oa in The Green Lantern #1 in 2021.
Why the decimating of the Green Lantern Corps so heavily in the last three months? We are all forgetting what the new focus for 2021 is: showing the rise of the United Planets for the 30th Century with the Legionnaires. That's been a big push in the Action Comics/Superman line, with Superboy bouncing back and forth from the 21st Century to the 31st Century and back again. As many readers recall, there were no Green Lanterns in the 30th Century, until Rond Vidar came forth as a "hidden" GL when wild magic became too much for the Legion of Super-Heroes.
The editors/writers of DCU, in my opinion, are moving the readers forward to such a future. Which means no Green Lanterns in any Earth-based superhero league or light-years close to Earth. The GLs, if the GLC is ever revised from what happened in issue #2 in 2021, will be like the Kyle Rayner days. As in, you're lucky to see one, let alone seven or ten of them. There were a few reboots of Ganthet wandering around the 30th Century during the Kyle years, or Oa existing as a desolate, desert planet without rings or batteries or even tombs. But no active GLs in the stories.
It looks like the best days of Green Lanterns, let alone Yellow Lanterns, Red Lanterns, Blue Lanterns, Larfleeze, etc are behind us. Green Lantern has never been a "leading" comic in comic sales, save for The Blackest Night crossover (which the movie ruined in time for The Brightest Day fiasco). It's time for the one-shots to rule Green Lantern readers. The United Planets, with the Legion of Super-Heroes, has been brought upon the stage, with subsequent cashiering of low-buying comic books.
"My" Green Lantern ended with the Cyborg Superman & The Phantom Ring plot in 2017.
We've had a hard past three years (or longer) in Green Lantern from DCU. The collapse of multiple comics to just one The Green Lantern. Politically-correct plots and horrible, middle-school writing, hidden real-world agendas, tearing about the mythos of the Green Lantern Corps from the 1970s, let alone the 1980s, Lantern deaths, more Guardian deaths, rules changes, ring changes, and overall terrible art.
It doesn't look better for the next 12 months or so. The second issue of the third year of The Green Lantern has the Green Central Power Battery exploding, rendering 99% of GL rings unpowered (again). The "young", "new" Guardians of the Universe declaring "no more Torchbearers", or special GLs, or Honor Corps, etc. Magic saboteurs openly destroying a large section of the surface (and interior) of Oa in order to bring back a magical Chaos Age.
The recent "look into the future" by DC with one-shots in 2020 was also very insulting to Green Lanterns. Some hints that the other Color Corps may survive, from the Sinestro Corps and Jessica Cruz to a descendant of Superman being a Blue Lantern Corps member. We saw Red Lanterns on Oa in The Green Lantern #1 in 2021.
Why the decimating of the Green Lantern Corps so heavily in the last three months? We are all forgetting what the new focus for 2021 is: showing the rise of the United Planets for the 30th Century with the Legionnaires. That's been a big push in the Action Comics/Superman line, with Superboy bouncing back and forth from the 21st Century to the 31st Century and back again. As many readers recall, there were no Green Lanterns in the 30th Century, until Rond Vidar came forth as a "hidden" GL when wild magic became too much for the Legion of Super-Heroes.
The editors/writers of DCU, in my opinion, are moving the readers forward to such a future. Which means no Green Lanterns in any Earth-based superhero league or light-years close to Earth. The GLs, if the GLC is ever revised from what happened in issue #2 in 2021, will be like the Kyle Rayner days. As in, you're lucky to see one, let alone seven or ten of them. There were a few reboots of Ganthet wandering around the 30th Century during the Kyle years, or Oa existing as a desolate, desert planet without rings or batteries or even tombs. But no active GLs in the stories.
It looks like the best days of Green Lanterns, let alone Yellow Lanterns, Red Lanterns, Blue Lanterns, Larfleeze, etc are behind us. Green Lantern has never been a "leading" comic in comic sales, save for The Blackest Night crossover (which the movie ruined in time for The Brightest Day fiasco). It's time for the one-shots to rule Green Lantern readers. The United Planets, with the Legion of Super-Heroes, has been brought upon the stage, with subsequent cashiering of low-buying comic books.
"My" Green Lantern ended with the Cyborg Superman & The Phantom Ring plot in 2017.