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Green Lanterns were not in the Legionnaires' 30th Century

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  • Green Lanterns were not in the Legionnaires' 30th Century

    Hello ringslingers,

    We've had a hard past three years (or longer) in Green Lantern from DCU. The collapse of multiple comics to just one The Green Lantern. Politically-correct plots and horrible, middle-school writing, hidden real-world agendas, tearing about the mythos of the Green Lantern Corps from the 1970s, let alone the 1980s, Lantern deaths, more Guardian deaths, rules changes, ring changes, and overall terrible art.

    It doesn't look better for the next 12 months or so. The second issue of the third year of The Green Lantern has the Green Central Power Battery exploding, rendering 99% of GL rings unpowered (again). The "young", "new" Guardians of the Universe declaring "no more Torchbearers", or special GLs, or Honor Corps, etc. Magic saboteurs openly destroying a large section of the surface (and interior) of Oa in order to bring back a magical Chaos Age.

    The recent "look into the future" by DC with one-shots in 2020 was also very insulting to Green Lanterns. Some hints that the other Color Corps may survive, from the Sinestro Corps and Jessica Cruz to a descendant of Superman being a Blue Lantern Corps member. We saw Red Lanterns on Oa in The Green Lantern #1 in 2021.

    Why the decimating of the Green Lantern Corps so heavily in the last three months? We are all forgetting what the new focus for 2021 is: showing the rise of the United Planets for the 30th Century with the Legionnaires. That's been a big push in the Action Comics/Superman line, with Superboy bouncing back and forth from the 21st Century to the 31st Century and back again. As many readers recall, there were no Green Lanterns in the 30th Century, until Rond Vidar came forth as a "hidden" GL when wild magic became too much for the Legion of Super-Heroes.

    The editors/writers of DCU, in my opinion, are moving the readers forward to such a future. Which means no Green Lanterns in any Earth-based superhero league or light-years close to Earth. The GLs, if the GLC is ever revised from what happened in issue #2 in 2021, will be like the Kyle Rayner days. As in, you're lucky to see one, let alone seven or ten of them. There were a few reboots of Ganthet wandering around the 30th Century during the Kyle years, or Oa existing as a desolate, desert planet without rings or batteries or even tombs. But no active GLs in the stories.

    It looks like the best days of Green Lanterns, let alone Yellow Lanterns, Red Lanterns, Blue Lanterns, Larfleeze, etc are behind us. Green Lantern has never been a "leading" comic in comic sales, save for The Blackest Night crossover (which the movie ruined in time for The Brightest Day fiasco). It's time for the one-shots to rule Green Lantern readers. The United Planets, with the Legion of Super-Heroes, has been brought upon the stage, with subsequent cashiering of low-buying comic books.

    "My" Green Lantern ended with the Cyborg Superman & The Phantom Ring plot in 2017.

  • #2
    I'm sorry that you don't feel that there is anything of value in GL anymore. Really, I hate it hear it when longtime fans are dissatisfied.

    Did you really dislike the Morrison-Sharp book? Nothing about Far Sector interested you? I'm guessing that if you like large-scale stories, ala the Johns era, then I can understand your disappointment. I don't think that is what Thorne has in mind, although I'm enthralled with what he's doing right now.
    Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1


    • #3
      For myself, I enjoyed Far Sector for the most part, though some stuff didn't make much sense (I still don't get the point of her special ring, other than conveniently setting her up to still have a working one in the current storyline.)

      Morrison's run was terrible. Deliberately weird merely for the sake of weirdness, opaque, and largely uninteresting.

      And the first issue of this new run was very promsing, only to immediately toss that promise out the window by destroying the Corps. I've had enough of a destroyed Corps. I'm not giving up yet, but I'm not even sure what they could do to make me like this direction.


      • #4
        Both issues actually read well, but I didn't like killing the guardian and I really hate yet again destroying the CPB and corps.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
          Both issues actually read well...
          Yeah, after Morrison, it was a breath of fresh air for it to be so straightforward to follow what was going on. To be honest, the story could have been about ANYTHING, and I would probably have viewed it positively just as a reaction to Morrison.


          • #6
            lol i "give up" on GL after The Phantom Ring event, didn't care for who was GLs at the time but then Hal came back but sadly the "art" was sh!t so i still didn't come back

            gave Far Sector a shot not cause of the story (got every issue and i still don't know wtf is going on) but for the art, i for one can look past the story and the GL (for a time) if the the art is good

            IonFan says

            MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


            • #7
              Originally posted by Big Blue Lantern View Post
              I'm sorry that you don't feel that there is anything of value in GL anymore. Really, I hate it hear it when longtime fans are dissatisfied.

              Did you really dislike the Morrison-Sharp book? Nothing about Far Sector interested you? I'm guessing that if you like large-scale stories, ala the Johns era, then I can understand your disappointment. I don't think that is what Thorne has in mind, although I'm enthralled with what he's doing right now.
              There's been too many rants about what DCU has "gotten wrong" with every storyline since Blackest Night. There are ways of keeping the Green Lantern Corps in the Green Lantern comic, with other comics like Justice League America having a GL on their rosters and not messing up the timeline and plots.

              As I said in my Far Sector #1-3 review, how does a power ring that doesn't need a battery but collects willpower on its' own get that willpower from a star system that has emotional zombies and no emotions? Argh. Such a plot hole.

              We have a "Teen Lantern" because...teens are cool! They're better than adults! Teens are smarter than adults! Teen rebellion rules! Bleah.

              The rings and batteries and Central Power Battery in the GL Earth One books actually had more logic than the mainstream GL series.

              I don't like any of the direction the DCU writers are going with Future State; all of them are "change for change's sake", with no respect for the time-travel stories of the past.

              Now, if somehow Hal Jordan gets Krona's Gauntlet again and remakes the Green Lantern power rings using it, making them better than Sojourner "Jo" Mullein's ring, and even revamping her ring, and Kyle remembers his power battery was made from the Central Power Battery, and does the same with other power batteries to make them independent, and a smaller, tighter GLC is born from the ashes, then I'll agree with the plot line. Maybe a thousand Kyles instead of 3600/7200 "unique to their sector" Green Lanterns.

              But remember: no Green Lanterns in the 30th Century.


              • #8
                Originally posted by jhpace1 View Post
                As I said in my Far Sector #1-3 review, how does a power ring that doesn't need a battery but collects willpower on its' own get that willpower from a star system that has emotional zombies and no emotions? Argh. Such a plot hole.
                Someone else can correct me if they think I'm wrong, but I was pretty sure the idea was that the ring was running off HER willpower, like it would slowly refill based on the strength of her will, then just store that energy so she could use it at some later time. So if she overused it, it would run dry and take a long time to refill. It just seemed like such an inefficient design, I couldn't figure out why they would make such a ring (other than somehow foreseeing that they would need it after the coming destruction of the CPB).


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jhpace1 View Post
                  As many readers recall, there were no Green Lanterns in the 30th Century, until Rond Vidar came forth as a "hidden" GL when wild magic became too much for the Legion of Super-Heroes.
                  Yes, there were Green Lanterns then. But then the GL Universo became a villain. I forgot what he did, but it was bad enough to cause the UP to ban all GLs from UP space.(which is why Rond had to hide being a ring-bearer) He revealed himself when 5 Legionnaires went to the end of time to kill the Time Trapper for murdering Superboy.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                    Someone else can correct me if they think I'm wrong, but I was pretty sure the idea was that the ring was running off HER willpower, like it would slowly refill based on the strength of her will, then just store that energy so she could use it at some later time. So if she overused it, it would run dry and take a long time to refill. It just seemed like such an inefficient design, I couldn't figure out why they would make such a ring (other than somehow foreseeing that they would need it after the coming destruction of the CPB).
                    I'm fairly sure that NK Jemisin didn't know about the battery destruction when she wrote Far Sector. That was Geoffrey Thorne's idea, and he told me that he has never met Jemisin. I'm guessing that Jo's ring being self-charging when not in use was just NKJ's way of saving the oath as a payoff at the end, which then became useful when Thorne made his proposal for GL.

                    What I'm wondering is if we'll ever get a continuation of the Guardian who decided to give Jo the ring. We got a glimpse of why she did what she did, but not too much info.
                    Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1

