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Sinestro help.

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  • Sinestro help.

    Hey Fanterns. I know this is gonna sound wierd but I need some Sinestro help. Can you guys post as many pictures of the Sinestro corps ring that you can find here? I am going to have one made and I woukld like some good refrence pictures. If you just remember a Issue where there is a good shot of it that would be helpful too. Thanks in advance .
    Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!

  • #2
    ......only If you tell me where you are getting it made...


    • #3

      It's basically a plain signet ring with the Parallax symbol on the face, that's what I used to make mine

      I used the symbol from the shirt as a template


      • #4

        Best I could find on short notice.


        • #5
          If it helps, I chose the last one there to make on my own. It's the first ring you fully see in the Sin Corps special.

          I think the artist just drew the Cyborg too close to the previous model. Those rings are wrong for the story.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Just don't make that horrible one from issue 26-27. That was the worst ring design I have ever seen before.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Limelantern View Post
              Just don't make that horrible one from issue 26-27. That was the worst ring design I have ever seen before.

              Funtastic fact! The three top rings in my pictre are of the SAME RING! It shows up to Amon first as the Silver Age jewel type. Then, as it flies off his hand it has the black and whie Sin symbol on it. Then, as it meets the Scarecrow it's all yellow!


              • #8
                Thanks. Keep them coming. As for posting the maker. I consider Green Fanterns Family and he has to prove himself before I promote him here. I will say this he has made my favorite of the Green Lantern rings I own. However just in case it was a fluke I don't want to run off at the mouth just yet.
                Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


                • #9
                  I don't think there's too much left to show. The origional Sin Corps ring looks exactly like his jeweled Silver Age ring. The other kind, the one yer best off making, looks like the circular GL ring with a Sin Corps symbol on it. But it hasn't been around for too long ... there isn't too much left to show.

                  I'll post some other yellow rings though.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    I like the ones with the sinestro corps symbol on them, finally a different logo than the GL ones and not as plain as the ones with just a jewel on it.


                    • #11
                      I can't wait till Blackest Night really kicks off, I want to see how these rings really work. We have seen the Yellow work very much like the Green but what about the Blue and the Sapphire. The Reds seem to um vomit up their energys...


