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Corps Cast! (The GL Corps Cast Podcast)

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  • The Green Lantern Spotlight Podcast Episode #31...PART ONE!

    Listen online here or download/subscribe via iTunes here.

    Part TWO coming very soon!

    Be sure to visit our friends over at the Comics Podcast Network.
    Last edited by W.West; 11-21-2009, 12:17 PM.


    • Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
      It'll be brought back... for the Lost Episode, Episode 18. Out in a couple days.
      Nice. I was actually happy when I heard Green Lantern related music in episode 30 but you just had to turn on your music Andrew .


      • #31 was good. I thought Eric did a really good job for his first time on the cast.

        Looking forward to #31 Part 2. I think I know who will be joining you guys.


        • Eric? Who the fuck is Eric?


          • My running thoughts as I listen to Episode #31 part A



            • *ahem* where was I?

              My running thoughts as I listen to Episode #31 part A

              The Booster Gold Reviews
              -none of you fuckers actually prepares for this podcast do you? How hard would it be to go into the recording already knowing who wrote/penciled the book? In fact... the host should fucking say "And now we review Comic Book A written by Joe and penciled by Shmoe"

              -West is right. All these tie ins are fucking bullshit.

              -Mew sucks. Don't let him review books. If you insist on letting him talk then you guys shouldn't interrupt him or insult him when he's talking. He can barely handle one train of thought as it is.

              -good job keeping your reviews short. Seriously.

              -holy balls shut the fuck up all of you about A NOSE!!! ENOUGH!!! Host... whatever your name is... step in and take control of this bullshit. Who cares? It's 6 fucking nerds picking apart minute fucking nothing!!! AGHHH SHUT UP!!!!! Jesus Christ. Review the fucking story.... don't sit there and tell us who you think drew each fucking panel!!! NOBODY CARES!

              holy shit. you're still all talking about this shit. you guys are fucking retarded.

              STOP IT!!!!!!!

              -Hey Eric... nobody gives a shit what you think about Booster. This is Kuhan talking about one issue.

              -Andrew!!! SHUT UP!!! The host is trying to take control back on the cast. This isn't the fucking Booster Gold/Dan Jurgens cast. I don't give a shit!!! SHUT UUUUUUP!!!!

              -oh. a fapping joke. hilarious.

              -Eric needs to like say you know like more you know?


              • Fuck I didn't mean to post that.. I wasn;'t done yet.... ok still going....


                • -Andrew on Booster ... a good set up?? It's a fucking Blackest Night Tie In!!! What setup... here's the set up... DC "Gimme your money!!" The Fans "OK HERE!!! WEEEE"

                  -More fucking speculation based on nothing... shut up shut up shut up

                  -Holy shit. Honestly. Eric... if you say "I don't know like I don't know and like" one more time I'm ranking you lower than Mew on the podcast.

                  -that's it. You're officially worse than Mew.

                  fuck this.... I cannot listen to another word about this stupid issue... I"m fast forwarding...

                  OK... fast fowarded to the 25 minute mark... and you ass clowns are STILL TALKING ABOUT FUCKING BOOSTER GOLD!!! This shit is unacceptable.



                  • OK... onto the part where you guys talk about REBELS #10

                    -Seriously you guys. Stop interrupting each others reviews. Just fucking let each other get the thoughts out. Mew was actually giving a perfectly fine review but then the fucking chaos breaks in and HOLY SHIT DID MEW JUST SAY HE DOESN'T HAVE A LICENSE?!

                    -ok... Mew's review is now almost 5 minutes long. That's how long it takes me to fucking read a comic book. Keep them shorter. I actually DON'T blame Mew for this....

                    -Here's why I like West. He's straightforward. His review was about two minutes long. Which is PERFECT. He didn't go off on tangents or break anything down too much... he just FUCKING REVIEWED THE BOOK.

                    -OK Kuhan is taking too long and you guys are just blah blah blahing again so I'm zooming ahead...

                    -Holy shit... Kuhan your review was like 8 minutes long and you didn't say shit.

                    -Eric is up again. I can't handle anymore "you know like I don't know like you know" so I'm skipping ahead.

                    Fuck it. I honestly can't listen to this shit anymore. I'm out.

                    You guys need to get this shit under control. Tighten it up. It'll make editing it easier and it'll be a better listen.

                    PART TWO of this podcast better be a whole lot better or I'm never listening ever again.



                    • Without the increased font sizes, swear words, Mew/Eric bashing..I completely agree with you.

                      We will continue to adjust your show until we provide the show we truly want and fans like us deserve. We hope that all of you will continue to listen and enjoy the content we provide.


                      • If you fast-forwarded through my review, other people were probably interrupting me the whole time.

                        Originally posted by W.West
                        DID ANYONE READ THE ARTICLE?!!!!!!


                        • The Green Lantern Spotlight Podcast Episode #31 PART TWO

                          Listen online or download/subscribe via iTunes here.

                          Listen to our friends over at the Comics Podcast Network.


                          • The description on iTunes makes this sound HILARIOUS!


                            • "Hug it out, bitches!"

                              That was the funniest shit ever.


                              • The Naysay Corps War has begun.

                                Who's joining?

